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Cell Saga:
(I would just like to add that even though I do know the Episodes. But thanks to good All America (SUCKS ASS) I have no Idea when a small saga ends and when a new one Began. So I am going to be Lazy and just put this in one big Chunk. If you Don't Like it TOUGH.)

Episode 125 : Seized with Fear
Trunks and Krillin join Bulma at the crash site of the mysterious time capsule and find an eerie clue-- the shell of a large, locust-like creature!

Episode 126 : The Reunion
It's doomsday in Gingertown, a quiet city near the crash site of the time capsule.

Episode 127 : Borrowed Powers
The deserted streets of Gingertown become a battlefield as the powered-up Piccolo confronts this terror from the future. The monster's name is Cell, and he gains strength from sucking the life out of his victims!

Episode 128 : His Name is Cell
A fleet of tanks roll into Gingertown to destroy the new threat, but Cell quiets the army's attempt with one swift blow.

Episode 129 : Piccolo's Folly
Piccolo has been badly injured from his fight with the android Cell, but he cleverly distracts Cell long enough to regenerate his stricken arm. Now Piccolo is ready for another round, and Krillin and Trunks have arrived for backup!

Episode 130 : Laboratory Basement
Escaping the heroes, Cell strives to carry out his awful plan. By absorbing Androids 17 and 18, Cell can evolve to his perfect, unstoppable form! To save the future, Trunks and Krillin race to destroy Dr. Gero's lab, while Piccolo and Tien search for the elusive Cell.

Episode 131 : Our Hero Awakes
After learning that Cell came from his own bleak future, Trunks is left to ponder the effects of his journey through time. In South City, Cell plows through more civilians and accidentally runs into Krillin! Goku finally gets back on his feet, but with Cell and the other androids in full stride, can the Saiyan hero still make a difference?

Episode 132 : Time Chamber
As Cell continues his deadly march, Goku jumps back into action with an ingenious plan. By training in Kami's Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta can get a year of training in just one day!

Episode 133 :The Monster Is Coming
Behind the closed doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Vegeta and Trunks struggle to push past the level of Super Saiyan, while Gohan and Goku wait for their own chance to train. Down on earth, Piccolo challenges Android 17 to a battle and quickly gains the advantage. But don't look now, Cell is on his way!

Episode 134 : He's Here
Fabulously strong after uniting with Kami, Piccolo spearheads the battle against the androids! And it looks like the Super Namek has things well under control until an unexpected guest arrives at the battlefield! It's Cell!

Episode 135 : Up to Piccolo
Just as Cell is about to absorb Android 17, Piccolo bravely steps in and foils Cell's plan! But with Goku and Gohan still waiting for Vegeta and Trunks to finish their training, does Piccolo really have a chance of stopping Cell on his own?!

Episode 136 : Silent Warrior
Sixteen! When the silent giant tells 17 that he is "just as strong as Cell", it seems like a wild claim!

Episode 137 : Say Goodbye, 17
Fire fights fire and android fights android, as the titan 16 clashes against Cell. Miraculously, Android 16 proves himself to be the stronger fighter, but Cell is far too driven to be stopped now! With an underhanded attack, Cell sneaks up on 17 and turns the tables once again! Cell transforms!

Episode 138 : Sacrifice
Tien takes matters into his own hand-and head! With an onslaught of psychic blasts, Tien drives back Cell and gives Android 16 and 18 a chance to escape.

Episode 139 : Saiyans Emerge
Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber after a year of intense training.

Episode 140 : Super Vegeta
Anxious to find 18, the heartless Cell obliterates a chain of inhabited islands, with each explosion bringing him closer to the android's hideout!

Episode 141 : Bow to the Prince
It's show-and-tell for Vegeta as he demonstrates just how much difference a year of hard work can make!

Episode 142 : Hour of Temptation
Goku and Gohan continue to push themselves forward, but will they even be needed? In his powered-up state, Vegeta is quickly pounding Cell six feet into the ground! With his back against the wall, the ever-clever android attacks Vegeta's weakest point-his unbridled arrogance!

Episode 143 : Krillin's Decision
Krillin Falls for 18 and decides to let her live by smashing the Controller Bulma gave to him.

Episode 144 : The Last Defense
With the remote control smashed and Vegeta giving Cell the go-ahead, the stage is set is for Cell's terrifying completion. Now it's up to Krillin and Trunks to save 18 from Cell's power-hungry grasp.

Episode 145 : Cell is Complete
Dr. Gero's dream has been realized, and the earth's greatest fear has come true. Cell is complete! Can anyone stop the android nightmare in his final, perfect form?

