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Essential Heaven or Light   

Essential Physical plane      

Essential Hell or Darkness 


Spirit - The essential personalty of the self being.

Aura -  The essential casing that holds the physical body and the spirit in one plane or as one being.

Physical - The essential body that houses the spirit, enabling it to touch, smell, taste, see and hear, also to gather knowledge of this life times and other from the physical plane.

  Why I use the word "Essential" is that the physical body, form or mind could not the true aspects of true light -Good/Darkness-Evil.

  What the spirit and/or aura see are normally quit different then what the physical sees. Now some people have learned or have the gift where the physical can actually perceive what the spirit/aura can. It is a very special ability to posses. Since not very many people can do this, in or on this plane. The physical is the base of all things, such as touch, sight, etc. The physical is the bearer of this senses and many others, through the spirit/aura do have the same, but on the spiritual plane.

 The spirit/aura in some people opinion are one in the same while others believe that they are to separate essences, I believe that the spirit is that which lies with in the physical being and the aura is the make up and the joining of the physical and the At any rate they can work as one or as separate essences. Each may has its own purpose. This is why the top and the bottom of the triangle has both spirit and aura .

  This is also why top or bottom is ether essential Heaven-light or Hell-Darkness is at the extreme top or bottom. This reasoning is that in most cases, the spirit/aura can enter this realms: ie in death the physical is left as the spirit/aura rises or descends to the different planes, Astral projection the physical stays as the spirit/aura adventures forth bring back information or what ever its propose may be at the time.

  The spirit can and does create its own energy so that it can live on, thus you can astral project it can also energize the the Aura. Essentially helping the bounding to the physical. The spirit can also gather the energy from either the Aura or physical.

  The aura can energize itself by entering the physical or spiritual planes and using the energy from from the spirit or physical to help the bonding presses by starting this, the Aura is not  in the spiritual or physical planes. It can create energy by its self, but it is very limited.

  The physical can only stay on the physical plane, less the physical, the spirit, and the aura have been converted in such a way that they are and will ever be one, such and 'God' the physical can act like a funnel to absorb the energy that the aura and spirit needs, it can also energize its self through organic means.

  To absorb the energy that the spirit and aura, some use the term 'energy vampire'.

  Without the spirit there is no aura nor physical, without the aura there is no spirit and physical life,in or around each other on the physical plane, since the spirit dose receive all physical  sensations.

  If the all live as one being, you will be come a 'God like being', if they all co-exstist on the physical plane and the spiritual leaves ending its term, the aura will dissipate and will follow the spirit to meet in another life time If you look, they form a triangle without one corner, it would collapse. So it is true to the human being, one can not live with out the other on the physical plane to meet in another life time.

   If you look, they form a triangle,  without  one corner, it  will collapse. So it is true to the human being, one can not live without the others on the physical plane.


                 So mote it be,

                 Bless it be ..  


s  A story of my own.....................

                     The healing of a chyld

Well to start it of , i was asked to help in the healing of a child and to give strength to the chylds mother, well i was planing on doing this when i got home from work, well as it would happen it did not quite work out like that, the energy started to churn and the spiral started spinning and a bubble formed around me, i went in to a trance like state, at least my subcontuies did, and i still worked.

Well when i looked around it was like i was seeing two different places over lapping each other, sort a like looking through plastic. Well anyway, i was walking to the back of the warehouse and i started to send the healing energy and light, while about, my guess would be 30 min later, the energy gained a great amount of power and i heard the beat of drums and chanting of a indian language.

At that time i then felt my self surrounded with other shamans and we walked in to this room where a small boy chyld laid we moved to the 8 path ways positions around him and started to chant.

he was engulfed with energy and and the healing started to progress, this lasted around 2 hours time from what i can gather.


This story came to me a few months ago and when i asked Billy(Crowley666) if i can put his story on my web he agreed so here it is.


Hello most of you know me as Crowley666 on AOL. Well let me tell

you about Billy Hoffman and what changed my life, as I know it. But you

have to understand that I am not here to try and change anyone's beliefs

or way of thinking. I was a regular in AOL's Ask A Witch chat room up

until Monday March 19, 1998 when myself and two other friends where

involved in an accident. Only two of us survived. Those of you who know

me know that I like to joke around and generally be funny even when

things are serious. Well during the time that I spent non-responsive to

anything I had a Dream Quest. Where I found a new, meaning to my

existance and purpose in life.

