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This page is were you can check and see which villain is coming and ones that were brought down in battles tells there status if they are dead or not a villain should show every 3 weeks to a month and they will be more powerfull than the strongest person so everybody will need to help in these battles also there maybe more than one at a time.

Raditz-Goku's older brother Status=Dead
Vegeta-Saiyan prince-Status=alive(ecsaped Buu) Nappa-saiyan status=dead
Ginyu Force-and force of man that are like assassins for frieza they where hired to get all the dragon balls back Captin Ginyu-the team leader and is also very powerful PL-unknown Jiece-team member kinda powerful PL-unknown Racoomteam member more powerful then Jiece PL-unknown Burter-team member pretty powerful jiece and himself do a powerful attack together PL-unknown Guldo-team member kinda powerful can freez time PL-unknown they will be here on march 3rd at 9 pm eastern time