Awards that you can Win!

hey everyone the immages for the awards arnt up yet because angelfire isnt working with me today but anyways here are the requirements to win each award!
( also i dont count how many people have seen your site since angelfire allways resets there counters every time you update)
::secondly the awards go in order from easiest to hardest to win::
~thirdly when i say no hentai, yaoi, etc. it means nothing above pg-13 type stuff basicly so showing too much skin comprende?~
-=lastly if you want to win an award write me at with the subject as "To win an award" and in the message put the award(s) that you whould like to try and win, your e-mail address, and your website. thats not too hard is it?=-

Cool Kawaii Site Award


Great Anime Site Award


Great DBZ Site Award


Site of the Month


Golden Award


1 last thing if you win an award link the actuall award to my site. thanks