Income Tax Talk

According to:

Genesis 47:20-26 [reminding us that Pharaoh at the time of Joseph the Hebrew required an income-tax equivalent of 20%, or 1/5], and

Romans 13:6-8 [where Saint Paul tells us to pay taxes to whom taxes are due - as for local, county, state, and federal protection and provision],

it would be far less complicated for the general public to simply pay an automatically-deducted 20% sales tax (i.e. FairTax) on all their purchases of items (not services) at the time those items are bought....then have that money, the date and location of purchase, identity of purchaser, etc. electronically and immediately sent to a huge central IRS-type computer so IRS-type accountants would be able to instantly compile a real-time record of all general-public consumers. Such would also promptly expose terrorists or fugitives with criminal records wanted for apprehension, missing children, etc.

The money obtained from such a procedure would be accumulated and readily available for congressional expenditures, social security and medicare, etc. and would eliminate the need for the annual tedious, confusing, unfair, individual-citizen hard-copy paperwork of Form 1040 and myriad other complex, nitpicky, and difficult to understand forms.

The present Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax-code system would have fewer objectors if the Cutoff Minimum Taxable Income was $10,000 instead of the present $3000 or whatever...and personal exemptions raised to the same amount.

Conversely, the present IRS system could be worsened by lowering the minimum taxable income, eliminating all personal exemptions, and forcing no one to get any refunds ever at all.

Although other means to do it are available, the annual burden of filling out and filing tax forms has some benefit of:

1. forcing people to see and re-evaluate where and for what they spent their money, helping them discover what should be supported vs. what should be cut in their next budget, and

2. forcing people to save a little out of each of their paychecks (which money they would otherwise spend and not build up any savings)...thus giving them a much-appreciated annual refund on what the IRS has caused them to save.

As it is presently, however, people do NOT get back ALL the money that the IRS takes out of their paychecks.

This SEVERLY dampens CREATIVITY, squelches a spirit of enterprise, and deadens the desire to become employed - with the knowledge that what they would work hard for would be confiscated socialistically by income taxes and diverted to SECRET INSIDERS and DISCRIMINATORY PORK-BARREL WASTE of giveaways to those minorities (e.g. women, blacks, homos, non-English-speaking foreigner immigrants and illegal aliens, evolutionists, abortionists, atheists, porno-artists and models, etc.) who do NOT DESERVE taxpayer funding, grants, nor subsidies.

Consequently, we are experiencing a downward-drifting economy, increasing debt, layoffs and downsizing of companies, jobless unemployment, dependence on foreign imports, and much more - far worse than any depression.