Tag Line : For god's sake, get out! |
No sooner do they move in though, then all sorts of weird things start happening. Doors and windows slam shut and appear to jam themselves closed. Swarms of flies appear at the back window of one of the rooms, irrespective of the time of year. The occupants hear voices and the local priest (Rod Steiger) visits and suddenly becomes violently ill, after also claiming to hear voices. Eventually they discover a room behind a walled off area of the basement, which they believe was part of the old building that once stood there, which happened to be an institution for the criminally insane. They then discover an old well under the floorboards, which James Brolin falls neck deep into, before finally abandoning the house during another ghostly attack. Whilst the movie offers one or two genuine chills, the plot seems to drag along at a snails pace never really amounts to anything. All in all, watch able but relatively dull and boring. Overall Marks : 4/10. |
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Buy Online. Buy the UK DVD (2-disc spec-ed) Buy the UK DVD (2-disc spec-ed) Buy the US box set (parts 1-3). Notes on affiliate
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Other films in the series. |