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Saga:~*The PokeGuardians*~

Title:The Legend and The Prophecy

Forward:This one took me 2 months! The longest fic I've ever done! Please! Can you guys visit my site? I'm the only one that goes their everyday! I update it daily. Since it's summer I can! So please visit it! It's or . Thanks! And enjoy!

Ash:The Pokewhat?

Seren:The PokeGuardians.

Ash:Oh. Continue please.

Seren:A long time ago their was peace throught the universe. Human and pokemon alike were friends and nothing could separate them. But then one day the most evilest pokemon was born.

Ash:What a second! Their is no such thing as a bad pokemon! Only a bad trainer.

Seren:But this one had no trainer.


Seren:She had unlimited power, and controlled all the elements, ice, rock, fire, light, ghost, flying, water, physic, everything except for two, zodiac and planet. That's me and my friends elements. The planet element is the female side and zodiac is the male.

Ash:So your's must be moon, right?


Ash:And those other pokemon are your friends, right? And they are the other's that have the zodiac and planet elements?

Seren:Your very intellegent Ash.

Ash:Hey, Pokemon ain't my only obsession. I love science!

Seren:Really? Well would you like for me to continue?

Sam:Sure! I would like to know what happens!

Seren:Alright Sam. Her first target were to destory the protectors of the most powerful pokemon in the universe...The pokeguardians. Their bond with their pokemon was insepretable, which made them powerful. They could, since they protected the zodiac and planet pokemon, control the stars and planets. So they put up a vailant fight against the pokemon. But she was too strong and killed them. She started to kill everyone pokemon that was guarded by the PokeGuardians. But then two pokemon emerged and fought aganist her. She killed the male one, leaving the female one all alone. She was the only pokemon left to defend the universe from her. She standed against her, but their was nothing she could do. She wasn't that strong. Suddenly she started to evolve. She became and is still known today the most powerful pokemon in the entire universe. Even stronger than Mew and Mewtwo.

Ash:Wow. What as her evolved name?

Seren:Her name was Serenity. She killed the pokemon, but the pokemon knew something that Serenity didn't. She could reincarnated herself.

Ash:So, she reincarnated herself.

Seren:Yes. She still roams this planet secretly. No one can catch, see, or train her. But if they do find her, run, don't fight it, run, run for your dear life.

Ash:What happened to Serenity?

Seren:Serenity had children, and her children had children, and so on. But there are no Serenity's because of one thing. Trainers didn't have that special thing to take care of them the way that the PokeGuardians could. Each one of them died during their evolution stage to become a Serenity. Ever since that day their have been no Serenity's to protect this world.

Ash:Seren, are you her decendent?

Seren:What makes you sure about that?

Ash:Well.....Seren almost sounds like Serenity.

Seren:Very clever of you Ash.

Ash:How did you know my name?

Seren:From my friend Sernio, who got it from your friend Sam.


Seren:Yes Ash I am the decendent of Serenity. I am the last one in the universe. All my friends are. My friends are the decendents of Serenity's friends. And they are the last one's.

Ash:Can I ask you something Seren?


Ash:No to be rude....but were are we?

Seren:I had a feeling that you were going to say that. Your still inside.


Sernio:Yes. This place was our home. But it wasn't a cave, it was a mansion. A gold mansion, literally. When the pokemon came, she destoryed everything. Me, Seren and the others rebuilt the mansion for us to remember our old masters, and sometimes for us to live in. Then we disgused it with a cave. No one has come here since, until now.

Seren:By the way, we also saved a long-hair red head, a blue-haired man, and a talking meowth from total oblivian. Are they friends of yours?

Sam:Well, actually....

Ash:There are friends, just not the way you think.


Seren:I do not understand.

Ash:You'll see Were are they?

Seren:Their in the mansion. Get on my Ash.

Sernio:Sam get on me. Pikachu you too.

Ash:Do what Sernio says Pikachu.

Even though she wanted to go with Ash, she followed his commands.

Seren:Hold on tight.

The two pokemon were off. They ran like the wind. Water splashed upon Ash and Sam's face. They loved riding. Especially these fast pokemon! The wind went throught their hair. In no time they saw a gold mansion, literally. Pure Gold walls, steps, roof, windows...okay half windows..., everything! Then they hear screaming......

James:Help me!



Sam:That's them.

Ash:It sounds like their being tortured.


Seren:Oh! You guys are so funny! Their no being tortured!

They trio look at her.

Seren:Ha! That's a laugh!

Sernio:There in a game with our youngest friends.

Trio:Friends? Young?

Seren:They don't know from right or wrong yet. Their the strongest one's. Just as strong as us. Like their ancestors before.

The trio inside the *dungeon*:GET US OUT OF HERE!

Ash:I think that we should help them.


They came over. Mew the pink pokemon floated in their air. She was holding James. Stratina looked identical to Mew except she had a deep violet-black-silver fur coat with silver eyes. She was holding Jesse. Cypra had a pure white coat and look like Mew and Stratina. She had emerald eyes.

The mischevious trio of pokemon:Sorry Miss Seren. We didn't mean it. We were only playing with them hide and seek.

