~* Gohan and Rini: First Day of School*~

“Smack!” Goten hit the floor hard and his light blonde hair slowly turned back to it’s normal black. Gohan dropped back down to the ground as his aura disappeared. Gohan kneeled down and picked up his younger brother up in his arms. “Heh I think that’s enough for today Goten” Gohan said holding his fairly beat up brother close to him. Gohan flew back to his house and walked inside. As he passed the table he saw a note that explained that his mother was out shopping. He walked to his brother’s room and set goten down on the bed. He gave his brother a senzu and covered him with a blanket. After knowing that his brother was fine gohan walked back outside looking up at the sun as it was close to set.

Then he saw something fly into sight that looked like nimbus but was pink. Then as it flew overtop of him someone fell off the cloud. Gohan barely got a glimpse of who it was when the person fell right on top of gohan making him fall forwards flat onto the ground. Gohan pushed the person off of him and sat up to see that it was Rini Briefs whom was now laying on the ground looking at him. “ Hey Rini watch where your falling because that hurt” Rini stood up brushing the dust off her with her hands. “Sorry Gohan I wasn’t expecting to land on you.” Gohan rubbed his back where rini fell on him as he stood up. “ Its ok but anyways what are you doing way out here in the first place? Its getting late and we have school tomorrow.” Rini Smiled. “ I know but I got you something” Rini handed gohan a backpack that is held on a shoulder and hangs down to the side. “What’s this for?” Gohan asked kind of confused. “Just a small gift from me since you completely ripped apart your last one in a fight” Rini laughed slightly. “But anyways I'll see you tomorrow at school gohan, see ya” Rini gave gohan a hug and jumped onto her pink nimbus flying back to capsule corp.

Gohan waved good-bye and decided that he needed to get to sleep so he wouldn’t be late for his first day of school tomorrow. During that night gohan was dreaming about yesterday. He remembered that nice soft hug that rini had given to him before she left. “GOHAN!!! WAKE UP!!!” Chi-chi screamed into gohan’s ear. Gohan suddenly jumped up in his bed. “What’s wrong mom??” “If you don’t get up now your going to be late for your first day of school!!” Gohan jumped out of bed. “I can’t believe I almost forgot” Gohan had thought to himself. He put his orange star high clothes on, ran outside after grabbing his book bag that rini had given him and jumped into the air landing on nimbus. “Man I can’t be late today... nimbus go as fast as you can because I need to be at my school in 10 minutes!” With that nimbus blasted off into the distance.