~* Rini and Gohan: Friendship in Trouble*~

~It's a typical hot school day at Orange Star High School. Gohan and Rini are stuck in English class at the end of the day! As usual, Rini isn't paying attention! She's drawing on her notebook while Gohan is paying attention in class. Rini leans over to Gohan and whispers to him:~
Rini: How can you pay attention in class? It's so boring!!
~Gohan smiles at Rini, but still pays attention~
Gohan: I'm use to it. My mom always tells me to keep up my studies.
Rini: I don't get it. I'm a fighter and a princess. What do I need to learn this junk for?
Gohan: I'm a fighter and I'm still learning. You should try it sometime. It's easy.
~Rini looks angry~
Rini: Shut-up Gohan.
~Gohan looks confused~
Sharpner: Nice one brains!
~Gohan still looks confused~
~Class ends and everyone leaves the class. Rini just walks out the door looking angry. Gohan is still confused.~
Gohan: What!? What I'd do?
~Rini walks to her locker and grabs her things. She walks outside the school and starts to head towards Capsule Corp. Gohan comes rushing up behind her and catches up to her~
Gohan: Rini! What's the matter? Did I say something wrong?
~Rini closes her eyes and STILL looks angry.~
Rini: Are you insisting that I'm dumb Gohan?
~Gohan stops and looks shocked.~
Gohan: What!!?? When did I say that?
~Rini stops and looks at him with the eyes her father normally gives to people.~
Gohan:(in his head) Uh oh. Those eyes don't look too good.
Rini: You told me that paying attention was easy and that I should try it sometime!
Gohan: Ya. But what does that have to do with anything?
~Rini closes her eyes and walks away.~
Rini: And YOU'RE supposed to be my best friend!
Gohan: RINI!! Come back!!
~Rini just walks away. Gohan is still standing on the sidewalk looking confused.~
Gohan: Oh I give up! This girl business is SO complicated!!!
~Rini arrives at Capsule Corp and puts her bags down. She sits down on the sofa and turns on the t.v. Trunks comes in and sits down beside her smiling. Rini looks at him disturbed.~
Rini: What?
Trunks: Nothing.
Rini: Then why are you here?
Trunks: Can I ask you a question?
Rini: What?
~Trunks jumps on Rini's lap and looks her straight in the eyes.~
Rini: What the hell are you doing!?
Trunks: Can you please fight me!!!!
Rini: What!?
Trunks: Fight me!
Rini: I thought dad was!
Trunks: He was. But he's no fun! You're fun!
Rini: Okay! Okay! Get off me!!
~Trunks gets off Rini and runs outside in the backyard.~
Trunks: I'M READY!!!!
Rini: Oh boy!
~Rini walks outside into the backyard and gets into fighting position.~
Rini: Ready little brother?
~Trunks smirks.~
Trunks: Ready!
Rini: I should warn you! I've been trained by Frieza, dad, Goku and Gohan!!
Trunks: I should warn YOU! I've been trained by dad!
~Rini and Trunks smirk at each other and then go at it! They both deliver punches, kicks, blocks, energy blasts and evil looks at each other! They then back off from each other.~
Trunks: Wanna go super?
Rini: Sure! It'll be more fun!
~Trunks clenches his fists and yells! He turns Super Saiyan. Rini just smiles and claps her hands. She then turns Super Saiyan in the blink of an eye.~
Trunks: Show off!
Rini: That's right!
~Trunks and Rini continue their fight. Meanwhile, Gohan is at home teaching Videl how to fight.~
Gohan: Okay. That's it. Now keep focusing your energy in your hands! You'll get it.
Videl: This is too hard Gohan!
Gohan: You have to keep trying Videl. It's the only way to learn.
~Videl keeps on trying and finally gets it. She starts to smile and hugs Gohan.~
Videl: Thanks Gohan! You're the best!
Gohan: Well anyone can do it with practice!
Rini: Gohan!!!
~Gohan and Videl look over and see Rini standing in the field with her arms crossed. Trunks is standing right beside her.~
Videl: She doesn't look to happy.
Gohan: No. She doesn't!
Rini: Well. I came here to apologize to you about before.
~Gohan smiles~
Gohan: Really?
Rini: Yes. But now that I see you with Videl, I guess I've come at a bad time!!
~Gohan looks at Videl hugging him. He looks shocked and jumps back.~
Gohan: Rini! It's not what you think!!!
Trunks: Then what is it?
~Gohan stares at Trunks, then at Rini. She STILL looks mad!
Gohan: I was teaching Videl how to fight. That's all.
Rini: Oh really? Well I don't remember hugging being involved in fighting!
Gohan: We weren't hugging!!!
Rini: Oh really!!? Then what was that you two were just doing? A new type of arm wrestle?
Gohan: No! No! I didn't hug her! She hugged me!
~Videl looks confused through the whole conversation~
Rini: Just forget it Gohan! It's obvious that you want to be alone with Videl!
~Gohan's mouth drops wide open!~
~Videl starts to look angry~
Rini: I thought we were best friends Gohan! But seeing Videl behind my back with your "so called" training lessons! That's just........never mind!
~Rini turns around and flies off.~
Gohan: RINI!!
~Trunks flies off after Rini~
Gohan: Oh no! Now she's really mad at me!
~Gohan turns around to see Videl looking angry~
Gohan: Not you too!
Videl: Don't want to be alone with me huh? Why? Am I ugly? Are you scared of me?
Gohan: I didn't mean it like that!
Videl: Just leave me alone you big jerk!!!!
~Videl flies off the other way. Goten comes flying over. He lands beside Gohan.~
Goten: What was wrong with Rini and Videl?
~Gohan drops his head down~
Gohan: I have no idea!!!!!!