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{IMG - Bloodstorm poster}
The above picture was taken from the GOREZONE.

Click here for pictures, sounds, and music.

or here for information on the DVD.


Radu (Anders Hove) - everyone's favorite master vampire.

Michelle (Denice Duff) - don't worry..Michelle hasn't gone through another genetical change.

Ash (Jonathan Morris) - a very obedient version of the man you loved to hate.

Serena (Floriella Grappini) - Ash's protege.

Anna (Iona Abur) - A nurse at a nearby clinic.

Dr. Niculescu (Mihai Dinvale) - a doctor that seems to know a thing or too about the undead.

For a more complete credit listing wait a little bit.

umm..don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie and don't want it spoiled


This starts out with a naration from Michelle, and lots of clips from the old movies. Then they show Radu "dying" at the end of part 3, but he doesn't melt this time, he falls into a puddle, grabs the Bloodstone, and walks inside. Then they go into the teaser that was on the Talisman video, but with different music.

One of the new characters, Anna, finds a car turned over on the road. Both Rebecca and Mel are found dead (that's what happens when you cross Nicolaou!) Michelle is safe in her body bag, and is brought to the clinic. Dr. Dimitri..I mean Niculescu..knows exactly what she is, and when he finds out Radu is her master, he promises her both treatment, and protection from Radu.

Radu visits Ash, takes back his stronghold, and decides to have his way with Serena. Meanwhile, we find out that Niculescu is indeed a vampire, but has been able to come up with a treatment to protect himself from the sun. He also reveals his plans to use Michelle to discover the secrets of the Bloodstone.

When Radu comes to the clinic after Michelle, he is met with a trap that ends up paralizing him. Michelle senses his danger, and her fledgling side takes over and aids Radu in his escape. Serena, who is also after the Bloodstone, then gives Anna the key to Radu's resting place so she can destroy him in the daylight. When she gets there however, Radu wakes up, and eventaully beheads the doctor.

Now Radu goes after Anna, and is about to feed off her when Michelle decides to take an ax and go for his throat. This seems to hurt a bit as he falls to the ground in pain. Anna then takes the ax from Michelle and finishes the job. After Radu's head is disconnected, Anna burns his body and starts to head outside with Michelle. Ash and Serena meet them at the exit, but a cleaning lady hears their screams and opens the door enough for sunlight to shine through and chase them away.

Like the beginning, the ending is narated by Michelle. She is now the possesor of the Bloodstone and eventually learns what secrets it beholds. Radu's head is shown mounted on a steal post, melting away by the sun.

So that's it. Michelle is able to live at peace with both herself and the mortal world, and Radu is once and for all, no more..for now (well..I hope anyway)

wanna take a look at my pre-release Bloodstorm page?

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