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Original Dragon Ball airing at 5:00 and 5:30 pm on Cartoon Network

New episodes of DBZ currently airing on the Cartoon Network at 6:00 pm.

 Movie #5 expected in January 2002, #6 to follow shortly thereafter.

#5 will not be released theatrically, #6 unlikely.

Infogrames/Wizard Works is currently producing the upcoming DBZ games. First game is "The Legacy of Goku" for Game Boy Advance. Due before Christmas 2001.


New Releases on VHS

Dragon Ball
Tournament: Semi-Finals

Tournament: The Final Test

Dragon Ball Z
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns

Babidi: Rivals


New Releases on DVD

Dragon Ball Z
Frieza: Desperation

Frieza: Super Saiyan Goku

Babidi: Descent

Babidi: Battle Royal

Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns

Babidi: Rivals


New Release Comics

Dragon Ball
Graphic Novel: Vol. 6
(September 2001)

Part 4, #3

Dragon Ball Z
Graphic Novel: Vol. 6
(October 2001)

Part 4, #11

More Releases
Recent News
Got some important Info? Let me know Here
Submitted- 9/00/2001 @ 10:01 PM  Western Time By: DaRkmAN
The Site:
The first steps to completing this site are under way. Today is a big day. For this is the Grand Opening of Dragon Ball Heaven. All facts and charts, guides and links are as true as possible. Much credit goes to first and for most God, for letting me be alive to complete this project. Next I thank my mother because without her support and nagging I would not be where I am at today. Also credit goes to the people at, there well equipped site and up to date info has guided me in the direction I need to go. They gave me the inspiration needed to complete this project. Check out there site for everything you could possible ever want to know.

My goal in creating this site was to build a site for the public. One that everyone could come to love and enjoy. Where people would talk about my site for thousands of miles to come. I beleieve I have been able to do this here with this site. And although this site is the second coming I feel that it has been well worth the wait. All my years in high school I have been wasting my time doing nothing and I feel that this is my way to show people that I'm not just another high school drop out. I created this site by myself and I plan to maintain it by myself. I know that sounds crazy but I believe I can do it. The problem is that I just havent found anyone yet that loves DragonBall as much as I do and knows HTML. Well I think I can do it. And with a little luck and determination this site will be the best in the land.

This site has a long way to go before being complete. So much is needed to be done until it is complete and even then it still won't compare to the complexity of,, or the others out there that have been dimed astounding sites. Updates to come, well the main thing is to take things one at a time. So I am going to start from the top of the list and work my way down, Completing one item at a time. This way I know what I have and I think it will go faster this way. As time goes on I get better at HTML so pages will go up faster and faster until finally I have completed this site. As a set date for those that visit this site, it should be up and running by June 16, 2002. That is the day I graduate from high school and the day that this site should be done. Until then hope you guys can have patient with me as each page goes up. More and more pages everyday.
Disclaimers And Credits
My site does not near compare to those of other sites. Yet all files I believe have been shared at one another. I give credit to these sites. There uniqueness and quality that they put into there sites is amasing. They inspire all to make there sites look better and I was one of those people.

1st and formost:

There are many more, whos names have escaped me at the moment but believe me I truly am thankful to those as well.

Much of my information comes from other sites and the sites I listed above I would aslo like to say that they made big, no huge contribution to the information of this site.

I surly did not create DragonBall, and I'm not going to take creadit for even trying to make it. That would be just stupid. This site is for the fans and I konw you've probably heard this about a million times but this site is for the fans and only for the fans. They make it happen and it is because of them that this site exsist.

©2001, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation. Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved, or as otherwise directed by FUNimation.

I am by far not smart enough to create DragonBall, and I  know I have said this before but I would never try and take credit for the making of it. I would never try an infringe on there rights. I am just here to promote DragonBall and make as wonder for the next man as it is for me. Many thanks to they have made me strive for more,, and to all other sites that I visited. They all have some part in this site.

 Web Page Design ©2001Tellix Web, Dreamweaver 4,
Paint Shop Pro 6 & 7, Adobe Photoshop 5 & 6

Here is the Pic of the WeeK
Hope you guys like this pic as much as I do !
Here are the stats on how DBZ racks up as the top serached items




Hot Bot:

Here are some of my favorite Polls. Who is the best of the best. Find out thanks to you the Fans, and you the viewer