I don't really remember the accident taking, place but I do

remember a falling sensation. There was, a warmth but yet a chill at the

same time. No voices per say but a urge to find out what was there.

Imagine a milky-gray lake with no wind, but yet rough waves. A bright

light behind everything, hidden with no way of finding it. I stood there

in the water afraid to move but knowing that I must. There were familiar

faces which I have never seen in my life but yet I knew them and they

knew me well. All where carrying items which I lost in my life. I saw

bridges burned and friends lost. The air was hot and a cold wind was

swirling around my but never touching me. Everything it touched fell

like card houses. It seemed my own mortality was at stake but I had to

chose. On the shore to my back there were countless Munch type figures

urging me to take a step. But I couldn't, I wouldn't listen. It seemed

like an eternity standing there too afraid to take a step. Then

something happened the faceless ones ran and there came forth am

embracing light which calmed the waters and made it smooth as glass, and

hard as granite. There seemed like a thousand hands reaching and groping

for me to move forward not to death but into the unknown.

As this light poured forth there was an old woman dressed in

green rags and bent from time. She had the kindest and softest face I

have ever looked upon. Her face spoke of countless ages of wisdom and

love for which no person has ever felt or ever could. She spoke not a

word but took my hand and held it to her heart, which pounded like a

hammer to a rock. Her hair started to blow around her face like a

hurricanes gale but nothing else moved not a leaf on a tree or a blade

of grass at her feet. I felt complete trust and followed her into the

woods. The trees seemed to caress her and sigh as she walked by. We

walked for what seemed like days but I never tired or felt weak while in

her presence. The deeper we walked the more upright and younger she

became. But her eyes never changed they still had the fire of Sol

burning in them. Everytime I became afraid she would look at me and the

fear would be gone.

We eventually came to a large clearing with what looked like an

altar made of the whitest alabaster. She pointed to the altar and I

immeadiatly laid on the thing. She still spoke no words to me that I can

remember, but she walked around me three times in each direction, each

time she did this I felt stronger and more secure than ever. She then

walk up to me kissed me three times on the forehead and moved her hand

over my face to close my eyes. I heard three knocks on the altar opened

my eyes and she was gone.

I don't know who she was or why she came to me but I felt the

urge to go on and I did. I found paths that where of ice, sharp stone,

hills with no end and one that wasn't like a path at all but a field of

wisps of smoke and fire. This struck me as quite odd for there was

nothing burning and no heat given off from the flame. As I walked

through this field my clothes turned to dust and all my doubts and fears

appeared in front of me. Completely solid as you or I. And each one fell

to the ground and was burned away. At this time I felt sleepy and laid

down and fell a sleep to which I woke up in a hospital bed.


  This story has come to me from a Indain (Native amarican) friend of mine.

The history of the Kanienkehaka, the Mohawk people, begins at the very dawn of time. It is to these origins, that one must go in order to understand the world view, or basic outlook on life that Iroquoian people have. It is the world view, in addition to race, language and culture that makes Mohawk people different from their neighbors in North America and around the world.

What exactly is a world view? This is a term that is used by historians to signify the basic outlook on the world that a group of people have. World view is a combination of the values, attitudes, hopes and aspirations of a people. When one wants to discover a world view, one usually begins by studying the creation stories of a people.

Much of history involves the conflicts between people, nations and races. One of the reasons for this conflict, and a major cause of warfare in the world, is that people often do not take time out to understand the world view of other cultures. For example, when Europeans settled in the Americas they did not understand the world views of native peoples. For this reason there was conflict between Europeans and native people. This conflict continues to the present day.

History, then, involves a conflict of world views.

In order to understand the history of the Kanienkehaka it is necessary to understand the unique world view of the Mohawk people. The beginning point is the creation story.

There are many impossible and fantastic things that occur in the Mohawk creation story. For this reason, these stories are called myths. The creation story of the Mohawk people is a myth, as is the one in the Bible of Christianity, and the one in the Bhagavad-Gita of India. By calling the creation story a myth, does not mean that what is in the story is not true. It simply means that what is reported on has many incredible parts to it, that do not ordinarily happen. These stories were not created to give the detail of creation, but to tell the people what their values were, and to do this in an entertaining and interesting way.

