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Saga:~*The PokeGuardians*~

Chapter 1:The Cave



It had been 5 years since the beginning.

15 year old Pokemon Trainer Ash Ketchum woke up from a great night of slumber. Right at his side was his most loyal friend, Pikachu.

"I can't believe it. All those wacky adventures, the friends, turmoils, experiences, and pokemon. 5 years. 5 long years of everything that a person could imagine." said Ash, looking out his window.

"All those years, yet pokemon still hide something from us humans. I don't know what, but it has to be something."

"Pika Pika!(That's right!)"

Pikachu snuggled under Ash's arm, and they both looked out the window, gazing at the morning's dawn.

Then the silence broke...


Pikachu and Ash just looked at each other. Both had the expressions that they were in trouble and that they loved it!


Both Pikachu and Ash looked at each other. Then Misti. Their plan worked! The ol' honey instead of shampoo trick worked! They both fell to the floor, laughing their hearts out.


Misti brought out her trusty mallet, and wacked BOTH Pikachu and Ash on the head.

Even after the beating to the heads, they still were on the ground, pain in the head, and laughing still. But then....


Pikachu and Ash looked at each other. Now they were in deep trouble.....


Ash looked at his mother. He gave her a cheezy grin and so did Pikachu.

"Misti, may I please borrow your mallet?"


Misti got out another mallet.

"I'll help you."

Right now Misti and Mom are not very happy campers>^_^<....

After the mallet session in the morning, everyone went to eat breakfast, even though it was 11 already.

Ash*rubbing his head still*:Hey mom! What's for breakfast?



Mom:Literally. Nothing. I have nothing to cook with. Not even ketchup for Pikachu! Be a dear and go to the store.

Misti*wiping the rest of the honey from her hair*:Ya Ash, you slug! Stop being a couch potato and do something around here for a change!

Ash:FINE! I'm going! I'm going! Good-bye!

Ash and Pikachu left the house in a hurry. They were really hungry, especially from all the running around that they did.

Mom:Dont' forget the pancake mix! And the milk and bread, and butter. And especially the eggs and ketchup!

Pikaku:Pi pika pik pi(Especially the ketchup!)

The duo rushed to the store and bought 3 boxes of pancake mix, surup, 1 gallon of milk, 2 dozen eggs, 1 loaf of bread, 1 butter bar, and 4 bottles of ketchup(It had to be 4 bottles because Pikachu kept on shocking Ash until he would buy them for her.)

They all rushed home, with the groceries in hand, being really careful with them. They reached home, and they finally ate. Pikachu almost ate all of her ketchup bottles, and Ash was going to buy more for her later. Just then...

Mom:Ash that was Prof. Oak. He says that he wants you to come over immediately. He also says that it has to do with new kinds of poke...

Before she could finish, Ash swolled his pancake whole, grabbed Pikachu(holding the last bottle of ketchup), and raced out the door and to the laboratory.

In record time, Ash reached the lab.

Ash:Hi Prof. Oak! I got the call about those new poke....

Gary:Well, well! If it isn't The Master Loser!

Ash:Gary! What are you doing here?!

Prof. Oak:I invited him Ash. How are you? And how's Pikachu?

He scratched Pikachu's neck.

Gary:Enough small talk Grandpa! What about those new Pokemon?!

Prof. Oak:Cool it Gary. I'll tell you right now.

Ash and Gary sat down, and Pikachu was going to finish her last bottle of ketchup.

Prof. Oak:Well their have been many sighting of new and undiscoved Pokemon. The exact number, about 20.

Ash and Gary:20 NEW POKEMON!

Prof. Oak:Yes. 20 new pokemon. You see they are in pairs. Pairs of their own kind. Many trainers have tried to catch them, but when the pokeball hits it pokemon, the ball opens, but the pokemon doesn't go in it. It's very strange. They don't stay in the same place twice, they move around. Luckly, we were able to get the female pictures of the 20 pokemon.