Episode 146 : Vegeta Must Pay
Trunks races to Krillin's side after Cell crushes the small hero with one lethal kick. Next comes Vegeta. He allowed Cell to reach his final form, and now he wants the challenge he was promised. But as Cell becomes a brick wall to the Saiyan's every move, it's clear that Vegeta has more than he bargained for!

Episode 147 : Trunks Ascends
Vegeta doubles as a punching bag as Cell demonstrates his amazing power. But the Saiyan Prince never surrenders! Tapping into the deepest wells of his energy, Vegeta leaves Cell with one last hit-the Final Flash!

Episode 148 : Saving Throw
Vegeta lies unconscious after an intense battle with Cell, and Trunks unleashes his hidden powers to save his father's life. With Goku and Gohan still training and the other fighters clearly out-leagued, Trunks is the only person standing in the evil android's way.

Episode 149 : Ghosts from Tomorrow
As apocalyptic visions of the future haunt his mind, Trunks vows to stop his horrible future from repeating. But Cell remembers those dark days in a different light, and can't wait for history to follow its course. It's all up for grabs as the two warriors prepare for battle. Only one future will survive.

Episode 150 : The Cell Games
Cell and Trunks face off in a power struggle to prove who is stronger. The young Super Saiyan's powers ascend to new levels but Cell proves he is equally as powerful. Trunks accepts defeat only to be given a second chance when Cell proposes a martial arts tournament that will bring the worlds greatest fighters together in one place. Is Cell interested in competition or does he have a more sinister plan?

Episode 151 : What is the Tournament?
Vegeta and Krillin find Trunks after his battle with Cell. They learn of Cell's plan to hold a tournament to decide who is the greatest fighter once and for all. Master Roshi recalls the history of the World's Martial Arts Tournament and Cell builds an arena where the tournament will take place. Will this be a one-sided competition that only Cell can win?

Episode 152 : The Doomsday Broadcast
Dr. Brief attempts to repair the damaged Android 16. The team waits impatiently at the Capsule Corporation for Cell to come out of hiding. Cell takes over a television station and announces to the world the time and place of his martial arts tournament. Are there any challengers left with the strength and courage to get in the ring with the scheming serpent?

Episode 153 : Meet Me In the Ring
Goku and Gohan have finished the most intense part of their and have emerged from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Meanwhile, the good citizens of earth are in a panic as they flee their towns to escape Cell's looming vengeance. But Goku feels he's ready for battle after a trip down to size up Cell.

Episode 154 : No Worries Here
With only nine days left until the tournament with Cell, it seems Goku has decided he's had enough training. So, along with Gohan, the two have returned to earth to pick up Chi Chi and spend a little quality R & R time fishing. Meanwhile, all of Goku's friends think he's lost it because he refuses to train. The question is, has he gone loopy or does he have something up his sleeve that we don't know about yet?!

Episode 155 : A Girl Named Lime
While out shopping for his Mother, Gohan stumbles upon a village that has retreated to a nearby shelter. But when a little girl named Lime shows Gohan that the owner of the shelter is merely capitalizing on the villagers' fear of Cell, Gohan comes up with a Super Saiyan solution to the problem! . . .

Episode 156 : Memories of Gohan
As the countdown continues until the commencement of the Cell Game, Goku continues his strategy of enjoying the remaining time with his family and Krillin! Go fishing with Goku and Krillin, and stroll down memory lane with Chi-Chi, until it's time for a very special boy to blow out the candles! . . .

Episode 157 : A New Guardian
With the day of the tournament drawing near, Goku seems oddly relaxed. That is, until the Royal Military foolishly tries to stop Cell with ordinary weapons! The attack quickly becomes a suicide mission, and now Goku is determined to bring them back! But that would require… new Dragon Balls?!

Episode 158 : Dende's Dragon
After a little help from King Kai, Goku travels to the new planet Namek to recruit a new guardian for the Earth! Most of the Nameks quickly refuse the offer, but there's one little guy who can't wait to go! Dende is back, and he's going to create a new Dragon!

Episode 159 : The Puzzle of General Tao
Goku encounters General Tao and Mr. Bourbon, a gangster who is also collecting the Dragon Balls. Goku solves a puzzle to get their two Dragon Balls, and then finds all seven. The tournament is one hour away.

Episode 160 : The Games Begin
The tournament day has come, and all the fighters gather at ringside. Goku wants to go first, but Hercule annoyingly insists on fighting first. Realizing Hercule's( A.K.A Mr. Satan) thick-headedness, Goku agrees.

