Rhythm Emothions part 2
By: Rini Son Briefs

Gohan arrived at his house. He opened the door and walked in. Ch-Chi was getting dinner ready and Goten was at the table playing with his fork and knife.
"Gohan! Where have you been!? It's almost dark!!!" Chi-Chi yelled as she swung a knife in the air. Gohan just walked right by her looking upset and went into his room. Chi-Chi looked concerned.
"Oh dear. I hope I wasn't too hard on him." Chi-Chi said as she put the knife down on the cutting board. Goten looked at his mother and looked confused. He got off his chair and went into Gohan's room.
"Whatsa matter Gohan?" Goten asked as he sat down on Gohan's bed.
"Nothing squirt. Don't worry about it." Gohan said as he got his textbooks out and started his homework. Goten just stared at Gohan for awhile.
"But Gohan. Something's wrong! So tell me what's wrong!" Goten demanded as he jumped of Gohan's bed.
"Goten. Could you just leave me to do my homework?" Gohan asked as he kept on doing his homework. Goten looked at Gohan. He then walked to the door.
"Okay. But you better tell me later!" Goten insisted. Gohan turned around and smiled at Goten.
"I will." He said. Goten smiled and closed the door. Gohan looked back at his books. All he could think about was Angelus. "There's something not right about that guy." Gohan thought to himself.
Meanwhile, Rini and Angelus were walking around the city looking at the many things.
"This is a nice place. It's so peaceful and full of pureness and goodness." Angelus said as he looked at the birds flying. Rini looked up at Angelus with surprise.
"Angelus. You sound like you've had a terrible life filled with sadness." Rini said. Angelus looks at Rini and smiles.
"My life hasn't been easy. I'll tell you that." He said looking at the flowers growing in the grass. Rini looks down very sad.
"Neither has mine." Angelus looks at Rini
"What do you mean?" Angelus asked with curiosity in his voice.
"Well. My mother died when I was five years old." She said looking sad.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Angelus replied. Rini looks at the sun.
"She was killed right before my eyes by an evil man. He then kidnapped me and beat me and tortured me until I was a loyal servant of his." Rini said as she looked even more sad. Angelus looked so sad.
"My life has been.....something like that. But worse. I guarantee you." He said as he softly smiled at Rini. Rini looked at him with understanding eyes.
"Looks like we have something in common huh?" She said trying to smile. Angelus smiled back at her.
(Next day) Gohan is already on his way to Capsule Corp. He walks up to Capsule Corp and knocks on the door. Rini answers the door.
"Ready for another day of school?" Gohan asked smiling. Rini smiled at Gohan and closed the door. They headed towards school when suddenly a big explosion burst out in the city. Gohan and Rini look at the explosion shocked.
"Looks like we're gonna be late for school today huh Gohan?" Rini said as she looked at him. Gohan nodded at her. He clicked on his watch and became The Great Saiyaman. Rini clutched her locket.
"Super Moon Crisis Power!" She yelled. She immediately transformed into Super Sailor Mini Moon. "Let's go Gohan!" Rini said as she flew towards the explosion. Gohan followed behind her. They both landed at the explosion site and look around. Then suddenly a black beam shoots out at Gohan. Luckily Gohan dodges the attack. They look up in the sky to see a girl dressed in a dark blood red dress, dark blood red gloves and dark blood red angel wings hovering in the sky looking at them.
"Leave this place humans! I have no time for you!" The girl yelled as she made an energy bomb in her hand.
"We won't let you hurt these innocent people you witch!" Rini yelled back. The girl looked very angry.
"No one calls me a witch you little brat!!" The girl screamed. She then threw the energy bomb at Rini. Rini blocked the attack. Rini looked back up in the sky and saw that she was gone.
"Where'd she go!?" Rini yelled to Gohan. Gohan looked around the sky and on the ground.
"I don't know!" He yelled back. Suddenly a big energy attack shot out of the sky and knocked Gohan into the ground.
"Saiyaman!!" Rini yelled out. As Rini ran over to Gohan to help him the girl came back and kicked Rini right in the stomach.
"Ahhh." Rini said as she fell to the ground. "What a power." She said holding her stomach.
"I'm going to kill you and then your little geeky friend over there!" The girl said as she grabbed Rini by her neck. She held Rini up in the air. With her other hand she made it into a fist then opened it and her fingernails grew VERY long and sharp. Rini looked at her fingernails with panic on her face. "Nighty night princess!" The girl said as she raised her hand. But suddenly a white beam of energy blasted the girl into a building and Rini fell to the ground. Gohan got up and held his head.
"Oww. That girl is strong." Gohan said as he stood up. Rini stood up and ran over to Gohan. she put Gohan's arm around her shoulder.
"You okay Saiyaman?" Rini asked looking concerned at him.
"I think so. Who was that?" He asked looking at her. Rini looked back at the building.
"I have no clue!" Rini said as she felt her stomach. "But she sure is strong." Suddenly the girl burst out of the building screaming. Gohan and Rini look over to see her eyes glowing red.
"You little brats!!" She yelled. She shoots two black beams at them and sends them flying to the ground. She shoots them again. And again. And again. Finally it looks like Rini and Gohan are practically dead. The girl powers up and holds onto two red fireballs in her hands. "Time to die!" She yelled. Gohan and Rini just barely lift up there heads to see what she's doing.
"Go...han....we have.....to get ...out of ...here." Rini said trying to move. Gohan also tries to move but can't. They're both badly hurt.
"I...know." Gohan said.
"Bye bye kitties!" The girl said. She then throws the fireballs at them. They're ready to hit Gohan and Rini when suddenly two white beams of light destroy the fireballs in the air. Gohan and Rini look over where the fireballs were. The dust finally clears and the see a boy floating in the air in front of them. He lands on the ground. All they could see was that he had white angel wings and long blonde hair. He was wearing a long white and gold robe.
"Devilla!! Stop this! Leave them out of this!! The boy yelled at the girl. The girl flew closer and landed right in front of the boy. She starts to laugh.
"They got in my way! So I had to do the right thing and kill them!" Devilla said still laughing.
"But you didn't kill them. I stopped you." The boy said. Devilla looked at her nails.
"Yes. Oh well. I'll kill them after I kill you. Brother dear!" Devilla said with an evil smile.
"It'll take more than the likes of you to kill me! Sister dear!" The boy said. Devilla looked at the sky and then looked at the boy.
"You've become a human lover! Haven't you!" She said as she flew up into the sky. "But then again. They're not humans! They're saiyans!" She said smiling. Gohan and Rini looked shocked.
"What?" Gohan thought to himself.
"How does she know?" Rini thought to herself.
"They've done nothing wrong Devilla! They're innocent!" The boy yelled. Devilla smiled.
"No saiyan is innocent! They live to kill! Just like we do! You remember that brother dear!" Devilla then flew off higher into the sky. "You won't stop me again! If you're not with me, then you're against me! And I'll kill you myself to complete the mission!" She then flew away and disappeared. The boy flew up into the air and vanished. Rini and Gohan were left lying there with there cuts. But suddenly out of the sky fell two senzu beans in front of them. Rini and Gohan ate the beans and stood up. They transformed back into their school clothes.
"What just happened here Gohan?" Rini asked looking confused.
"I have no idea." Gohan said looking even more confused.