Sons and Briefs Family Christmas
By: Rini Son Briefs

"Kakarot! What are egg nogs?" Vegeta asks.
"I'll tell you later!" Goku says as he as he heads towards the parking lot. They see Gohan, Rini, Goten, Trunks, Bra and Bulma all waiting by the car. "Hey guys! We got the tree!" Goku yells. They arrive in front of the car.
"Mommy! Daddy! Grandpa Vegeta yelled at an elf!" Tihite wails out. Gohan and Rini look surprised at Vegeta.
"You yelled at an elf Vegeta?" Bulma says looking confused.
"He was trying to poison Tihite!" Vegeta yells out. Everyone looks at Vegeta shocked. Vegeta looks at them confused. "We got the blasted tree so lets go!" Vegeta yells as he puts Tihite in Gohan's arms. He then gets into the car. Tihite giggles and everyone else gets in the car. Goku ties the tree to the roof of the car and gets in. They arrive at the Son house and get out of the car. Goku grabs the tree and puts it on the floor in the living room.
"There we go." Goku says smiling at the tree.
"Can we decorate the tree now?" Tihite asks looking at her parents. Rini and Gohan both smile.
"Sure we can." Gohan says as he picks up Tihite. He takes Tihite into his room and grabs a box. He brings it out and puts it on the floor. "These are the we have." Gohan says as he puts Tihite down. Tihite, Trunks, Goten and Goku all run over to the box and open it up. Tihite holds up a shiny red ball.
"Wow. This is pretty." She says looking at herself in the ball. "I can see myself." She says smiling.
Trunks takes out a train ornament and looks at it. Neat. A train." Trunks says smiling. Goku takes out a nutcracker ornament and smiles at it.
"How about you guys put them on the tree now?" Rini asks looking at them.
"Great idea!" Goten says as he runs over to the tree. Goku, Tihite, Trunks and Goten all start putting ornaments on the tree. Rini walks over to her dad and pushes him towards the tree.
"You help too dad." Rini says still pushing him.
" But I don't want to! Vegeta says. "I hate these holidays! They're such a bother!" He says as he looks at the tree.
"Aw come on dad. You're afraid you might like Christmas." Rini says smiling. Vegeta looks at her confused. Rini hands him an ornament and walks away smiling.
"Put it on the tree grandpa!"" Tihite says looking up at Vegeta. Vegeta looks at the ornament and sighs. He puts it on the tree.
"Happy now?" Vegeta asks looking at Tihite. Tihite holds up a box of ornaments and smiles at him.
"Help me put these ones up grandpa!" Tihite says smiling at Vegeta. Vegeta looks angry.
"More!? I already helped you pick out a tree and saved you from that elk in the mall!" Vegeta yells out. Goku looks angry at Vegeta.
"He was an ELF Vegeta! Not an ELK!! How many times must I tell you that!?" Goku says as he puts an ornament on the tree.
"I don't care what he was! He was bothering Tihite!" Vegeta wails.
"No he wasn't grandpa." Tihite says looking confused. Vegeta takes an ornament out of the box.
"Well he was bothering me!" He says as he puts the ornament on the tree. Trunks, Tihite, Goku, Goten and Vegeta put all the decorations on the tree.
"Time to put the star on!" Goku says as he picks up the star.
"Whose going to put it on the tree?" Bulma asks.
"Who really cares who puts it up!" Vegeta says.
"Putting up the star is a very important job." Gohan says as he puts plates of food on the table.
"Well whose going to put it up?" Goten asks. Tihite walks over and takes the star from Goku's hand. She walks over and holds it up to Vegeta.
"Grandpa Vegeta should put the star up." Tihite says looking at Vegeta.
"Why me?" He asks. Tihite gives him the puppy dog eyes.
"Please grandpa? It's your Christmas too." Tihite says still giving him the puppy dog eyes.
"Don't you give me those eyes!" Vegeta answers trying not to look. Vegeta look sand falls to pieces when he sees her face. "Oh alright!" Vegeta puts the star on the top of the tree.
"YEY!" Tihite says. Goku plugs in the tree and looks at the tree light up.
"Dinner's ready!" Chi-Chi yells.
"Dinner!?" Goku says."I'm coming! Hold the turkey!" Goku runs to the table and sits down. everyone else also sits down. "Oh boy! Food!" Goku says grabbing his fork and knife. Everyone eats their dinner and desserts. It begins to get late and Rini gets Tihite dressed in her bunny pajamas. Tihite comes running out of her room to say goodbye to Trunks, Bulma, Bra and Vegeta.
"Buh bye Bulma." Tihite says as she hugs Bulma.
"Bye honey. We'll see you tomorrow okay?" Bulma says as she hugs Tihite back. Tihite waves goodbye to Bra. Tihite then hugs Trunks.
"Bye Uncle Trunks!" Tihite says as she hugs him tightly.
"Oww. Tihite. You have a strong power!" Trunks says as he smiles at her. "I'll see you tomorrow." Trunks then smiles and gets in the car. Tihite looks by the table and sees Vegeta standing there with his arms crossed. Tihite runs up to him and jumps into his arms. She kisses him on the cheek then outs her arms around his neck and hugs him.
"Bye bye grandpa! I had fun with you today." Vegeta just rolls his eyes. "I love you grandpa." Tihite says. Vegeta looks somewhat surprised. He suddenly has a flashback of when Rini was about five years and how she always clung on to him as Tihite does to him. Vegeta smiled a little and hugged her. He sets Tihite down on the floor. He bends down and whispers into her ear:
"I love you too." Tihite looks surprised. She had NEVER heard him say that to anyone. Vegeta smiled at left. He got in the car. Tihite waved goodbye to them as they drove off. Tihite then knew that her grandpa liked Christmas.
"I wish Vegeta would have more of a Christmas spirit." Chi-Chi says as she closes the door.
"He does grandma. He just hides it under his pride." Tihite says as she smiles.

The End