It would be helpful to look at a couple of things told in the creation story, and analyze them in terms of unique things that the Kanienkehaka believed about the world.

The responsibility for educating the young people of the Mohawk Nation traditionally rested with the grandparents and the older aunts and uncles of a longhouse. Children were told the legends and creation stories of their ancestors, and in this way they learned all the lessons of what it meant to be a Kanienkehaka of the Six Nations Confederacy. These lessons were given all year round, but mostly in the winter months when the people were brought in close around the warmth of the midwinter fires.

In every society there are some people who are expert at storytelling.

This is true today in Mohawk territory and around the world. These storytellers are teachers. They know just when the right time for a lesson is. Traditionally, once a storyteller began a lesson the lodges of the Kanienkehaka quieted, the only sounds remaining being the crackling of the fires and the clear voice of the speaker.

The children huddled close to their parents or uncles and aunts, snug in their soft leather clothes and warmed by the thick fur of a bear skin blanket. They listened with wide open eyes, as the wisdom of the ancestors fell from the lips of the old people:

"Now, he who was my grandfather used to relate, that truthfully it was told by five generations of his grandsires, that this is the manner in which the earth came about; this is how we all had our beginning, and this is what he himself was in the habit of telling."

With these words of introduction, the storyteller would begin his tale of the world's origins.

In the beginning, Onkweshona, or manlike beings lived in the regions above. They knew not what it was to weep or to cry, sorrow and death were thus unknown to them.

And the lodges of the man beings were long, each one belonging to a large family of one clan. In one of these lodges there was a woman who had been born with strong power. People such as this were called down-fended, because they slept on beds of soft down. They were always kept separated from the other people of the lodge, and were cared for in their childhood by an older aunt or uncle.

One day, when the people were out from the lodge, a young man entered and went up to this down-fended woman. She reached out and touched the man, and he died. The woman later became pregnant. She gave birth to a daughter called Aientsik meaning Fertile Earth. Aientsik was a beautiful girl. She grew up in the lodge of her mother, and became a healthy young woman. One day, however, she became ill. Sickness was not known to the man beings, and they did not know what to do.

Aientsik went out one night, and sought the spirit of her father, who told her to do the following: "You must travel, my daughter, to the village of Tharonhiawakon, or, He Who Holds Up The Sky. In his village that is lit by the Tree of the Standing Light, you will become his bride. On your way to the village of the Tree of the Standing Light, you must be careful not to touch any man or animal that comes along. When you come to the stream between our village and that of Tharonhiawakon, you will find a maple log Cross the stream on this log, and accept help from none."

Aientsik left the village of her people and traveled to the East. When she arrived at the stream she found the log, but before she could push the log out into the water, Kahahserine appeared.

Kahahserine is the White Dragon of the Fire Body; he sometimes appears in the sky as a failing star or meteor. Kahahserine asked Aientsik if she would like some help. She became frightened and ran back to the village of her people. Just as she left the stream, however, Kahahserine reached out and barely touched her on the shoulder.

When Aientskik arrived back in her village she sought the spirit of her father. He asked if Kahahserine had touched her, and she replied no. He then advised his daughter to return to the stream and to make way for the village of the tree of the Standing Light. Aientsik arrived at the stream's shoreline again, and finding the maple log where she had left it, crossed over to the other side.

When Aientsik arrived at the village of the Tree of Standing Light, she sought out Tharonhiawakon, the chief of the upper world.

She said, "I have come to be your bride."

He said, "Good, make me some supper".

When night time came, Aientsik slept on one side of the lodge, and her new husband slept on the other. They did not really know each other that well, and they did not think that it was such a good idea to start having children right away. Even so, Aientsik became pregnant.

This disturbed the mind of Tharonhiawakon and he had a dream. Tharonhiawakon brought the people of his village together to try to guess the meaning of his dream. None of the people could correctly guess the dream of the Sky Holder.

Finally the White Dragon of the Fire Body stepped forward and said, "Tharonhiawakon, surely your dream means this, that your new wife is pregnant, and you are upset. Therefore, you will take the Tree of the Standing Light by the trunk, you will up root this tree and place your wife by the abyss. Once done, you will push he through the hole, and cause her to leave the upper world forever".

