Sons and Briefs Family Christmas
By: Rini Son Briefs

Ah yes! It's Christmas time on the earth! People are merry, snow is falling, happiness is in the air and Santa's can be found everywhere. Christmas is a special time for everyone, including families! This is a story where Vegeta learns a bit more about the Christmas spirit from one little girl!
The snow falling outside on the ground. Little five year old Tihite is looking out the window of her grandpa's Goku house. Chi-Chi is fixing dinner in the kitchen, Goten is on the phone, Rini is wrapping presents with Gohan and Goku is eating some gingerbread cookies smiling happily.
"Mommy. Daddy. When does Santa come?" Tihite asks still looking out the window at the snow falling.
"Santa comes when all the children in the world are asleep in their beds." Rini says as she wraps Trunks' present in shiny blue wrapping paper.
"What time is it now?" Tihite asks.
"It's only one o clock honey. You still have a long time till Santa comes." Chi-Chi says as she cuts carrots up. Tihite walks over to where her parents are and sits down beside them. She picks up a piece of wrapping paper with teddy bears on it an tries to wrap a present.
"Are you helping us wrap presents Tihite?" Gohan asks smiling at his daughter.
"Yup. But my hands are too small!" Tihite looks down at her hands and frowns. Rini giggles and smiles at Tihite.
"Don't worry. You'll grow soon enough." Rini says. Goku walks over and sits down where Gohan, Rini and Tihite are. He looks at the toys and games that aren't wrapped yet.
"Wow! Toys!" Goku reaches for a train set but is stopped by Tihite's hand grabbing his hand.
"No grandpa! That's for Uncle Trunks! I picked it out!" Tihite says looking serious at Goku.
"Oh sorry Tihite." Goku does his classic smile and pats Tihite on her head.
"All done." Rini says. Gohan and Rini grab all the presents they can and put them in the corner. Tihite picks up a big present but can't see where she's going. Goku stands up and grabs the top of the present with Tihite still holding on and puts it in the corner with the other presents. Tihite lets go of the present and looks up at Goku.
"Did you help me?" Tihite asks looking at Goku. Goku puts his hand behind his head and smiles.
"Nope you did it all by yourself." He says. Gohan and Rini smile at each other.
"Why don't we go over to Capsule Corp and see if Bulma and the others wanna come shopping with us?" Rini asks putting on her coat. Tihite rushes over to her mother and starts to put on her boots.
"I'm coming too!" Tihite yells as she puts on her coat.
"We're all going hun. Except for grandma. She has to stay here and cook the Christmas dinner for us." Rini says. Gohan and Goku put their coats on. Goten comes rushing into the room and puts his coat on too. They put their boots on and head outside. Gohan goes around the back of the house and grabs a cherry red sleigh. He sets it in the snow.
"Hop on sweetie." Gohan says holding onto the rope.
"ALRIGHT!! A SLEIGH RIDE!!" Goku says as he jumps on the sleigh smiling. Gohan stares at his dad with a sweat drop coming down his forehead. He smiles at Goku.
"Dad. Tihite gets to ride in the sleigh! Not you!"
"Awwww. Why can't I ride in the sleigh?" Goku asks playing with his fingers.
"Grandpa! I wanna ride in the sleigh! PLEASE!?" Tihite gives Goku the puppy dog eyes.Goku frowns and gets off the sleigh.
"Oh alright. You can ride in the sleigh."
"YEY!" Tihite hops in the sleigh.
"All set?" Gohan asks.
"Ready daddy!"
Gohan, Rini, Goten and Goku all start walking in the snow towards Capsule Corp. They tread through the snow and finally make it to Capsule Corp. They go inside and see Trunks, Vegeta, Bulma and Bra putting on their coats and boots.
"Hey guys. We were just heading over to your house." Bulma says smiling at them.
"We were wondering if you guys wanted to do some last minute shopping with us?" Rini asks. "Goku's gonna take Tihite tree shopping!"
"Yup! Tihite and I are gonnna find the perfect tree for Christmas!" Goku says smiling.
"Hah! You couldn't pick out a good tree if it fell on you Kakarot!" Vegeta wailed out.
"You can help too grandpa Vegeta!" Tihite says smiling. Vegeta stares at Tihite with panic on his face.
"Absolutely not! I'm not good with holidays!" Vegeta yells out. Tihite grabs on Vegeta's leg and gives him puppy dog eyes.
"Please grandpa Vegeta!?"
"Don't give me those eyes kid! I won't fall for it!" Vegeta says as he looks away.
"PLEASE!! It's Christmas!"
"Ya. Please!"Goku says smiling at Vegeta.
"Oh shut up Kakarot! Fine! I'll go with you and Kakarot!" Vegeta says as he looks away from Tihite and Goku.
"YEY!" Goku and Tihite say as they smile.
"Well lets get going!" Bulma says. They all hop in Bulma's car and drive into town. They find a parking space in the mall's parking lot. They all walk into the mall. They walk by the many displays of toys, Santa's, Christmas trees and coloured lights as they head towards a candy store.
"Oh boy! Candy!" Goku wails out as he presses his face against the glass window of the store. Tihite runs up to the window and presses her face up against the window too. She looks inside and sees gingerbread cookies, candy canes, different types of fudge and many more sweet treats.
"They all look so yummy!" Tihite says as she licks her lips. "Mommy. Can you buy me some candy?" Tihite asks smiling at Rini.
"Ya. And can you buy me some candy too?" Goku asks smiling his little smile at Rini. Rini smiles at Tihite and Goku.
"Well.."Rini starts.
"Oh please?" Goku asks fidgeting.
"Oh alright! Rini says. "What do you want?" Goku and Tihite run up to the glass and point out what they want.
"I want a big candy cane!" Tihite says pointing to a red and green striped candy cane.
"I want a bag of gingerbread cookies!" Goku says pointing to the bag of gingerbread cookies hanging from the ceiling.
"Alright. I'll be back." Rini walks into the candy store and buys the candy cane and bag of gingerbread cookies. She comes out and gives Tihite her candy cane and Goku his bag of gingerbread cookies.
"Thanks mommy." Tihite says licking her candy cane.
"Ya thanks Rini." Goku says as he bites into one of his gingerbread cookies. Vegeta makes a face.
"Can we get the blasted tree already!?" Vegeta asks impatiently.
"Sure. But take care of Tihite and don't get one too big or too small." Rini says smiling. Rini takes Tihite's hand and walks her over to Vegeta. She puts Vegeta's hand on Tihite's hand. "Now you be good for grandpa Goku and grandpa Vegeta., okay?" Rini says looking at her daughter.
"I will mommy." Tihite says still licking her candy cane. "We're gonna pick the perfect tree!" Tihite says as she smiles at Vegeta. Vegeta tries to smile but looks away instead.
"Okay. We'll meet you in the parking lot in one hour okay?" Rini says looking concerned at her father.
"We'll be there. Don't worry!" Goku says still eating his gingerbread cookies. He walks over to Tihite and Vegeta. "Let's get going and find the perfect tree!" Goku says smiling away.