Like most everyone else around me, I am caught up in the vivid memory and and discourse about what electronic and newsprint bad-news network media (who I both dislike and distrust) have barraged me and my neighbors with: that 9112001 massive terrorist planes-and-property vandalism occurring in and near New York City.

On the POSITIVE side, I guess I see some GOOD things came out of this:

1. The hijacking suicidal terrorists used Sarah-Brady RAZOR BOX CUTTERS instead of handguns, which should put a cork into the mouths of gun-control anti-gunner groups like Handgun Control. Too bad the civilian passengers on board the decimated aircraft were not carrying handguns on those planes, with explicit encouragement to freely use them without any criminal or civil entanglements of harassment, discrimination, criminal assault, or criminal liability IMPOSED on THEM (being that if innocent-passenger firearms HAD freely been used by the law-abiding against the crazies, American and United would still have their multi-million-dollar jets intact, and the World Trade Center Towers plus the Pentagon would have not been damaged).

2. The suicidal terrorists murdered themselves in the collisions and crashes, which obviously means that there are that many fewer terrorists around to randomly terrorize whoever, whenever, and wherever anymore -- a cut-and-dried case for PROPER capital punishment.

3. When all the debris and garbage is cleared after the Twin Tower demolition, there will temporarily be more parking space in crowded Manhattan.

4. The World Trade Center towers were TOTALLY demolished without incurring any construction-crew costs (saving taxpayer money) -- which is less embarrassing than seeing them with profound holes defacing them. New York City is already rife with graffiti.

5. Clearly, such towers as were felled completely did not have to have explosives detonated at the underpinnings on the lower levels of such buildings to completely crumble. Intense heat from explosive flaming aviation fuel can and did soften internal steel infrastructures enough to cause the weighty top parts of the skyscrapers to collapse upon the lower parts.

6. The bizarre sudden devastation on the morning of 911-2001 took our minds off Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Timmy McVeigh for a while, and on antisemitic arab Israel-haters (WORSE than Nazis) with their BLASPHEMOUS and SATANIC pseudo holy-war insanity and stupidity.

[NOTE]: Those 50%+ New Yorkers who deliberately voted for Hillary Clinton paid the price, and Rabbi Kahane's fatal gunshot wound in the neck (when he was in the Big Apple) by an Israel-hating assassin has and will continue to be avenged to the satisfaction of those who believe that the elect remnant of Christian and Christian-to-be Israel deserve to survive - which Jews are beloved for the sake of their whom belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, the promises, the patriarchs, and of their race [according to the flesh] is the Christ....and who are entrusted with the oracles of God [who is over all, blessed forever] (Romans 9:4-5).....something Hitler did not and the PLO does not acknowledge.

7. New York cops told United Nations security officers to get out of the United Nations building -- a refreshing change from U.N. officials telling American police where to go.


1. The bare-armed STATUE OF LIBERTY was not demolished INSTEAD by the wacko kamakaze hijackers. That IMMODEST bare-naked-armed embarrassing statue [concocted by some pervert-artist frenchman and perched in everyone's view in the harbor] is a nude-armed INDECENT disgrace, which obscenity would have made a much more suitable (!) target. Perhaps the LORD will damn the hijackers even more for THAT on Judgment Day, with their eternal torture in everlasting hellfire thus being that much more severe.

2. Throwing-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater airport-security restrictions are more and more being IMPOSED against EVERYONE by devoid-of-the-Spirit over-reacting indiscriminators without PROPER [Christian] discernment. If not guns nor knives, will future hijackers instead use a thousand and one OTHER HOUSEHOLD items to impolitely, rudely, unexpectedly, instantaneously, and ruthlessly disrupt another flight into disaster? Will intercepting helicopters be used next? Missiles or homemade lasers? Electromagnetic surge weapons shorting out delicate electronic components in sensitive equipment?

One does not silence shrieking-brat toddlers [not PHYSICALLY punished by their Kid's-Rule, Fearful-Against-Being-Accused-Of-Child-Abuse attention-craving, anti-discipline, sometime-immodestly-attired wimpish mothers] by simply threatening to take away their toys.

What protection is there against a suburban loonie aiming his one-person surface-to-air Stinger missile at some ascending or descending aircraft taking off or landing at a nearby metro airport? What about vulnerable electric-power generating plants, substations, and power lines? How about poisoned water supplies, car and truck bombings of refineries and service stations, molotov firebombs thrown against residential houses at two or three in the morning (Red-Dawn-movie style), or smashing windows or slashing tires of isolated parked cars in the suburbs?