When Kahahserine had finished speaking, the chief of the upper world

said, "Yes, what you have said is true, and by correctly guessing the meaning of my dream, it is as if you have made it come true".

Tharonhiawakon then uplifted the Tree of the Standing Light, he placed his pregnant wife at the edge of the hole, and he pushed her through into the space below.

Aientsik fell. Below her, all of the universe was water. The animals of the water saw her falling, but because the sky was blue, as well as the water, they did not know if she was falling from the sky, or coming up from the bottom of the lake. All of the water animals had an argument about this. The otter said that she was coming up from the bottom of the lake. The beaver agreed, as did the muskrat. The geese and the ducks, however, said that she was falling from the sky. They flew up, and breaking the fall of Aientsik, let her rest upon their backs, and brought her gently down to the surface of the water.

Meanwhile, a great turtle came up out of the water and volunteered to be a resting place for Aientsik, or Fertile Earth. The beaver, otter and muskrat each dove to the bottom of the lake to try to bring up a mouthful of earth to place on the back of the turtle. The beaver failed and died. The otter failed and also died. But the muskrat was successful. He placed the mud on the back of the turtle and Aientsik was laid down to rest.

When she woke, there was a fire next to her and a pot of corn soup. The back of the turtle had grown in size and it was visibly continuing to grow with every passing minute. Aientsik stood up on the earth, and walked about it, helping in the process of its creation. Every day when she returned to her resting place, there was a fire and a supply of corn, or some beans or squash for her to eat. Corn, beans and squash have been known ever since as the three sister-providers of the Mohawk people.

Aientsik was pregnant and she soon gave birth to a daughter, Tekawerahkhwa, or Gusts of Wind. This daughter grew to maturity, and she soon was a beautiful young woman. One day when Tekawerahkhwa was sleeping in the forest, a man being came up to her and passed two arrows over her stomach. One arrow was tipped with flint, the other was a maple shaft. Tekawerahkhwa became pregnant with twins.

After about nine months, these twins inside the womb of Tekawerahkhwa

had an argument. One of the twins, called Thawiskaron, or Flint, said that the best way to leave their mother was by way of the arm pit. The other twin, called Okwiraseh, or Young Tree, said that the best way to leave was by between the legs. Before the argument was over, Thawiskaron pierced through his mother's armpit and killed her. Okwiraseh followed, but was blamed for killing his mother by Thawiskaron and his grandmother, Aientsik.

Aientsik asked, "Who is it that killed my daughter?"

Thawiskaron replied, "It was Okwiraseh, my brother".

Okwiraseh was then thrown into the forest by his grandmother and left to die. This was not to be his fate, however. Tharonhiawakon came down from the upper world and taught his grandson how to live in the forest. He taught him how to hunt and to make foods from the things that grew about the earth. He taught him to make the lodges of the Onkweshona and the method of preparing the bark.

Finally, Tharonhiawakon told Okwiraseh to prepare the earth for the coming of man. He told him to make the earth beautiful and to provide growing space for the three sister-providers, corn, beans and squash. Okwiraseh made the Indian corn to grow tall and strong. His brother Thawiskaron took the corn, however, and threw it into the fire, burning the ends and ruining that part of the ear. Okwiraseh rushed to take the corn out from the fire, however and saved the rest of the ear. Notice today how the end of the corn cob cannot be eaten.

Okwiraseh made all of the rivers to run in two directions. This way, men would be able to travel in any direction without having to paddle against the current. Thawiskaron changed the course of the rivers and made them all go just one way. He then threw large boulders in the river in order to prevent river travel. Fortunately, Okwiraseh caught Thawiskaron in time and stopped him, but many of the rivers were made difficult to travel on.

Okwiraseh asked the various animals how they would avoid man in the hunt. When the animals responded, Okwiraseh changed that part of the animal that was going to have a special advantage over man. One day, as Okwiraseh was going about the earth, he noticed that there were no animals about. The animals had all been captured by Thawiskaron and locked into a cave. The season began to grow cold and there was no game. Okwiraseh located the cave where the animals had been confined and he moved back the rock holding them in and freed them.

After this last confrontation with his brother Thawiskaron, Okwiraseh decided to challenge his brother to one last contest of strength. He asked his brother to meet him on top of a mountain deep within the Adirondacks and play a game of dice. The winner was to rule the day, the loser the night.