Gary:20 Female Pokemon?

Ash:No Gary! Prof. Oak means that out of the 20 pokemon together, one half is male, and the other is female.

Prof. Oak:Correct Ash. Here are the pictures.

Out of Prof. Oak's malania folder, came 10 pictures of different pokemon.

Prof. Oak:Their all in order. Their in the order of the sightings.

Gary:Their ugly.

Ash:What are you saying! Their beautiful, especially that one on the last.

He pointed to a pokemon horse(body of a ponyta), with an emerald mane and tail, and gold eyes.

Prof. Oak:That one is the strongest one of all.

Ash:How can you tell?

Prof. Oak:10 trainers decided to work together to see who could weaken it. She fought against 6 Alakasams, 10 Charazards, 8 Blastioses, 8 Venusaurs, and 17 other various pokemon, like it was nothing. She defeated them with one blow, all of them. Their still in the Pokemon center as we speak.


Gary:Probably. I'll find out by....

Ash:Your not going to capture her!

Gary:What?! You going after her too?!

Ash:Umm....ya! I'll find them all!

Gary:Ya right!

Ash:Watch me! Come on pikachu, were out of here! See ya later Prof.!

He grabbed Pikachu, and ran out of the door.

Ash and Pikachu stopped running and started walking and talking with each other.

"I would give anything just to see that pokemon."

"Pika pi pika kacu(I thought that you wanted to capture it?)

"I know Pikachu, it's just that for one Gary always gets on my nerves...the other is.....well..."*He started to remember the pokemon's eyes.*

"She seemed so peaceful, running in the wild, free from everything. Even the other pokemon looked just like her. Well not exactly..."

"Pi pikachu(You understand them, don't you?)"

"Sorta Pikachu."

Pikachu*thinking to herself*:He sure has changed alot. He understands us Pokemon more. He'll be a great pokemon master.

"Pi pika chu(I understand now Ash.)"

"Let's get home, but before that..."


"Why don't we get you some more ketchup from the store, ok?"

"Pika Pi chu(Thank you Ash!)"

"Your welcome."

Just then.....






Ash and Pikachu heared the screams.

"Pikachu, looks like someone's in trouble."

"Pika pik kachu(Right Ash! Lets go!)"

"Come on!"

Ash and Pikachu were a little surprised about who the people were.....


Butch and Cassidy turned around to see the twerp and his prize pikachu that the boss wants so badly.

Ash saw the two rockets that put him into jail a long time ago. He saw Butch holding a girl with blue hair by the neck against a tree.

"Put her down now!", demanded Ash.

"Pika Pi!(Right now!)"

"Who's going to make us?"

"She is."

They looked at Pikachu. They were about to get out their plan, but they were too late.

"Pikachu, thunderbolt!"


The attack was so powerful, that connected with Team Rocket, and made them "blast off agggaaaaaiiiiinnnnnn".

Ash and Pikachu went over to see if the girl was alright.

Ash:Are you ok miss?

The girl wore a pair of torn jeans and a torn dark yellow top. She wore black shoes, that were torn as well. She looked frightened, but once saw Ash, relaxed a bit.


Ash:Are you hurt?

Girl:No. Are you a trainer?

She looked at Pikachu. Then at Ash.


Girl:Your a pokemon trainer. How far were you?

Ash:The first time I was the top 16, then the top 10, and then for 3 years straight, I was in the top 4.

Girl:Wow! That's amazing.

Ash:Guess so. I'm Ash, what's yours?

Girl:My name is Samantha.

Ash:Why did Team Rocket attack you?

Samantha:They saw this....

She showed him a gold necklace with a gold heart in the middle.

Samantha:...and they thought that I had other valuables with me, which I don't.

Ash:Are you all alone?

Samantha:Uh-huh. My dad left me and my mom died when I was 1. I don't have an reletives, and the orphanage was a dump. So I left and I have been on my own ever since I was 5.