3. Talk of formally declaring war against sovereign nations is being bantered about, and when there is a Formal Declaration of War, OTHER countries with their nuclear-arsenal military get involved on either one side or the other. With arabs holding America hostage and over a barrel pertaining to imported oil, and sheiks acquiring possessing SIGNIFICANTLY-HUGE megacorporations and MASSIVE monetary holdings in America and overseas, perhaps the Saudis would ally with Saddam of Iraq (and WHO was he who ordered Haifa and Tel Aviv targeted with Scud missiles during the Gulf War?) along with other anti-American islamic-jihad Hezbollah and Hamas our detriment.

IF we ARE officially AT WAR (and HAS Congress REALLY done THAT yet?), WHO EXACTLY are we now at war against? And for WHAT has Congress unanimously allocated over $40 billion to the Pentagon and homeland defense industries? So far, it only sounds like a lot of bind-and-restrict-the-law-abiding huff-and-puff for public pacification, with a few explosives uprooting the remote-terrain sands Afghanistan with some shuffling of a few U.S. aircraft carriers.

4. As of this writing, balding-or-short-haired Arafat (chief Israel-hater and satanic pope of rock-throwing, machine-guns-firing-into-the-air anti-Israel/anti-America PSEUDO-palestinians) will probably NOT be arrested and brought to the Hague to stand trial as an antisemitic war criminal....and bombing the sparsely-populated countryside of where bin Laden was but no longer is will not personally execute and exterminate him who is reputed to be a terrorist mastermind.

5. American women will continue to misdress like indecent mopheaded, sleeveless, bare-legged, and sockless playgirl whores (especially during summer) in arrogant feminist-sexist belligerance -- self-righteously excusing themselves and misrationalizing their sick and disgusting perversion away. Consequently, abuse and defiling porn websites will stay on the internet, along with triple-X videos for rental and purchase in video stores across the land; homos will continue to lust after their own gender; myth-presuming anti-creationist evolutionists continue to disbelieve, harass, and persecute creationists and blatter out anti-Genesis heresies; abortionists continue to murder non-born human babies; demented democrats (with Jeffords-type turncoat republicans) will still vote wrong TFK-and-Wellstone-style; impatient motorists will still break the speed limit and tailgate; divorce lawyers still procure cheap and quick divorces for the insubordinate, chauvenistic, rebellious, and immoral sexist feminists - thus wrecking families; injury attorneys will sue for clients which clients (in all fairness) should have themselves watched out where they were going and what they were doing. Christians will continue to get laid off and fired from employment for witnessing (as the Restraining Power is also being removed by the death of old saints who once had more property and money than younger more idealistic Christians); unemployed Christians will be reluctant to re-enter an anti-Christian workplace or submit to authority of and cold loveless ridicule by educrats requiring irreligious non-diverse/not-diverse-enough public-school brainwashing mis-called education; big-shot smokers will still pollute the environment with cigarette and cigar stink; and the American Criminal Liberties Union, National Organization against Women, People against the American Way, Adversaries United for Separation of Church and State, A-hole Atheists, and Planned Parentlessness will continue to bother, disturb, trouble, and frighten whoever to remove public displays of the Ten Commandments -- thus quenching the Spirit (I Thessalonians 5:19), suppressing righteousness (Romans 1:18), and so repeatedly causing Columbines, McVeighs, and worse.

If the Great-Satan-hating Taliban wants to hate those WORTHY of being hated and terrorized, the aforementioned creeps would adequately qualify quite nicely....along with anti-Christian media editorialists and PSEUDO-christians who blasphemously and irrationally forgive (with no capital punishment) relentlessly-impenitent mass murderers hell-bent on murder no matter WHAT. To Hades-headed vermin presuming that everyone in the world plus Satan himself will be saved, such vile unconditional-love filth-and-vomit theology is perfectly normal and acceptable.

Keep in mind that passports and driver's licenses which the hijacking terrorists had were EGYPTIAN and SAUDI - not of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, nor especially Israel. El Al Airlines profiles, detains, and thoroughly interrogates ARAB muslim/islamic suspects and intensively searches all THEIR luggage items and carry-ons (in SPITE of ANY and ALL pushy and impatient remarks to get going, let's get on with this so we can get this over, being that I'm in a hurry, and other rude disallowing ALL last-minute-boarding standby-if-there-is-room INTRUDERS.