When Thawiskaron showed up for this contest he brought his own dice. Okwiraseh agreed to use the bowl of Thawiskaron, but not his dice. He called to the sparrows and asked them to give their small heads for dice. The sparrows agreed.

Okwiraseh then called out to all of creation and said, "All you things that are alive, send me your power now so that I may be victorious, and so that all of you may live!"

The animals and the plants, the very earth itself sent power to Okwiraseh and he proved victorious over his brother.

Thawiskaron was banished to the lower world, below the turtle and the earth, only to come out at night when it is dark and cold. Okwiraseh assumed preeminence on the earth during the day, and continued to carry out his grandfather's command to continue the work of making the earth a better place for the coming of man.

One day while traveling about the earth, reviewing all of his work, Okwiraseh came across a man being, Hatowi, blocking the path through the forest.

Hatowi said, "What are you doing here, walking about my creation, as if you had made it?"

Okwiraseh responded that he, Okwiraseh, had done all of this work of creation, and not Hatowi. The two men agreed to a contest of strength. Whoever could make the mountains to move was the agreed upon maker of the earth, and the loser was to serve the winner for all the rest of time. Hatowi went first. He commanded the mountain to move, but of course the mountain stayed in its place.

Then Okwiraseh said, "See, you are not the maker of the earth and all here present that it contains."

Hatowi said, "But you too must try to make the mountain to move".

Okwiraseh replied, "Yes, but first you must turn around and close your eyes".

Then Okwiraseh ordered the mountain to move right up behind Hatowi. The mountain moved, and when Hatowi turned around, he slammed his face right into the side of the mountain. This twisted his face and bent his nose all out of shape.

Hatowi was so surprised that he asked Okwiraseh not to hurt him. Hatowi promised to help mankind for all times. Hatowi said that if men would address him as Grandfather, burn tobacco to him and carve his image in the trunk of a living tree, he would cure men of their sicknesses. Okwiraseh agreed to this and the great curing ceremony of the False Face was born, dedicated to Hatowi, the Great Twisted Face.

Now the earth was ready for the habitation of man. Okwiraseh went to the shore of a great lake and he scooped up a handful of deep red earth.

He said, "Now I make what shall be called Onkwehonwe, or human beings. They will dwell here on this floating island".

So as soon as he had stopped talking he began to make them, and he made the body of the human being. He took up the earth and he said, "This earth that I take

up is really alive. It is alive, just as the earth is alive. So too, the body of the human being that I make shall also be alive."

Then at that time he made the flesh of the human being.

As soon as he had completed it he thought for a while then he said, "This will result in a good thing that I have done, and these human beings will continue to have life, just as I myself am alive".

Now at this time he took a portion of his own life and he gave it to the human being; so also he took a portion of his own mind and he enclosed it in the head of the human being; so also he took a portion of his own blood and enclosed it in his flesh so also did he take a portion of his power to see and enclosed it in the eyes of the human being. Now at the time too, he placed his breath in the body of the human being and man rose and stood on the earth.

Then Okwiraseh said, "Truthfully I have made your body and you now walk on the earth. Look now and see what the earth contains".

At this time, as if by magic, Okwiraseh showed all of the earth to man. He showed him the valleys nestled in between tall gracious mountains. He showed man the clear waters of Iroquoia and the waterways of all the various territories. Okwiraseh showed man the beauty and wealth of the forest, the numerous medicines and foods. Fields of the three sisters growing to maturity were pointed out to man. Large trees bearing nuts and fruits, bushes of berries and the large bounty of game were shown to man. Likewise, the spots where flint could be found, calimite for making pipes and bowls, deposits of clay and sand for pottery, and smooth pebbles for beadwork. All of these things were shown to the first man and he was made very glad.

Then Okwiraseh said, "I have given you all of this that the earth contains. It will continue to give comfort to your mind. I have planted human beings on the earth for the purpose that they shall continue my work of creation by beautifying the earth, cultivating it and making it more pleasing for the habitation of man".

Now then man saw his elder brother the Sun come up and cause the daylight on the earth to be warm. And man saw that the earth was beautiful, that the sky was beautiful and he was glad.