Ash:Oh you poor thing. You can come with us.

Samantha looked at Ash.

Samantha:No thank you. You must be really busy with you being a pokemon trainer 'n all...

Ash:Really! My mom loves extra company! My friend Misty lives with me! You can crash with me as well!

Samantha was really happy, she almost cried when she heared that. She hadn't been in a house in a long time, especially with good people.

Samantha:Oh thank you Ash! You can call me Sam for short ya know!

Ash:Sure thing Sam. Come on! Let's get to the store! Pikachu has been waiting to get another bottle or two of ketchup!

Sam:Ketchup! Yuk! Oh well, wait for me!

Before they could even move out of the woods, they heared something....

Sam:Oh no! Beedrills!

Butch:Not just any Beedrills!

Cassidy:Our Beedrills!

Ash:Team Rocket!

[note of author:They did their crummy speech, which I think that Jesse's and James sound alot more better.]

Cassidy and Butch:Go get them Beedrills!

Ash:Charizard go!

As usual, Charizard didn't obey Ash's commands, and Ash had to call him back. The beedrills were getting closer and Sam decided to do the only thing in her mind that was left.....



Sam:No time for but's!

They ran through the woods, with Pikachu riding in Ash's coat so that Team Rocket couldn't get her. They tried getting them of their trail, but the Beedrills could sense them. They came right after Ash and the other's. After 10 miles of non-stop running in the forest, Ash found a place to hide.....

Ash:Quick! Into that cave!

They ran into the cave, and the Beedrills couldn't get into their, because it was too small. Ash and the other's thought salvation from this day, but then....

{author note:I like their motto better, so I'm typing it, not like the other one.>^_^<]

Jesse:Prepare for trouble!

James:And make it double!

Jesse:To protect the world from devistation!

James:To unite all people within our nation!

Jesse:To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James:To extend our reach to the stars above!


James: James!

Jesse:Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

James:Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth:Meowth! Dat's right! Now hand over da Pikachu twerp!

Sam:Uh...Ash...Do you now those morons?

Ash:Yeah. They've been following me for 5 years now trying to capture Pikachu here.

Jesse: MORONS! Were not morons!

Sam:Then why does it take you 5 years to capture one Pikachu?! see......uh.....

James:She's got a point there ya know.

Meowth:Nuff of the small talk! Grab dat Pikachu!

James:Right! Say bye-bye to your friend the twerp Pikachu!

James got out his rubber balloon gun and was about to hit Pikachu with it until....







The two groups glared at each other, not knowing what was going on with the cave. The Beedrills got the sent back of Ash and Sam in the cave, and started pounding it to bits!

Before the groups could start the fight the cave started to collapes!

Ash:Quick in here guys!

Sam and Pikachu squeezed into a little cravece in the cave. Butch and Cassidy ran out of the cave, and Jesse and James went into another cravece in the cave. Ash, Sam, and Pikachu squeezed down the cravece to another part of the cave that seemed to be safe. Then suddenly a huge rock from the ceiling of the cave was going to hit Ash and his friends! Then suddenly everything went black.

Ash woke up. He was all alone. He didn't see Pikachu or Sam. He was thinking what could have happened to them in the worst, but shook it off easily. He looked around were he was. It was paradise! Trees everywhere, waterfalls rushing, flowers blooming, and the sun shinning brightly. Was he outside? No. He was still in the cave, wasn't he? If he was outside, were was he? Inside, then were? Ash decided that if he survived, so did the others, and that he would go and look for them.


He tried and tried, looking everywhere, but to no avial. He sat down by a river, looking into it.

Ash:Were am I? What...what...what is this place? Am I dead? Were's Pikachu and Sam? Are they dead? Are they alive and I'm dead? Or is it the other way around?

Questions filled his mind up, then he saw something that he wanted to see since this morning....

