TED. TED , KNG OF THE DEAD works at the fiercest shop in Las VEGAS, NEVADA.......STARBORN TATTOO. His work, (just like his name) is different from alot of the generic meanderings that permeate the tattoo trade. Says our Necromatic King.... “I like to do things differently. I like to do things in a kind of ‘non-generic’ way... and do stuff that no one has seen before. You know, do something new and improved instead of the same -old , same-old, youre always seeing over and over again.” The guys he works with razz him about his name. We asked him where he got it and he told us this”Well i knew this chick in Racine and she used to have this rhyme about me that went something like this:Ted , Ted, king of the Dead, Ted Ted, who gives good head. Ted, Ted, wholl take you to bed....and so on. Then I was telling my girl Justice about this rhyme , I just mentioned it one day and Justice went off and said “You have to use that for your tattoo name” ....so it was really her idea that I use it......the guys I work with razz me about it but they really do dig it though! " TED works with some of the best tatooists in the business. Cornfed James , originally from TEXAS and owner of STARBORN TATTOO. And MAGIC, best known for doing some the best black and grey pieces around. Ted says of his inkin-buddies ....“ I pick up alot from the guys I work with.Im always watching them and asking questions .I study what they do cause i know they are the best and I want to pick up as much as i can from them....and learn from them. In the future Id also like to do guest spots here and there...... so that I can learn from alot of other artists too.” Ted likes the art of Dali, Picasso and Rembrandt . His tastes in music are not quite so sedate however. His music of choice blasts alot of hardcore noize, as bands like “SORETHROAT” , "NEGATIVE F X" , "DELTA 9"and "CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER" all can be seen on his CD player . Ted tells us about Bill Bonnar. “Well I have this friend in Wisconsin . His name is Bill Bonnar and he can take ink better than anyone I know. I must have tattooed him already like over a hundred times. I can tattoo him like 8-10 hours at a time ...and he wont even flinch. He’s a big guy, around 300 pounds, and when he talks his eyes get all big and crazy. But he’s a real tattoo fanatic. And he has hundreds of them. Hes very serious about his ink. Walks the walk. Its like a religion to him. Yah, a religion. Im the preacher and he’s in the choir.” “I like doing big pieces. Really big pieces. Right now im working on this huge Japanese coy fish on Sharons leg. I t will take about 4 sittings. The piece is the entire back of her calf.She's not a small girl, she has big calves. It will be real nice when its done. Alot of bright colors, I like bright colors.Ive already tattooed everyone in my family . Both my brothers have big pieces on them and even my mom now has two of my tattoos on her. " "My mesage, if I had one, would be ....to just FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. If I wouldn't have followed my dreams , or followed my art, none of this would have happened. I suggest all of you out there do the same thing. Dont let anyone else tell you it cant be done.Cause it CAN BE DONE!!! Just go out and do it, go out and get it, ......... and go out and grab it...by the balls.
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