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Welcome to Helen's Room ~*~*~*Welcome to Helen's Play Room!*~*~*~
Helen's Room So, you want to see the staff I have now? Kay! There are only two people here, and one is the webmistress. She helps everyone here! Well have a look and Zyahlater!~Helen

Name:Ain't telling!

Age:Ain't telling!

AIM:Respectaustin316(If your gonna AIM me, tell me who you are and I live in the Pacific if you want to know. ^_~)

Job:Helps with everyone on this site! Mostly graphics..and other stuff...

Experince:Raw HTML=2 years. Java=1 month. Shockwave=1 month. Fanfics=1 year. Fanart=2 years.

Anything else:Rock Rules, Pop drools. ^_~ Wrestling rocks. Anime too. Same for Fanfics. I like Limp Bizkit, KoRn, Kid Rock, Metallica, and other old favs of rock. Wrestlers I like are Austin, Foley, Dudley's, Hardy's, The Rock, Crash Holly, cause he is so adorable and DOES look like Elroy, and Kurt Angel, cause he's a prick. IT'S TRUE! IT'S TRUE! That's about it.



Job:Everything here.(But I'm still looking for people! ^_~)

Experince:I need to ask him! ^_^;; But I know he's good at java!

Anything else:I'll ask him.^_^;;

~*~*~*~*Were do you want to go?*~*~*~*~

*Lara's Art Gallery}Celestia's Reading Room}Helen's Play Room}Trinity's Lair*

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