He looked into the water. He wasn't the only one here. He saw another reflection in the water. He looked up and their it was. The pokemon with the emerald mane and tail, with her lushous deep-shinning gold eyes. Her coat was a solid ivory. The most beautiful pokemon he had seen in all his life. Ash looked at it.

Ash:Hello their.

He reached out his hand, and the pokemon pulled back.

Ash:Please don't go, all I want to do is to pet you.

He didn't know what he was doing! Usually he would get out any kind of Pokemon to capture another pokemon! He never wanted to pet it! But this time he would let it least he got to see...what he thought...the most powerful pokemon in the more....the entire universe.

The pokemon was a little suprised. She had gone to every place on this earth, and this one seemed....nice and sort of.....familer.....

She stepped onto the water and started walking on it. Ash couldn't believe it! A pokemon that can walk on water! Wow! She must be strong!

Her hair flowed with the wind, flapping across her eyes. She reached Ash and put her head down. He started to feel her soft hair in his hands. He massaged the ivory silk coat of her body. She was so delicate, and so powerful. She had to be the strongest pokemon in the universe, if not, then she was the strongest and the most beautiful pokemon he had seen nonetheless.

She lifted her head. She locked her gold eyes to the trainer's deep-gold-brown eyes. She had never met a trainer like this one before. Maybe he was the one! And probably that other girl that her friend saw earlier. They had to be the one's, if not, they are great trainers nonetheless.(Think alike, don't they?>^_^<)

Ash really wanted to capture her, with all his heart and soul. His mind told him to capture her, but his heart was stronger than his mind. He only wanted to meet her, and now he did.

Ash:Your very powerful from what I hear. Your very beautiful also.

The pokemon understood and nodded her head.

Ash:I really want to capture you.....

She knew it, it couldn't be him.....

Ash:.....but in the first place, I just wanted to meet you, and now I did.

Correction, IT IS HIM!

Ash:Do you know where I am?

She nodded her head again.

Ash:Did you see a blue-headed girl and a Pikachu around here?

She nodded again.

Ash:Thank you! Can you take me to them?!

She smiled. She used her head guesture to tell him to get on her.

He got on her and held on tight.

She started to run on the water. Her shoes galloped on the water fast. Water splashed all over, even on Ash, which to his favor cooled him down. In a little while Ash started to make out a person and an animal. He knew who they were.

Ash:Sam! Pikachu!



The pokemon stopped and Ash jumped off and hugged Pikachu then looked at Sam, relieved. Then the three looked at the pokemon that Ash rode on.

Ash:Well...this is the pokemon that brought me to you.....and....

Ash saw another one of them. This one had dirty deep gold mane and tail, and burgundy-emerald eyes.

Sam:Ash...well...this is the pokemon that saved us from me and Pikachu from falling into a pit. His name is Sernio.

Ash:Thank goodness.

Sam:Ash are we outside?

Ash:I'm not sure.

He looked at the pokemon that took him to his friends. He walked up to it and put his left hand into her hair.

Ash:Can you talk?

She shook her head.


Pokemon:Yes. And so can my friends as well.



Ash:What's your name?

Pokemon:My name is Seren.

Ash noticed something that he hadn't noticed in the first place. A cut was cut across her forehead.

Seren:You noticed the symbol on my forehead, didn't you?


Seren:It's a cresent moon.

Ash:A cresent moon?

Seren:It's a long story.

Ash:Will you tell me about it?

Seren:I'll tell all of you.


Sam and Pikachu sat on the ground. Sernio took a liking to Sam and laid next to her. She petted his dirty-gold mane. Pikachu laid on the other side of Sam, relaxing next to her.

Ash and Seren sat together by the river, not that far away from Sernio, Sam, or Pikachu to hear the story.

Ash wanted to just know were they were. But he also wanted to know about the cresent moon on Seren's forehead! He knew what do to first....

Seren:It all started from the day they were born, the Pokeguardians.....

To Be Continued.....