Sons and Briefs Family Christmas
By: Rini Son Briefs

"I can't believe I'm going tree shopping with Kakarot!" Vegeta says looking angry. Vegeta, Tihite and Goku all start walking towards the tree section in the mall.
"Grandpa Vegeta." Tihite asks looking up at Vegeta.
"What is it?" Vegeta says looking at the funny looking elves.
"What does baka mean?" Tihite asks. Goku chokes on his cookie and looks at Vegeta. Vegeta looks at Goku. "Tell me!" Tihite demands.
"How about we go looking for that tree huh?" Goku asks looking worried. Tihite look sup at Goku and smiles.
"Ya! I almost forgot! We need the perfect tree for Christmas!" Tihite says taking another lick of her candy cane. They walk into a store that sells Christmas trees. They look at the many trees.
"Alright lets pick one and leave!" Vegeta demanded as he looks at the funny looking elf walk by. "What are those things anyways?" Vegeta asks still looking at the elf. "Are they miniature Nameks that aren't green?"
"No Vegeta. Those are Santa's elves." Goku says smiling. "They help Santa build the toys and feed the reindeer and make yummy sweets for children all over the world." Goku says day dreaming. Vegeta looks at Goku with a puzzled look on his face.
"Oh of course. What else could they be?" Vegeta says sarcastically. "So are we getting this tree or not?" He asks.
"Of course we are! Let's look over here!" Goku says as he runs over to a row of trees. Vegeta rolls his eyes.
"Come on grandpa! We have to go see the trees!" Tihite says as she pulls his hand in the direction where Goku is. Vegeta walks over and looks at a tree.
"Here's one. Lets buy it and go!" Vegeta says as he picks up the tree. Goku walks over and looks at the tree.
"Hmmm. Nope. That's not the right tree." Goku says as he puts his finger in the air. Vegeta looks angry.
"What do you mean it's not the right tree!?" Vegeta yells. "It's green! It has these pine needles! And the tag says Christmas Tree on it!" Vegeta yells shoving the tree in Goku's face. Goku pushes the tree away.
"I know it's a Christmas tree Vegeta. But it's too big." Goku says putting the tree down. Vegeta looks even more angry. He lets go of Tihite's hand and picks up the tree. He snaps it in half.
"There! Now it's shorter!" Vegeta yells holding the tree in front of Goku. Goku looks at the tree and frowns.
"Nope. Still not good." Goku says as he frowns. Tihite looks up at Vegeta and sees a vein in his forehead. She giggles.
"Why not!!!??? It's shorter now!!" Vegeta yells swinging the tree around. Goku smiles at Vegeta.
"It's too short now!" He says smiling. Vegeta throws the tree on the ground and is about to punch Goku when suddenly Tihite pulls on Vegeta's arm. He looks down at her.
"Grandpa Vegeta! It's Christmas time. You don't fight during Christmas. You have to be nice to grandpa Goku." She says looking sad. Goku smiles at Vegeta.
"Oh alright!" Vegeta says looking away from Goku.
"Great! Now lets go get a tree!" Goku says as he walks down an isle. Vegeta just rubs his head. "Hey guys! Over here! there's lots of trees!" Goku yells. Tihite and Vegeta walk over to where Goku is. They look and see at least 20 rows of trees lined up. Vegeta's mouth drops open.
"Holy Cosmos! We have to look at all these trees!!? Are you insane Kakarot!?" Vegeta yells.
"Not all of them." Goku says smiling. "Only the pretty ones." He says looking at a tree. Vegeta just rolls his eyes and looks at a tree. Tihite walks over to a bunch of trees and looks at them too. Finally, Tihite finds a tree.
"I found a good tree!" Tihite yells. Goku and Vegeta walk over to where Tihite is. Goku looks at the tree and smiles.
"Yup. This is a good tree. Great job Tihite!" Goku says as he pats Tihite on her head.
"Well lets buy the stupid thing already and leave!" Vegeta says impatiently. Goku picks up the tree and pays for it. Goku carries the tree outside of the store and into the mall. Tihite holds onto Vegeta's hand and looks at the toys in the store windows. Suddenly an elf comes up to her and smiles at her.
"Hello little girl. Would you like a candy cane?" The elf says taking a candy cane out of his pocket. Vegeta looks down at the elf and smacks the candy cane out of his hand.
"Don't you give my granddaughter any of your festive treats! You've probably poisoned them!" Vegeta yells at the elf.
"The candy canes aren't poisoned!" The elf yells back. "How about getting your picture taken with Santa Claus hun?" The elf asks as he grabs onto Tihite's hand. Vegeta smacks his hand off Tihite and picks up Tihite. He hold her with one arm and grabs the elf with his other arm.
"Don't you touch her you filthy little elk!!" Vegeta yells. Goku runs over and pulls Vegeta away from the elf.
"Vegeta! He's an ELF not an ELK!" Goku says still pulling Vegeta away.
"I don't care what he is! He's not going to touch Tihite!" Vegeta yells at Goku. Goku just smiles. He walks over to the elf.
"Sorry about that! He's had too many egg nogs!" Goku says smiling at the elf. He then grabs Vegeta and rushes out of the mall with him and Tihite in Vegeta's arms.