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~*The PokeGuardians*~

Chapter 3:The Return Of A Pokemon And A Legend

Forward: There's a long fight in here, and I made it gory and real visual, I think. Plus their is some baddd language in here, so PG on this one. Almost PG-13, but damn near to it. So once you see this (Fight scene here. Not for the weak at heart.) that warning says it all. Kay? Visit my site at Also this will be the chapter before the last chapter in the PokeGuardians. I made a decision that this is just Part 1 of my first non-REALLY-long story, which leads to the end of this story, the big fight, Kay? If you read the beginning of this story, and all through it, then you know what I mean, kay? Zyahlater!

They raced through the night. Seren inhaling large amounts of air, racing against the clock, trying to get to her friends, and Ash's as well. Her feet(or hooves or whatever) rushed through the cold water of the river. (If your wondering why she always runs on the water, it's faster for her.) They both could hear their screams, their screams piercing through their minds like a knife through their heart. Finally they made it. The place was bare. The sounds stopped. All was black around them. Black, dust in the air, and a thick mist. They were afraid that they were too late.




Seren:Where could they be?

Then Ash saw it.


Seren looked at the most hidious site she saw in her entire life.

Seren:Oh goddess no.....

Ash:No god no.....


Seren couldn't think of nothing to say after that. Their home was in ruins. The gold mansion was in ruins. The once shinning gold walls were gray and rusty, full of black. The gold painted windows were shattered into a million pieces all over the ruins of this place. Everything else was in destoryed. The pokemon's hard work, for years they tried to remodle, rebuild, and recreate everything that THEIR ancestors left for them....

was gone......

......and was gone for good.

Ash couldn't say nothing like Seren. He couldn't describe what he felt right now. It wasn't anger, it wasn't sorrow, it was.....

.....absolutely nothing.

He couldn't think of nothing, but once he said those words....

Ash:I'm sorry Seren.

Seren snapped.

Gold flames started to surround her body. Her gold eyes went a pure saphirre blue. Her hair turned a deep purple. Tears flowed from her eyes. Her home was lost, her friends were gone, and now she wanted revenge.

(Fight seen. Not for the weak at heart. I hope that I did it gory enough.)


Who did this?

That was her question....

...and she was about to find out who.

"I did."

She let her power go down. Her hair and eyes went back to her old color again. She did so, for she didn't believe it. Seren couldn't believe it. It couldn't be him. That voice. But it if was him, where was he all this time, and why.

His physic blue eyes stared at her through the darkness.

She was right.


The catlike creature stepped through the shadows of the night. His tail went back and forth, his eyes a cold black color (or was that brown?) stared at the angry Seren. He looked at her, with a demonic smile on his face. But he was not alone. In his right hand he hold an unconsious Sam and in the other an unconsious Sernio.


Mewtwo:Yes Seren. It has been long, hasn't it.

Seren:Why Mewtwo? Why?! We treated you with careness and compassion when you and your mother came here! Your mother was worried sick when you left here! Why Mewtwo! Why!

Mewtwo:For one reason.

Seren:And what would that be!

Mewtwo:To destory you and your friends!


Mewtwo:My mission is to destroy you, and that is what I will do!

He through a physic beam at her from his own mind. Seren couldn't block it and hit her with full force. After the smoke cleared Seren's mouth was bleeding, her eyes were swollen, body scared, and though she looked like she was in a car wreak, she was smiling.

But not just any smile.

Seren:You've improved Mewtwo. I can tell. But....

She went through the same transformation as before.

Seren:It's not enough.

She hit him with an Ice Spiral to the arms, which in her favor, dropped Sam and Sernio from his hands, and let them fall to the ground, where she catched them easily. She went over to Ash and layed them right next to him. Ash held Sernio and Sam tight in his arms. Seren then looked at Mewtwo, with a glimmer of death in her eyes.

Seren:I'm stronger than you Mewtwo, and you know it.

Mewtwo:I have gone through years of training from Giovanni, and I have become stronger! You can't defeat me!

Seren*shocked*:Giovanni! Him! He is the one that started this! His is the one that funded the project of creating you! Why did you go back to that bastard?

Before her question could be answered, Mewtwo got her with a new attack, Physic Twister. It blinded her sight and confused her dearly.

Seren:That's all! It'll take more than that to get rid of this pokemon!

"You won't win you pokemon!"

"Cause were going to defeat you!"

Ash:Not you guys!

(I completly forgot their motto, Cassidy's and Butch's, so if you know what it is, say it in your mind so that this makes sense.)

Cassidy:Surrender pokemon, or your friends will die!



Butch revield Seren's friends and Ash's pikachu stuck in a physic claw, another new attack of Mewtwo's.


Butch:Were very intimmitating.

Cassidy:Surrender now!

Ash:No! We won't!

Seren:*What?*No Ash! Don't get near here. You'll get hurt!

Ash:No! They have my pikachu, my friend! I'm not going to take this sitting down. I'm gonna fight!

