~* Rini and Gohan: Friendship in Trouble*~

~Rini and Trunks fly to Capsule Corp and go inside. Rini walks into her room and slams her door shut. Trunks stares at her door and looks confused.~ Trunks: Man. What is it with girls and boys?
~Trunks walks into the living room and picks up the phone. He dials a number and waits for an answer.~
Chi-Chi: Hello?
Trunks: Hi. Is Goten there?
Chi-Chi: Just a minute Trunks.
~Trunks stares at his shoes waiting for Goten to come on the phone.~
Goten: Hey Trunks!
Trunks: Hey Goten. What did your brother do to my sister? She's all mad and crabby.
Goten: I dunno. Gohan is all sad and keeps looking like he's gonna cry.
~Trunks bursts out laughing~
Goten: What's so funny?
Trunks: Gohan cries!!!???
Goten: He's not crying!! He looks like it though.
Trunks: Oh. Okay. So you don't know why Gohan and Rini are mad at each other?
Goten: Well, it's something about Videl and Gohan doing a new type of arm wrestling I think!
Trunks: Really? How weird! Well, I think we should make them forgive each other.
Goten: Why?
Trunks: Just come over to my house and I'll tell you the rest!
Goten: Okay. Bye Trunks.
Trunks: bye.
~Trunks hangs up the phone and starts to smirk. He runs into the kitchen and takes pots and pans out of the cupboards. He puts them on the table. He grabs eggs, milk, flour, chocolate and other things and puts them on the table. Vegeta walks in looking confused.~
Vegeta: What on earth are you doing Trunks?
Trunks: Me and Goten are gonna get Gohan and Rini to become friends again.
Vegeta: Rini's mad at him?
Trunks: Yup. She saw Gohan with Videl and she's mad now.
~Vegeta smiles~
Vegeta: Finally she's starting to listen to me!
~Vegeta walks out of the kitchen laughing. Then Bulma walks in with Goten by her side.~
Bulma: Trunks. Goten's here.
~Bulma looks around the kitchen and looks confused.~
Bulma: Trunks. What are you doing?
Trunks: A secret plan. Now please leave us alone.
Bulma: Okay.
~Bulma walks out. Trunks quickly pulls Goten close to him. He then shuts the door.~
Goten: So. What's the secret?
~Trunks smirks at Goten~
Goten: What? What is it!?
Trunks: Rini loves chocolate!
Goten: Ya.
Trunks: And so does Gohan.
Goten: A huh.
Trunks: So. We just make chocolate fudge cookies and give some to Gohan saying that Rini's sorry and we give some to Rini saying that Gohan's sorry!
~Goten looks confused~
Goten: But I don't know how to make cookies!
Trunks: It's easy! I've seen my mom do it a lot! Now let's get started!
~Trunks and Goten mix flour in a bowl, beat eggs, measure different liquids and finally grease the cookie sheet. They put them in the oven and fall to the ground.~
Goten: I'm so tired!
Trunks: Me too.
Goten: So, why do you want them to forgive each other?
Trunks: Because then they'll be friends again and might get married.
Goten: WOW! Really? Then we'd be brothers!!
Trunks: Exactly!!
Goten: Wow! Rini would be my sister! How cool! She's so pretty!
~Trunks stares at Goten with his mouth wide open~
Trunks: You think my sister is pretty?
Goten: Sure. Everyone does! Even my dad!
Trunks: That's scary!
~Suddenly Goten starts to sniff the air.~
Goten: Ah, Trunks?
Trunks: What?
Goten: Do you smell something burning?
~Trunks sniffs the air. He then looks at Goten~
Trunks: The cookies!!!!
~Goten and Trunks run into the kitchen to see the cookies burning and black smoke coming out of the oven.~
Trunks: OH NO!!!
~Trunks opens up the oven and grabs the trays out. He drops them to the floor and grabs his hand~
Trunks: OUCH!! It burns!!!
~Goten clears the smoke away. They then look at their pitch black cookies lying on the ground.~
Goten: Umm. I don't think we're good cooks!
Trunks: Great! There go our cookies!!
Goten: Now what?
~Trunks sits down and starts to think~
Trunks: Well. I KNOW!!
Goten: What!?
Trunks: Come here!!
~Trunks grabs Goten and starts to whisper into his ear.~
Goten: Oh! Okay!!
~Trunks and Goten run outside and fly towards Dende's lookout.~