About Tihite

Son Tihite

Name: Son Tihite

Age: 3

Birthday: May 12th

Race: 2/4 saiyan, 2/4 human

Mother: Rini

Father: Gohan

Uncles: Trunks and Goten

Aunts: Bra

Grandparents: Goku, Vegeta, Chi-Chi, Bulma(step-grandmother)

Facts: Tihite has blood red hair, from her mother's side and black ivory eyes like her father. Tihite has short hair that goes down to her jaw, and she has 2 meatballs (like mine) on her head. Tihite is a very cute, funny and a sweet kid. Not to mention STRONG! Tihite loves to have fun and play with her grandfathers, Goku and Vegeta. She knows how to fly and can fight a bit, since she's still a bit young. She has Gohan's determination and strentgh and Rini's innocence and smile. She loves to play and have fun and will one day (when she's 16) grow up to be a VERY STRONG fighter! When she turns five she shows everyone that she can turn super saiyan!