Rhythm Emothions part 3
By: Rini Son Briefs

Gohan and Rini look up into the sky. They see no sign of the girl or boy. Rini then looks at her watch.
"Ahhhh! Gohan! School started half an hour ago!" Rini yells as she grabs on Gohan's arm and starts to run holding onto him.
"That's not good!" Gohan yells back as he keeps up with Rini. They finally make it to school and run into their classroom.
"Well, well! You two are late!" The teacher says looking at them. Gohan and Rini look very nervous and embarrassed. "Well? Why are you two late?" The teacher asks still looking at them.
"They probably wanted to be alone for awhile!" Sharpner said as he smiled. Gohan looks confused and Rini looks angry.
"We had to drop off our little brothers at karate class. And we were late." Rini said looking at the teacher. The teacher just sighed.
"Take your seats." The teacher said. Rini and Gohan walk up to there seats and sit down.
"Why were you guys really late?" Angelus asked as he looks at Rini and Gohan.
"Ah. Well. I forgot something at my house!" Gohan said putting his hand behind his head and smiling.
"Ya right Gohan!" Sharpner said as he leaned back in his chair. "You took AWFULLY long!" He said grinning. Rini looked at Sharpner and snapped her fingers. His chair leg brakes and Sharpner falls to the ground. "Owww!" Sharpner says as he gets back up.
"That'll teach you dork!" Rini said as she closes her eyes. Gohan suddenly notices a small feather on Angelus' back stuck to his clothing. He looks at it confused.
"Hey Angelus. Where'd you get that feather from?" Gohan asked pointing to the feather on his back. Angelus looks at it and quickly takes it off.
"I have pet doves at home." Angelus says smiling at Gohan. Gohan looks at Angelus and then looks at Rini. Rini is drawing on her book as usual. Gohan then gets to his studies. Everyone is reading quietly in class. Suddenly the ground starts to shake. The rooftop of the school comes off. People run out of the school except for Rini and Gohan. They look up and see Devilla laughing as she throws the rooftop on the ground.
"Well, well! It's the saiyan brats!" She says smiling at them. Rini and Gohan quickly transform into Super Sailor Mini Moon and The Great Saiyaman. "Cool transformations! But I know someone's whose is better!" She says. She then fires fireballs at Rini and Gohan. Rini and Gohan both dodge. Rini turns up the heat. She goes Super Saiyan. Gohan does the same. "Wow! You're both super saiyans too!" She says clapping her hands.
"How do you know about us!?" Gohan yells. Devilla just laughs.
"I know more about you two than you could ever imagine! That's why I have to kill you! For the sake of my future!" She says as she flies down and lands on the floor. "So. Who's first ?"
Gohan and Rini fire energy attacks at her. She puts her hand in front and blocks them all. Rini and Gohan look shocked.
"What is she?" Rini asks looking panicked.
"My turn!" Devilla yells. She shoots energy balls at them and hits them. Gohan and Rini try to block but she comes up behind them and smacks them both in the head. They both fall to the ground. Devilla grabs Gohan and throws him into the blackboard. Rini gets up and flies at Devilla but Devilla turns around and blasts Rini into the desks. Devilla powers up and is about to blast Rini when suddenly Angelus runs into the room.
"Devilla! Stop this!!" Angelus yells. Devilla looks at Angelus and smiles. You are a human lover! You even dress like them!" She screams. Gohan and Rini look over at Angelus. Angelus sprouts out two white wings from his back and his hair grows long. His school clothes change into a gold and white robe. Rini and Gohan look shocked at Angelus.
"He's. He's. The angel who saved us." Rini said looking at him.
"You little traitor! I'll kill you myself!" Devilla yells. She blasts a beam to hit Rini but Angelus flies to Rini and grabs her. He lands on the ground and puts Rini down. He looks at Rini.
"Leave now!" He says. Rini looks confused.
"What?" She says.
"Leave! It's very important that you and Gohan live!" Angelus says looking at Devilla.
"Why? Angelus! Tell me!" Rini says looking worried.
"All I can say is that I'm from the future and the future will change if either you or Gohan die!" Rini looks shocked. "You and Gohan are very important! You both do something that saves the future from total destruction. Now please leave! If I tell you, it won't happen!" Rini looks at his eyes and nods.
"Okay." Rini turns super again and flies over to Gohan. She picks Gohan up. "You okay Gohan?"
"Ya. And you?" He asks.
"I've been better! Now lets go!" Rini says as she flies off holding onto Gohan's arm. Devilla looks at Gohan and Rini flying off.
"Noooo! This can't be!" She screams. She looks at Angelus angry. "You have just ensured that, that brat from our time will be born!!! You little!!" Devilla's eyes start to glow red.
"That little brat will save the future from people like you and your queen sister. You're too late! They're gone now. She'll be born and she'll crush you and your queen with her powers!" Angelus says.
"Fool! With that brat born even you will die!! You're willing to give that up!?" Devilla yells.
"Yes. I Am." Angelus says. Suddenly Devilla and Angelus glow. "Time to go back to our time!" He says. They both disappear from the room. Meanwhile, Gohan and Rini land on the ground.
"You okay Gohan?" Rini asks.
"Yup!" He says smiling. "So Angelus is is the angel guy who saved us?" Gohan asked.
"Ya. He said that he was from the future and that we do something that saves the future." Rini says smiling. Gohan smiles at her.
"Looks like we save the world again huh?" Gohan says. Rini smiles.
"Yup. Wanna get a cheeseburger? My treat?" Rini asks. Gohan smiles.
"For sure!" He says. Gohan and Rini both walk off into the sunset holding hands.

The End