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Poems From Hell

dark deeds

All poems copyright 2002

Satans Wing
blood it drips from my hands
I stand unremorseful over a mutilated corpse
I have only seen this moment in my dreams
my first taste of blood so sweet as it drips off my fingers
now my night of Mayhem and carnage have begun
I been bitten with the fangs of immortality
this work of art I carved from flesh is only a start
long after this warm flesh rots I will live and take lives
oh the taste of blood is sweet please let me have some more
I'm like an addict after his first hit
I have sucked it in and the feel such pure bliss that I know I'll be back again.
running down some poor girl who picked the wrong path on her way in the night
Oh lucifer thank you for this blood
You have given me the sweet sweet essence of the soul
Off to the night, my hunt continues
won't you be my next victim
I may have had a little drink but it's not quite intoxication
Come to me children of the night and I will drain your soul

The Bugs
a very foul smell
rotting and decay
torn open intestines
the bugs arrived today
lying motionless
peaceful and serene
when saw the bugs
I felt great unease
The grim reaper paid a visit
about some time last week
all thats left is rotting
certainly deceased
Grisly rotten meat
baking in the sun
cooked up medium rare
a fine meal for the bugs
it's definatly over
this man will be no more
death it is final
we all will meet this end
the bugs are coming for you
they'll be here soon my friend