Seren*whispering*:Your a fool Ash. Get away now.

Butch:If you want to die boy, then so be it!

Cassidy:Mewtwo! Give those two a sonic blaster!

Mewtwo's eyes filled up with blue physic light. In a matter of seconds, Ash and Seren were hit by a blue wave of physic power.

Seren looked even worse than she was before and Ash looked the same.

Ash*sternly*:Your not going to defeat us Mewtwo.

Sam:That's right.

Ash turned around to see Sam and Sernio next to her. They both wanted their friends back as well.

Sam:They are my friends. My first friends. And you want to take them from me. I WON'T LET YOU!

She charged at Mewtwo, but he blocked her punch with physic. She fell down, but she wasn't hurt. She charged at Mewtwo again, but she didn't hit him with a punch, she hit him with a roundhouse kick to the back, a chop to the neck, and a white light formed from her hands and it blasted Mewtwo to the ground hard!

Mewtwo quickly recovered and hit a sonic beam at her. Sernio caught her on his back. Ash and Seren went over to her side.

Ash:Sam! Sam wake up!

Sam:What? How did I do that?

That did it. Seren knew it. The search was over.

Seren:I knew it!


Seren:I knew it all along! You are the ones!


Seren:Now you can never defeat us Mewtwo!

Mewtwo:What are you saying you old hag!

Seren:Their are a couple of things that you should know Mewtwo. One, I'm not an old hag. Two, I'm younger than you. Three, I'm way more stronger than you. Four, Ash and Sam are the ones!


Sam:Were them!

Seren:Last but not least, your going down Mewtwo.

She powered up even more than before her eyes gleamed a deep physic ice blue, her purple hair whipped through her flames, and with that shot of her, a nice *your going to be dead in about 5 seconds* demonic smile on her face.

Ash then got something through his head. An attack? He didn't know what it was, but he said it....

Ash:Seren! Rainbow Healing Heart MoonBeam!

Seren:How did you.....nevermind. Alright! I haven't done this in a llllllooooonnnnnnnnggg time. Get ready for the ride of your life Mewtwo!

Mewtwo:What is that?

Butch:Oh boy.

Cassidy:Oh no.

Seren's moon symbol flashed a rainbow color all around the place. Her flames raised as high as the trees, her smile got even bigger, and then....

....she aimed at Mewtwo.....

....her symbol got on his forehead.....


....Ash said the magic words that would change Mewtwo for good......

Ash:Ready! Aim! FIRE!


Smoke and dust covered the place for miles. Nothing could be seen. It was like inpetriable fog. But two figures stood their ground. They couldn't be made out.

Butch:That wasn't an attack.

Ash*demonic smile*:Ohhhhh that was an attack, a healing attack.

The rockets:What?

Sernio:Got them!

Sernio released the other pokemon locked up in the physic claw of Mewtwo.

Cypra:Now that were out of your physic claw, you can't defeat us together!

Stratina:That's right!

Jesse, James and Meowth had the other rockets by the neck.

James:Do you think tieing us up was funny!

Jesse:Well show you two rockets what's funny!

Meowth:Meowth! I'll show you two some things about not to mess with da top cat!

The mad rockets*James...etc.*:And especially you Mewtwo!

Sernio:You don't have to worry anymore you guys.


Sernio:Look for yourself.

Everyone tried to look through the smoke. About 2 minutes later, it was over.

Standing side by side. Toe to toe. Head to head. Eye to eye. They were....

Seren and Mewtwo.

Mewtwo:I know the truth now Seren. Thank you.

Seren:I know. Giovanni brainwashed you while you went to find food for us. That's why you never came back.

Mewtwo:How did I get captured by that man again?

Seren:You will remember again Mewtwo. Right now we *looking at the frightened rockets* have some bussiness to attend to.

Mewtwo*a VERY big demonic smile*:Right.

The former enimes looked at the Rockets.

Butch and Cassidy:Oh boy....

Seren went back into her transformation again, and Mewtwo's eyes went a deep blue.

Rockets:.......not again.....

At that point Sam and Ash got another weird feeling from their minds. More attacks swarmed into their brains. It was as if they were waiting for this moment. Like they were in their sub-concisous the whole time, waiting. They had no time for this. They had to say their attacks.

Sam:Mewtwo! Sonic ArrowWave!

Ash:Seren! Moon Crystal Heart Charm!

Seren:That weak attack? Oh well. Only this time.

Mewtwo:How did.....oh yeah. Nevermind. Alright. Another new attack to test out!

Mewtwo's whole body glowed a majestic blue. Then out of his hands he made an arrow. Mysteriously a zodiac symbol was on his forehead. Then he made a blue bow that he was controling with his mind. He put the blue-silver arrow on the string of the bow, and started to aim.

Seren's body glowed a gold color. Her symbol showded on the rockets forehead. (She does that cause she has to aim) Then she used her mind to create a gold crystal heart in front of her symbol. Electricity was flowing from her body to her forehead's symbol. She was looking for the correct moment. She found it.

