Goku and Vegeta's Babysitting Job
By: Rini Son Briefs

Little Tihite is lying on her stomach in her room scribbling with crayons on a piece of paper. Gohan walks in and smiles at her. Rini pops her head in and smiles at Tihite.
"You do know that we have those tickets to that concert tonight right?" Rini said.
Gohan turns around and looks at Rini.
"Oh ya. Are we bringing Tihite?"
Rini looks at Gohan looking serious.
"Gohan! It's just supposed to be you and me tonight!" Gohan sits down beside Tihite and starts to scribble on the paper with Tihite. Tihite smiles at her daddy.
"Well, who's going to watch Tihite?" Gohan asked still scribbling. Rini looks at her watch.
"I asked my dad to come and baby-sit with Goku." Gohan starts laughing and stands up.
"You actually got your dad to baby-sit with my dad? Hahahahahahaha! This will be a nightmare! Hahahahahaha!"
An anime sweat drop comes down on Rini. She picks up Tihite and walks out into the living room. Gohan follows her.
"Well I AM his first kid ya know! And his oldest daughter!" Gohan sits down on the couch still laughing. Rini just looks at Tihite and smirks.
"You're daddy's lost his mind!"
"Dadda los mine!" Tihite says smiling. Suddenly they hear a knock at the door. Gohan answers the door. He sees Goku and Vegeta there. Goku is smiling his classic smile and Vegeta is crossing his arms.
"Hey guys!" Goku says smiling. "Where's my adorable granddaughter?"
Rini hands Goku Tihite. Tihite smiles at Goku and starts to giggle. Goku and Vegeta come inside there house and stand in the living room. Rini grabs her purse.
"Thanks again you two. You guys are the best! Take good care of her." Rini kisses Tihite on her forehead. Gohan puts on his coat and heads towards the door.
"Bye-bye Tihite. Be a good girl." Tihite smiles at him.
"Buh bi dadda!" She says waving to them. Rini and Gohan get into their car and drive away. Goku closes the door and smiles at Vegeta.
"So. What do we do first?"
"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you! Of all people! The prince of saiyans stuck babysitting a three year old with a low class fighter!" Goku just smiles and holds up Tihite in the air.
"I think grandpa Vegeta needs a nappie wappie!" He says to Tihite in baby talk.
"I DO NOT NEED A NAPPIE WAPPIE KAKAROT!!" Vegeta starts to get angry.
"Looks like grandpa Vegeta is cranky wanky now!" Tihite starts to laugh, but Vegeta starts to get angry.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU KAKAROT!!" Vegeta is about to blast Goku, but Goku holds Tihite in front of him and smiles.
"You wouldn't shoot your own granddaughter would you Vegeta?" Vegeta looks at Tihite's smiling little face. He puts his hand down and walks off into the kitchen.
"Rini would be upset if I did. Besides, the kid will make a good fighter someday!" Vegeta flops on the couch and turns on the tv. suddenly Tihite starts to cry.
"Uh oh. What's wrong Tihite?" Goku looks at Tihite puzzled.
"Shut that kid up Kakarot!!! I can't hear the tv!!"
"It's been a long time since I handled kids! What did you do with Bra when she was this age?" Vegeta looks angry and closes his eyes.
"Don't remind me of those days. I'm still mentally scarred from those days."
"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Tihite starts to cry louder. Goku takes Tihite into the kitchen and looks in the cupboards.
"Ah! Here we go! Cookies." Goku opens the package of cookies and takes one out. "You want a cookie Tihite?"
Tihite stops crying and looks at the cookie. She takes it from his hand and starts to eat it. Goku smiles.
"There you go. All better." Goku looks at the package of cookies. "Hmmm. Double fudge chocolate chip. That sounds good." Goku takes a cookie out and eats it. He walks into the living room and sits down on the couch beside Vegeta. Goku sets Tihite on the floor and grabs the package of cookies.
"What in the cosmos are you doing Kakarot?" Vegeta asks with an angry look on his face.
"I'm eating cookies. Want one?" Goku shows Vegeta the cookie package. Vegeta looks at the package.
"What are you doing now?"
"Take one." Goku says eating another cookie. Vegeta looks at the tv.
"I don't want one!"
"Ah come on Vegeta! It's double fudge chocolate chip!!"
"I said NO!"
"Not even a crumb?"
"FOR THE LAST TIME NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
While Goku and Vegeta are fighting over the cookies, Tihite crawls away near the window. She climbs up on the window and climbs on a tree branch. Meanwhile, Goku is STILL trying to make Vegeta eat some cookies.
"Fine Vegeta! Don't have a cookie! But you're missing out on a lot of chocolate!"
"Fine by me!" Vegeta says crossing his arms. Goku reaches into the cookie package and takes out a cookie.
"Here you go Tihite." He looks down on the floor and realizes that Tihite's not there. Goku looks behind the couch but doesn't see her. He lifts up Vegeta's feet and looks under them. Vegeta looks extremely mad.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NOW KAKAROT!!!!!?????" Vegeta yelled looking very angry.
"I can't find Tihite!" Vegeta looks shocked and jumps off the couch.
"WHAT!!?? What do you mean you can't find her?" Goku stands up and puts his hand behind his head.
"I can't find her." Vegeta looks around the house throwing pillows at Goku.
"This is all your fault Kakarot!"
"My fault? How?"
"You should have kept an eye on her!! Now Rini will kill us!"
"Relax, she has to be here somewhere!" Goku starts looking in the kitchen for Tihite.
Goku hears Vegeta yelling that he found her. Goku runs where Vegeta is. He sees Vegeta looking out the window. Goku runs over to the window and looks outside the window.
"Where is she Vegeta?"
"Up there!"
Goku looks up and sees Tihite climbing on a tree branch after a kitten.
"HOLY CRAP!!" Goku screamed.
"I know! How did she get up there?" Vegeta says looking puzzled.
"No that! That's a pink cat!! Rini would LOVE that cat!"
Vegeta looks angry at Goku and smacks him on the head. "Try and focus on our granddaughter and not a stupid cat!!"
"Owww. That hurt Vegeta!" Goku rubs his head looking sad. Goku climbs out on the tree branch. He inches towards Tihite. He reaches his hand out to grab Tihite.
"Come here Tihite. It's just your grandpa Goku here!" Tihite smiles at Goku and giggles.
"Just grab her already Kakarot!" Vegeta yells from the window. Goku almost grabs her when suddenly he loses his balance and falls to the ground.
"Hahahahahahahaha!" Vegeta starts to laugh at Goku. "You could have just flown to her Kakarot!"
Vegeta flies out of the window and flies towards Tihite. He looks down at Goku rubbing his bottom and still laughs. "hahahahahha! You're a real loser Kakarot!" Suddenly Vegeta slams right into the tree trunk and falls to the ground beside Goku. Tihite starts to laugh her head off.
"Hahahahaahahaha! Whose the loser now Vegeta?"
Goku says laughing and pointing. Tihite flies down to Goku and Vegeta and sits on top of Vegeta.
"Hey guys." Gohan says. They look over and see Gohan and Rini standing by the door.
"Mama! Dadda!" Tihite yells. Rini picks Tihite up.
"Were you playing hide and go seek with grandpa Goku and grandpa Vegeta?" Rini asks smiling.
"Hide and go seek?" Goku says puzzled.
"Ya. Tihite always climbs in that tree and hides." Gohan says smiling.
"How would you guys like to baby-sit Tihite next week?" Rini says smiling.
Goku and Vegeta look at each other and faint. Rini and Gohan look at each other confused. Tihite just laughs.

The End