A man of great wrath will pay the penalty; if you deliver him, you will only have to do it again. (Proverbs 19:19 - RSV)

Because sentence against an evil deed is not done speedily, the heart of the sons of men is fully set to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11 - RSV)

But do not expect SUBVERSIVES of and in America or elsewhere to get the point or believe this:

Evil [men] do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it perfectly. (Proverbs 28:5)

The military establishment - who perhaps lied as Enemies-Of-The-State-movie-reminiscent got the FAA and NTSB to lie about a possible covert military-coverup arms-for-money accident involving a multi-witnessed stray missile bringing down TWA Flight 800 - probably knows about how to bring down hijacker-piloted planes headed for a full in-session assembly of Congress, the President present inside the White House, or a stadium full of Black-Sunday-movie-similar Superbowl fans, which is no Airplane-movie farce or comedy.

In Christ's overall plan for true Christians, for whom all things work together for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28), the spectacular foreign-war terroristic destruction for the first time in American history on the territory of the continental United States (something the Japs and Krauts never once did during WW II) and against such a gigantic and obvious vital target in the most important city of North America -- was a blessing in disguise, and antisemitic anti-Christian imbecile terrorists did the cause of international antisemitism great harm and disfavor in enraging both the wealthiest and thus most lethal enemies in the world against RANDOM Wall-Street/Stock-Market terrorist destruction (disrupting global commerce over the entire planet)...AND arousing to now-at-maximum-trigger-finger-alert domestic and international law-enforcement, the likes of which never has been, resulting in temporary silencing and consequential defunding of Jew-hating terrorists everywhere from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Iran to Pakistan to Egypt and Saudi Arabia to the Gaza Strip....and thus phenomenal temporary protection for both Christians and Jews -- not to mention shutting up the anti-righteousness liars and deceivers of seditious media rebels and other anti-Israel/anti-Christian crud especially in this country.

I have heard rumors that certain U.S. companies (perhaps even a few who had their headquarters in the now-nonexistent World Trade Towers) contributed to kamakaze terrorist shenanigans with their military-equipment contract sales to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and God knows whoever else harbored such terrorists and were the highest bidders with the most dirty money.

History repeats itself in the recollection of U.S. companies back in the 30s selling scrap metal to Japan, which Tojo and his cohorts used to build fighter planes and bombs to sink the fleet at Pearl Harbor.

Though terroristic acts cause de-stablization of the status-quo, successfully-totalitarian conquerors realize that political, military, and economic takeover of the masses can only be done by orderly establishment of what is already in place and utilizing who or what are already in operation providing for the people's needs!

Adolf Hitler (leader of his terroristic polical-party gang of Nazi-Brownshirt thugs) eventually had to get and got the respect, cooperation, and even fanatical adoration of the German military, industrialists, and even Jew-hating religious common folk to rule the Reichstag. Such analogy applies to an Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein types who would acquire leadership over the OPEC oil cartels, the United Nations, etc. and will eventually do what Hitler and his elite black-uniformed Gestapo suddenly did without warning to bullyboy Brownshirt thugs (who helped Hitler get into power) - which thugs had, again, terrorized German shopkeepers, churchgoers, the rival Communist Party of Germany, and important others - and which thugs became an intolerable embarrassment and disposable hindrance to the growing success, reputation, and commerce of the proud and classy new Nazi Party hierarchy soon becoming even worshipped with fervent devotion by Nazi-flag-waving right-hands-raised throngs of Germans suffocating with WWI-defeat Versailles-Treaty-exacerbated unemployment, inflation, and staggering debt...while Lutheran and Catholic German church people could say little against a surveillance-and-security-minded fuehrer who put homos and porno-king jews in concentration camps.

Soon, the fire of not Nazi nor U.N. but American candle-lighting and flag-displaying patriotism (among many who refuse Christian national prayer to Jesus Christ and substitute flag-waving displays of loyalty and allegiance to The State, instead) will quietly ebb away into smoldering embers, as everyone in previously-fearless neighborhoods across America nervously awaits nothing more nor worse happening. Besides the simon-says/monkey-see-monkey-do imitation conformity-imitation fad, candles have been lit to represent and remember the non-extinguishable souls of the dead, plus are a cautious and low-profile defiant third finger raised to all future would-be terrorists that if electric power goes out, we still can burn candles. Flag flying also REPRESENTS a relatively safe defiance -- as if to say to all prospective terrorists: Hey, here I am, a patriot - you surprise-attack jerk, you terroristic idiot! Choose ME to screw with, and I'LL show you how FAST I will call the POLICE against you, or even SMASH you MYSELF! Moreover, flag display shows the agitated and possibly-scapegoat-seeking FBI and everyone ELSE suspicious of WHOEVER that: I am true blue. You can trust ME. So leave ME be! As the mistrusting do their daily things in the gradually but quickening march to Antichrist and False Prophet deception with ultimate world-conflict Armageddon.