Okwiraseh told man that all of this was for man, and all that man had to do was to feel good and to be thankful for all of the gifts of creation. Man must never take the good things of the earth for granted, he was told, or else they would be taken away. Man must always be thankful.

But men forgot these words of the Creator, and they lost respect for the earth and for each other. Because of this the Creator returned to earth, and instituted the four ceremonies of thanksgiving. These four thanksgiving ceremonies would bring the people together at harvests, midwinter, when the maple runs from the trees, and at the time of green corn. Human beings were told that they had forgotten to be thankful, and so they were ruining the earth. These four ceremonies helped them to remember.

Even with the four ceremonies, however, there was fighting amongst the people. And so the Creator returned to earth again, this time to inspire the formation of the Great Law of Peace and the founding of the Five Nations Confederacy.

It is a hard thing to tell where the creation story of the Kanienkehakaends. This is because it does not really end in any one place, but continues on, even to this day. Many Mohawk people believe that they continue to receive help and guidance from the Creator, and with this help they recreate the world, trying to make it more beautiful and better for the habitation of man.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Great Spirit.

 Where do start, I was have been under a miss conception of who this is and what this is.  I have all ways thought the Great Spirit was God and male. I wa not totally wrong, but half right, 'The Great Spirit' is both male and female as well as neather, it is what I now think of as The Great Spirit.

 Unity of male and female, in perfict harmony, it is the creating force behind all that was, is, and will be.

 The Great Spirit is where it all started it is where all living matter comes from and will return to. "the cosmic energy" if you will. It is not only all things it is also "nothing'. i.e. (this is something to help you remember)

 Where there is nothing, there is something and where there is something there is nothing

yes I do know it is contradicting, but if you think about it, it is a true statment for exampple: cut open an apple at its equater, it forms a pentagram, but if you lookbeyond that and the seeds, you will find a space of NOTHING. To looks fearther into look at a heart, cut it open and what do you find? Or at the heart of a cantalop?

 So I given this example to you try, Cut to the chase, we all come from out of nothing and we will return to it.

         SO MOTE IT BE

                                Definitions of terminology
                                        part 2

                       For those that like to question others beliefs instead of finding answers themselves in a subjective manner, I have prepared a continuance for further education on the matter. This should sum it all up for you.

Terms to define:

Hail LaVey
Satanic View
Satanic Ego
Hail Thyself
Hail Satan
(these last 3 are for those proven incompetent on my last essay)

------Satanism can be defined only in terms of any knowledgeable individual's own perception on such matters, through a Satanic view or inactive subjective view
(my definition is that of subjective since one should read and study for their own definition, my view on Satanism is irrelevant to its definition)

------Hail LaVey can be defined as the showing of respect for the organizer and founder of modern Satanism, as would any other chosen to represent said beliefs

------Satanic would be defined as any or all collective knowledge set forth by Satanism

------Satanic View would be defined as an individual's knowledgeable perspective of Satanism

Websters Dictionary: for the next 3 definitions

---Ego: self thinking
---Egocentric: thinking of oneself as the objective of all experiences
---Egomania: self obsession

so a...

------Satanic Ego would be defined as the thinking of oneself as knowledgeable of their beliefs, and can give a subjective perspective on the beliefs of Satanism, in which that individual feels he is "satanic"
( they are not egocentric, for Satanism is not all experiences, but one can be an egomaniac, if it suits the individual)

------Hail Thyself would be defined as the showing that one has knowledge or understanding of the beliefs of Satanism and can express a perspective on such through a knowledgeable subjective view, and there for hails thyself to show others they know and understand this

------Hail Satan can be defined as the showing of an individual having knowledge of said beliefs and knowledge of the representation or symbolism that Satan holds in Satanism.

        This is the conclusion of the definition of terminology for now, it shall be updated when needed.

Note: I myself have an ego. I do not sit and wait for things to happen. I do. An ego lets me see that that I can do something, and that i am thankful for.

Note2: It is very important to look at Satanism in a subjective manner

                   In closing, I would like to thank those whose comments have made it possible for the realization of this second part to my last essay on which education is of main concern. I do not claim to be anything more than a knowledgeable individual on Satanism, its beliefs, practice, and philosophy.
Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!
Hail LaVey!

If any one else have storys like this and if you wish me to put them on my web please E-mail me and i will get back to you as soon as I can.