Seren:It's alright you two.

Jesse, James, and Meowth started to come to. They saw them.....

Trio:Oh no! HELP US!

They hid behind two people. Then they saw who they were...

Trio:The twerps! Gives us that pikachu!

Ash:I've said it before and I'll say it again. No. And before you say another word, Seren here has invited you guys as guest to eat, and she'll make sure that you don't have to play with Mew, Stratina, and Cypra again. Take it or be thrown out of here by Seren and Sernio.

Trio:Umm....I guess that well stay.

Seren:Good. Now you three pokemon, Behave!

Pokemon Trio:Yes ma'm.

Seren:Come. Food will be ready.

They entered the house to see ivory walls and a red carpet to the kitchen.....or should I say....a master kitchen! It was as big as a house. Inside they saw the other pokemon that were Seren's and Sernio's friends.

Seren:Guys! We have visitors!



Icena:Hi! I'm Icena! And that's Icenio here making the punch.

Icena had an ice-blue coat with silver strips. She had silver moon and yellow star eyes. She looked like a coyote. Icenio looked like a coyote as well. He had a gray coat with silver strips. He had ebony eyes with a shade of silver and yellow.

Icenio*raising a paw with a glass*:Care for some sir?

Ash:Thanks. Hey! This is pretty good!

Icena:Me and Icenio's secret recipe!

Firerina:The chicken will be ready in a minute you guys. Get more fire in their Fi....wait guest?

She looked at Ash and the others.

Firerina:Sorry! My name is Firerina! And this person down here is Firenio.

Firerina was like a fire phoenix. Red flaming feathers were all around her body. She had lava red, orange fire eyes. Firerino was just like Firerina but he had brown orange eyes.

Firerino:Oh boy. I'm out of fire Firerina....guest?

Firerina:It finally hits your head?! God! Your so absentminded. I'll put more on the fire.

Sernio:Icenio were are the others?

Icenio:They all went out to get more food. This is all we have left you know.

Sernio:That's right.

Firerina:The foods finnally ready!

Seren:How did you do it so fast?

Firerina:Three words:Dragon, Fire, Blaster.

Ash and the other's ate the well cooked food. Unknown to them, some people were watching from the trees.

Cassidy:I can't believe it! All those pokemon for the takening!

Butch:Wait until we tell the boss.

Boss:You will tell me what Butch?!

Butch:Oh! Hi boss!

Giovanni was on a t.v radio.

Cassidy:Look at these sir.

She showed him the pictures of Seren, Serenio, Mew, Stratina, Cypra, Firerina, Firerino, Icena, and Icenio.

Boss:Those are some of the elusive 20 pokemon! How did you find them?

Cassidy:We followed the twerps with that Pikachu you always want sir! They found them, and followed them to their hideout! We'll get them for you.

Boss:Careful you two. We have tried to capture them, but it's no use.

Cassidy:Don't worry sir! We have something of our own to get them.

Butch:Trust us.

Boss:Oh yes. That one that I gave to you after you two succeded to catch that Moltes and Zapados.

Cassidy:It'll do the job.

Boss:Good. Get them!


Boss:Over and out.

The screen went blank.

Cassidy:Their as good as ours.

Butch:We'll wait until nightfall, then we'll get them.

*Laughing silently*

Let us leave them their for now. The fireworks will start in just a little while......

Seren and Ash were the only one's left that were up. Everyone else was inside asleep. The two were on a rock near the river were they first met. They both were gazing up at the stars.


Ash:Yeah Seren?

Seren:Their was more to my story than the legend.

Ash:Their was more?

Seren:Their was a prophecy.

Ash:What was it about?

Seren:After the deaths of the PokeGuardians, the goddess of Pokemon and the god of you humans made a prophecy. One day 20 pokemon would emerge. When they do, they will be the selected that will have the powers of their ancestors in 10 fold. Once they emerge, the ultimate evil pokemon will emerge from their slumber as well. A huge war will rage on. With the DarkSpirit Pokemon and their Guardians against the SilverSpirit Pokemon and their guardians, the PokeGuardians.

Ash:Wait! Your ancestor was one of the SilverSpirit Pokemon?

Seren:Yes. So are my friends. We are the ones. Because we survived. Now all we have to do is to find the ancestors of the PokeGuardians. That is our mission. Once we find them, this eternal war will come to an end. It will be a classic bout between good and evil. Light and Dark. Heaven against Hell. God against the Devil. The fate of everything will be on the line.

Ash:That was their prophecy huh? Deep. So you guys are trying to find the pokeguardians huh?

Seren:And I think that I already found them.

Ash:Huh? What do you mean?!

Their was a boom. It came from the mansion!

Ash:The mansion! Pikachu! Sam!

Seren:Sernio! The others!

Ash:It must be Team Rocket!

Seren:Your friends?

Ash:NO! Their even worse than Jesse, James, and Meowth! Hurry!

Seren:Get on my back Ash! Hurry!

They rode into the night to save their friends.

To Be Continued......

I'm leaving ya their for now. Next chapter will be the fight and a reveling! Wait and see! And next time I might do it in the doc format and not txt!