~* Gohan and Rini: Friendship in Trouble *~

~Goten and Trunks head towards Dende's place. They fly up and land on his lookout.
Trunks: Where's Dende?
~Trunks looks around and sees Mr. Popo watering the flowers.
Goten: Hey Mr. Popo!
~Mr. Popo looks over and sees Trunks and Goten running towards him.
Mr.Popo: Oh. Hello there Trunks and Goten. What brings you two here?
Trunks: Rini and Gohan are fighting.
~Mr.Popo looks confused.
Mr.Popo: Fighting? But those two are the best of friends. Why would they fight?
Goten: It's a long story. Is Dende here?
Mr.Popo: Yes. He's inside his room.
Trunks: Can we see him?
Mr.Popo: Of course you can.
Trunks: Thanks. Come on Goten.
~Trunks and Goten run into Dende's room. They see him eating his dinner.
Goten: Hi Dende!
~Dende looks over and sees Trunks and Goten in the doorway.
Dende: Oh hi you two. What brings you two here?
Goten: We need your help for our secret plan!
~Dende looks confused.
Dende: Secret plan?
Trunks: Yup. Will you help us?
Dende: Well. first I'd like to know what it is.
~Trunks rolls his eyes.
Trunks: Okay. We'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone else!!
~Dende smiles.
Dende: I promise I won't.
~Trunks and Goten tell Dende their plan. Dende looks a bit concerned.
Trunks: Well? Are you going to help us?
Goten: Ya Dende! Are you?
Dende: Well. I.
Goten: Please Dende?
Dende: Okay. I'll help you guys.
Trunks: Excellent! Now lets get started!
~Dende, Trunks and Goten start working on their plan. Meanwhile Rini is lying on her bed at Capsule Corp. She looks at a picture of her and Gohan together at a carnival. She smiles at it.
Suddenly Vegeta walks in her room and closes the door. He stands in her room looking at her.
Rini: Dad. Why are you here?
~Vegeta closes his eyes and sighs.
Vegeta: Because you're my daughter and I'm worried about you.
~Rini looks confused.
Rini: Dad. You never worry about me or Trunks.
Vegeta: I hear you and Kakarot's boy had an argument!
~Rini looks at her dad with one eyebrow raised.
Rini: Is this what you came in here for?
~Vegeta smirks at Rini.
Rini: You did, didn't you! I can't believe you dad!!!!
~Rini gets off her bed and storms out of her room. She heads outside, but is stopped by Dende.
Rini: Dende. What are you doing here?
~Dende looks very concerned.
Dende: Rini. Trunks and Goten have been hurt badly by a monster in the forest!
Rini: WHAT!!??
Dende: The monster is still out there!
Dende: Where all the trees are destroyed.
Rini: Thanks Dende!
~Rini turns super and flies off as fast as she can to the site. Dende looks sad.
Dende: I hope this works.
~Rini makes it to the site. She lands on the ground and looks around. She sees Trunks and Goten lying on the ground all beaten and bloody.
~Rini runs over to them and looks at them. Suddenly, Gohan comes flying to the same spot. He lands and sees Rini with Trunks and Goten. Gohan runs over to where they are.
Gohan: Goten! Trunks!
~Gohan holds onto Goten while Rini picks up Trunks and holds him in her arms.
Gohan: What happened to them?
Rini: I have no idea! They look hurt pretty bad. We should take them to Capsule Corp.
Gohan: Right.
~Gohan and Rini fly off into the sky holding onto Trunks and Goten. Gohan flies a bit closer to Rini.
Gohan: Rini. I'm really sorry about the whole Videl thing. But I honestly wasn't trying to get a date with her or anything.
~Rini smiles at Gohan.
Rini: It's okay. I forgive you. So you really don't like Videl?
Gohan: Well. she's an okay person.
Rini: What?
~Gohan looks scared.
Gohan: Ah! I mean...she blackmails me a lot! So I have to do what she says!
~Rini smiles at him.
Rini: Don't worry Gohan. I know I'm the only one for you.
~Rini winks and flies faster to Capsule Corp. Gohan looks confused.
Gohan: Oh no. Not more confusing love business!
~Gohan flies faster and catches up to Rini. They both finally make it to Capsule Corp. They run inside with Trunks and Goten in their arms. They go into the backyard where everybody is having a picnic.
Rini: BULMA!! We need help! FAST!
~Bulma and the others all look over and see Rini and Gohan holding onto a beat up and unconscious Trunks and a beat up and unconscious Goten.
Bulma: TRUNKS!!!!!
Goku: What happened to them!?
Rini: We don't know! We found them like this!
Bulma: Take them in the medical area fast!!
~Rini and Gohan run into the medical room holding onto them. Bulma and the others follow behind. They put Trunks and Goten on the medical tables. Bulma takes out two needles.
~Goku jumps behind Gohan and hides.
Bulma: Goku! These are not for you! They're for Trunks and Goten.
Trunks+Goten: NEEDLES!!!!!???????????
~Trunks and Goten jump off the medical table and run to the wall.
Goku: Hey! They're okay!
Trunks: Of course we're okay! We're not even hurt! This blood is my magic tricks fake blood!
Goten: Ya! There was no monster or anything!! It was a trick!!
~Everyone stares at them looking angry and shocked.
Trunks: We did this to get Rini and Gohan to stop fighting!
Goten: Ya!
~Rini and Gohan look at each other confused and shocked.
Gohan: You two did this to make us be friends again?
Trunks: Yup!
Rini: That's so sweet!
~Goku looks confused.
Goku: Rini and Gohan were fighting? When did this happen?
~Everyone just sighs at Goku and look away.
Goku: Come on! Tell me!
Chi-Chi: GOTEN!! You are grounded young man!
Goten: huh?
Bulma: You too Trunks!
Trunks: What!? We got Rini and Gohan to become friends again! That's a good thing!
Bulma: Pretending to be DEAD isn't!!
Trunks: Can you believe this Goten!? All of our help gets us into trouble!
~Trunks and Goten get dragged to the bathroom by Bulma and Chi-Chi. Everyone starts to giggle a bit. Except for Goku.
Goku: I still don't understand! When did Rini and Gohan get into a fight!?
~Everyone just walks away looking angry at Goku.
Goku: Come on! Someone PLEASE tell me!

The End!