Episode 161 : Losers Fight First
Hercule insists on fighting before Goku. First Hercule's students, Caroni and Pirozhki, fight Cell and are quickly defeated by Cell's energy aura. Then Hercule steps up and is quickly thrown from the ring. Now the games can really begin: It's Goku's turn.

Episode 162 : Goku Vs. Cell
Goku and Cell begin their fight and both are having fun, testing eachother and enjoying a good fight. After a long round, they announce they're done with their warm-up and start again.

Episode 163 : Cell's Bag of Tricks
The fight continues more intensely. Cell demonstrates moves of other fighters, such as Tien's split-form and energy blasts of Piccolo and Frieza. Finally, Cell fires a huge Kamehameha that could destroy the earth. Goku evades it using Instant Transmission.

Episode 164 : No More Rules
Cell destroys his ring so he and Goku will be free to fight until the very end without restrictions. Goku puts all of his energy into a Kamehameha and disentegrates the top half of Cell.

Episode 165 : The Fight Is Over
Cell regenerates and his fight with Goku continues. Cell creates a defensive barrier because he is injured, but Goku is even more drained. Cell urges Goku to take a Senzu Bean so they can continue fighting, but Goku unexpectedly gives up.

Episode 166 : Faith in a Boy
To everyone's surprise, Goku appoints Gohan as the next contestant against Cell. He is so confident of his son that he gives Cell a Senzu Bean so that Gohan can fight Cell in his best condition. The fight begins.

Episode 167 : Gohan's Desperate Plea
Gohan and Cell fight, and Gohan is not trying his hardest. He asks Cell to stop the tournament, because he doesn't like fighting or killing, and he knows that if Cell makes him unleash his dormant power Cell will die. Cell is determined to see that power.

Episode 168: Cell Jrs
The fight between Gohan and Cell has begun. However, Gohan deos not want to fight Cell but Cell is doing whatever it takes to see Gohan's 'hidden power'. Cell was beating up Gohan really badly but Gohan still didn't want to fight. Out of nowhere, Android 16 decided he would kill Cell by self-destructing. Unfortunately for him, Bulma had taken it out so 16 was blown into pieces. Then Cell made 7 copies of himself (Cell Jrs.) to fight Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien. Then the episode ended.

Episode 169: The Tragity of Number 16. Super Gohan's Anger Explodes
The Cell Jr. flew up into the cliff and began to fight Goku and everyone else. Surprisingly, the Cell Jr. were incredibly strong. Even Goku and Vegeta were no match. Hurcule (Mr. Satan) and the other humans were about to leave when 16's head talked to Hurcule. 16 asked for Hurcule to bring him near Gohan. After hesitating a little, Hurcule took 16's head and threw him in front of Gohan and Cell. 16 gave a speech talking about how it wasn't to bad to fight for justice. When he finished, Cell stepped on his head and killed 16. Gohan got super pissed and turned Super Saiyan 2.

Episode 170: Real Power Blowup. Exploding Cell Junior's.
After Gohan turned SS2, he stole back the senzu beans from Cell which had been taken earlier. Then he killed all the Cell Jr. with ease while Trunks gave everyone a senzu bean. Now the real battle has begun. Who will triumph... Gohan or Cell? We all know its Gohan.

Episode 171: Gohan Staggers Cell with 2 Punches
The ultimate battle has begun. Cell and Gohan were fighting but Cell couldn't land a punch because Gohan was too powerful. At the end of this episode, Gohan kicked Cell's Ass with only two punches.

Episode 172: Cell's Perfect Body Breaks Down..
After Gohans new power is released Cell spits out android 18 and then becomes Semi-Perfect Cell.

Episode 173: Bye Bye Everyone! ! ! Goku's last Teleportation...
Cell has become Unstable and is going to blow himself up and Goku Sacrifices himself and Instant Transmissions to King Kais Planet and Dies by the Explosion.

Episode 174: A Nightmare is Reborn. . . The Absolute Terror.
Cell has regenerated himself to perfect Cell and Kills Trunks. Cell becomes a total monster and breaks GOhan arm and goes on a woop ass spree.

Episode 175: From Father To Son. Goku's Spirit Passed Down.
Cell after much deliberation unleashes a Kamehameha and Gohan with the help of he father does the "Perfect" Kamehameha and totally kills Cell.

More Coming Soon...

More To Come.. Due To my lack of Funding and other things I can't give you much any idea of what the next Episode of Great Sayia-Man Saga, Majin-Vegeta Saga, and So On. Even though I have seen most all of the 239 DBZ Episode, I forgot what most of the Titles were too :-P .So I will most Likely Get The other Episodes Soon.