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The Winter Hibernation Lair

Before you go any farther, take note!: I'm getting a bit miffed with this page. It needs reworking, the fics need editing, against my better judgement it needs some pictures or info or something... you get the idea. I'm workin' on Beast Wars for now... humor me.

P.S. I'm thinking about adding *gasps* yaoi sections, or something... because too many hours surfing the internet has corrupted me ^_~ all areas will be clearly marked when they get here. Don't have a cow.

Welcome to 'The Python's Spot' - newly renamed for what better suited it. As always, I am your web mistress, BlackLightning, the forty foot, jet-black, royal python (Python Regius, for anyone who cares). And as always, your here for the purpose of fanfiction related to Beast Wars (my personal favorite), Final Fantasy VII, Gundam Wing, Slayers and Dragon Ball. The site is also soon to have (ie - as soon as I get up off my lazy @$$ to do it) a Trigun section and a FAKE section. Don't hold your breath.

You will also notice that I have a bit of Mako-chan's work up in various sections. If anyone should want me to put their fics up, just drop me a line, then poke me until I get around to it ^_^() Also note that this page has almost no advances html, no pictures, no frames, etc. This is for two reasons : 1) Not all computers support the fancy crap (an old one I just managed to dump a year ago, for example...) and 2) I'm lazy.

You can visit my art page at it's a lot easier to have different pages for fics and fanart.

That said, I'll continue on with the page. For the following links, I'll write my top few favorite victims... err... subjects of writting. Not necessarily my favorite characters, but characters that'll turn up a lot in the sections.


Beast Wars - I've loved transformers since before I can remember. Current Victims: Dinobot, Rampage, Depth Charge

Final Fantasy VII - One of the most widely-played RPGs I know of, and certainly my favorite. Current Victims: Sephiroth, Aeris.

Dragon Ball - Piccolo isn't too happy about being stuck in this area, and can you blame him? He's in there with Astra and Mako! Favorites: Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Lunch, Gohan.

Gundam Wing - hehehehehehehehe... A well known anime that has only spent a little bit of time here in Canada ;.; . I'm hooked. This section WILL CONTAIN SHOUNEN-AI!!!!!!!!!!! I'm assuming that this is a given considering the series, however, and I therefor I'm not splitting up the sections in this one (will also contain het. go figure). Nevertheless, you have been warned. Current Victims: Heero, Wufei, uh, all of them...

Slayers - Dragons, Monsters, and Magic - what more can you ask for in an anime? Obviously not much, as I was writing fanfics before I'd even seen the show! But my wonderful friend Mako has remedied that! Thanks Mako!  Caution: Low flying fire-balls!! Current Victims: Filia, Garv, Valgarv. The annoying Mazoku drives me crazy... but yes, Xellos fans, there's lots of stuff about him too!

Updates - self explanatory

Disclaimer: All titles/characters are property of their respective owners. Not making any money off it,using for my own personal amusement, yadda yadda yadda - does anyone even read these disclaimers, anyway? I own Astra and BlackLightning, my friend Mako owns the char. Mako.