Rhythm Emotions
By: Rini Son Briefs

It's a hot summer school day at Orange Star High School. Gohan and Rini are in English class reading their books for their novel study. Rini looks around the classroom and stares at Gohan.
"Wow. I never noticed how cute Gohan is. He's really cute." Rini thought to herself watching Gohan read his book. Rini began to smile and giggle a bit.
"Ms. Rini!" The english teacher yelled out. "What seems to be so funny?" The english teacher stared at Rini looking angry. Rini looked confused.
"What are you talking about?" Rini asked still looking confused. The teacher walked up to Rini and stared at her.
"Well Ms. Rini. For that smart remark, you just bought yourself a detention with me after school!" Rini stood up and slammed her hand on the table.
"That's not fair!" Rini yelled. "I didn't do anything!!" Gohan grabbed Rini's arm and pulled her back in her chair. The teacher looked surprised at Rini.
"Good one Rini!" Sharpner replied laughing.
"You thinks that's funny Mr. Sharpner?" The english teacher replied looking angry. "Well you have just bought yourself detention with Ms. Rini after school!"
"Fine by me." Sharpner said winking and smiling at Rini. Rini just looked away with a disgusted look on her face.
"What was that?" The teacher asked.
"Nothing. I'll be here." Sharpner answered still smiling. The teacher walked away back to the front of the classroom. Sharpner smiled at Gohan.
"Looks like I have a date for detention today." He said to Gohan still smiling. Gohan looked confused but yet, understood what he was talking about. The school bell rang and everyone left the classroom except for Gohan, Rini and Sharpner.
"Want me to wait for you Rini?" Gohan asked. Rini smiled at him.
"Nah. You better head home Gohan." Rini replied. Sharpner put his arm around Rini and smiled at Gohan.
"Don't worry brains. She's in good hands." He said smirking at him. Gohan seemed to look a bit angry. Rini looked at Sharpner angry.
"Any part of you that touches me, you're not getting back!" Rini said to him with an angry tone. Sharpner took his arm off Rini and sat beside her at his desk. Gohan was still standing there.
"Gohan. Aren't you going to go home?" Rini asked smiling at him. Gohan looked at Rini. His eyes opened wide.
"Oh ya!" He said doing that ridiculous smile of his. "I'll catch ya later Rini." He said walking out the door. Gohan walked outside and got on Nimbus. He flew all the way to his house. Finally Rini and Sharpner were set free from detention. Rini walked outside. The sun was practically ready to set.
"Great. I can just hear Bulma now." Rini thought to herself. She started walking towards Capsule Corp very slowly. She looked at her watch to see what time it was, but suddenly bumped into a person and fell to the ground.
"Owww." Rini said rubbing her bottom. She grabbed her book bag and looked up to see who knocked her over. Rini was completely shocked. It was a boy! A boy about her age. He had soft baby blue eyes and platinum blonde hair.
"Oh I'm so sorry." The boy said as he helped Rini up. "I'm new here and I can't find my way around that well." The boy smiled at Rini and Rini smiled at him. "Did I hurt you?"
"Oh. No! No you didn't." Rini said smiling. "You're new around here?" Rini asked.
"Yes. My family just died and I had to move here to live with my aunt." The boy said in a sad tone.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." Rini said looking sad. "Is there a particular place you're looking for?" She asked.
"No. Not really. I'm just taking a walk around the neighborhood." He said staring at the sunset. Rini looked at the sunset too.
"Well. I'd better be going. Bulma's gonna freak on me." Rini said smiling at him.
"Okay. Maybe I'll see you around?" The boy said still smiling.
"Sure." Rini said. "Well. Bye." Rini said as she started to walk towards Capsule Corp.
"Bye!" The boy called out. "Wait! What's your name?" He called out. Rini turned around and looked at him.
"It's Rini!" She called back. She then started walking again.
(The next day) Rini's alarm clock went off. She turned it off and jumped out of bed. She quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. She grabbed her book bag and put on her shoes. She then heard a knock at the door.
"RINI!! GOHAN"S HERE!!" Trunks yelled. Rini came running out of the kitchen and saw Gohan smiling at her.
"Ready to go to school?" Gohan asked. Rini just smirked at him.
"Bye Dad! Bye Bulma! Bye Trunks!" Rini yelled as she closed the door. Rini and Gohan flew up in the air and flew all the way to school for a change. They landed on the sidewalk and started walking to school.
"So how was detention with Sharpner?" Gohan asked smiling.
"It was a nightmare! He wouldn't stop bothering me!" Rini said. "I finally had to brake his finger to shut him up." Rini said smirking. Gohan looked shocked.
"Rini! You can't just brake someone's finger! Honestly. You're just like Vegeta!" Gohan said with a sweat drop coming down his forehead. They continue to walk to school. They go inside and sit at there desks. The bell rings and the teacher comes in.
"Class. Take your seats and listen up." Then teacher said looking at all the students. "Now. We have a new student with us today. Please make him feel welcome. Next to Gohan, he also scored perfect on all his entrance exams."
"Oh great! Another brains! Just what we need." Sharpner said as he sat back in his seat.
"Class. Please welcome Angelus." The teacher said.
"Angelus!? That's an even goofier name than yours Gohan!" Sharpner laughed out. Gohan just smiled at Sharpner. Then through the door, a boy with soft baby blue eyes and platinum blonde hair walked in the classroom. All the girls practically drooled over him.
"Wow. He's gorgeous!" Erasa said smiling at him. Rini looked at Angelus shocked.
"It's him." She said. Gohan looked at Rini.
"Who?" He asked.
"The boy I bumped into yesterday." Rini said still staring at him.
"You never told me that." Gohan said looking panicked.
"I forgot." Rini said still looking at him.
"Now where shall we seat you?" The teacher said looking around the class. "Ah. You can sit beside Rini." As he pointed to seat on Rini's left. (Gohan sits on her right)
"Thank you." Angelus said. He walked up to the seat and sat down in it. He smiled at Rini.
"So we meet again." Angelus said. Rini smiles at him.
"Ya. So your name's Angelus?" She asked him.
"Ya. But I liked being called Angel." He said to Rini smiling.
"You sure are." Rini said smiling at him. Gohan looked shocked. Rini then started to blush. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I just said that!" Rini said looking embarrassed. Angel just smiled at her.
"Don't worry about it." Angel said smiling at Rini. Gohan looked concerned at Rini. School went on and it eventually ended. Gohan finished putting his things in his locker and headed outside to meet Rini. He then saw Rini sitting on a park bench talking to Angel. Gohan walked over and looked at Rini and Angel.
"Hey Rini. We gonna walk home today?" Gohan asked with a bit of nervousness in his voice. Rini looked up at him and smiled.
"Well, actually Gohan. I was gonna show Angel around the city. You know. Cuz he's new and everything." Rini said. Angel stood up and smiled at Gohan.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you too had plans for the evening." Angel said looking polite. "Is it a bad time today Rini?" He asked.
"Oh no. It's fine. Right Gohan?" Rini answered looking at Gohan. Gohan smiled a bit.
"Sure. I'll see ya tomorrow Rini." Gohan said looking a bit sad.
"Thanks Gohan!" Rini said. She then kissed him on the cheek. "Shall we Angel?" She asked.
"Let's go." Angel replied. Rini and Angel walked off down the street together. Gohan looked at them walking off and looked sad. He then started to walk home thinking of Rini.