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Name: Amber Maxwell
Birth Place: Great Falls born and raised(miss it like hell to)
Nicknames:Bert(don't ask),Junil,Rogue,Mocha,Bear,Hunny,and so on and so on...
Eye Color: Blue with a yellow hue around the pupil of my eye
A Little More About Myself: Lets see what else is there to know about me....Well first I'll explain the pictures I have on here..Up top you have Rogue...Givin the nickname Rogue because I carry a lot of her characteristics..I admit when I got the name I didn't exactly understand at first,but as time went on I understood how people could compare me to her..Then at the bottom you have Tifa...You don't even want to know why I got that nickname..*shakes her head laughing*....To my friends who gave me my nicknames all I can say is...What in the world were you guys thinking when you called me Tifa?? lol....And also to my friends...I owe you a great debt of thanks for saving my life...Without each one of you I wouldn't be here today...Much Love to you all you know who you are.:)....Welp thats it for now I'll add more sometime later....BYESSSSSSSSSS*Kisses and Hugs*..Oh and God *looks above her* Thank You most of all for the people in my life...And take care my grandma for me....*wipes a tear and finishes*