Sam/Ash:Let 'er rip!

Their attacks hit the rockets, and meracuously, missed the other rockets that were choking them to death. They faded out of sight, said:Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off aaaaaggggggiiiiaaaannnnn!.....and they went out of sight with the traditional shinning of a star fade out....I think.

Jesse:Good Ridence.

James:Same here.

Meowth:Me too.

Ash:Now Seren.....

Seren was now standing beside Ash, with Mewtwo and the others on her side as well. Sam was on Ash's other side with the other pokemon.

Ash:About US, me and Sam, being the know....the ones you've been looking for....the ones?

Seren:So? You are the one's. So what?

Ash*staring*:SEREN! Were the ones to save the world here!

Seren:Not unless we find the others.

Sam:Huh? The others.

Ash:The other pokemon. Right?

Seren:We need them. I found out from Mewtwo when he was under control, he captured them, and now we have to go and find Giovanni's headquarters.

Ash:Team Rockets Headquaters.

Sam:Mewtwo, do you remember where it was?

Mewtwo:No. Since those two other rockets know that I'll be looking for him, he'll go somewere else before we can even reach them.

Ash:Right......Hey......*demonic smile*......I got an idea.

Seren was following him.

Seren*demonic smile like Ash*:Right.....

The two look at Mewtwo to see if he understood.

Mewtwo*now has a demonic smile 5 seconds later*:I get it......right......

The trio look at the rocket trio.

Seren:Oh Jesse....

Ash:Oh James.....

Mewtwo:Oh Meowth......

The*demonic smiling* trio together:Come here.......

The*trio that doesn't know what's going on*:What are you guys doing?

5 days later.......


Sam:This is irratating!

Mewtwo:They'll bring us to the right place.

Mew:They better. Right brother?

Mewtwo:Right sis.

Mewtwo, about 5 days ago, found out that once he left, his mother gave birth to his sister Mew. Then 6 months after his sister was born, his mother died by food posion. Mewtwo loved his sister dearly, she reminded him of his mother. He would protect her, just how his mother did for him.

James:Can't we just rest for a while?

Jesse:Yeah! My feet hurt!

Meowth:I need to take a *yawn* cat nap.

Seren:You three are not getting anything until you find the headquarters.

James:Oh great!

Mewtwo had locked the three in another new attack of his (how many new attacks does he have, right? Only I know! ^_^) which is called Parazen, a attack that ties the person or pokemon up with a physic rope, and with Mewtwo's mind, can control he/she/it to do whatever it wants.

About 3 hours later, the group of people, tied up rockets, and powerful pokemon came across a fork in the road.

Mewtwo:Now were to now your three.

Jesse:I don't remember.

Meowth:Neither Meowth!

James:Hmmmm.......I remember!

Mew:Were then?

James:Right! Then we hit the rocket headquarters!

Mewtwo:Are you sure?

James:Of course I do! Look below us!

The group saw an imprint of a person, which looked like an imprint of James.

James:I remember that! That was when me and Jesse got lost and she got so mad at me, she stomped me into the ground! We went right, and then we found headquarters!


James:Oh boy.....

Meowth:Not again.

Ash:I believe them.

Sam:Anything with a mouth that big, must be.

Jesse:WHY I.....

Sernio*standing in front of Sam*:Don't even think about it.


Ash:Now let's go right you guys.

They walked for miles. Nothing but road and grass. Not even trees were here. Trees that they needed to protect them from the sun, but thanks to Icena and with her specialty being ice, she made water for everyone from her own attack, Sparkling Ice Water Illusion.

About 5 hours later, they reach it finnally, but they were too late.

The former Team Rocket Headquaters was nothing but a shack. The big red R was crushed into pieces, as if someone broke it on purpose. Shreads of the steel wall were still thier, making color to the green grass around it. Everyone couldn't believe it. For 5 days they walked, walked! Since Firerina and Firerino's wing were out, Mewtwo and Mew had enough trouble keeping the attack up and watching the rockets, day in and day out, Seren and Sernio couldn't run, but walk, since the fight injured them, what other way did they have? Everything was lost. Their friends were gone. They need them. Not just for the sake of the universe, but for the sake of themselves.


Sernio:Their gone.

Jesse:Cassidy and Butch must have gotten here before us.

Mewtwo:That's why.

Icena:Now all is lost.

They started to head back, but if it wasn't for Mew's good sense of hearing and her curiosity, no one would have know what was about to happen next.

Mew floated over to a huge piece of steel, were she heared the sound. Mewtwo heared it as well, saw his sister and went after her, still having the rockets in the attack.

Mewtwo:Mew, get back here! We have to go.

Mew:But I heard something.

Mewtwo:Mew now.

Mew:NO! I'm going to see what that sound is.


Mew used her own attack called Deadly Physic Twister. It created a pink physic twister that flung off the huge piece of steel from the ground and threw it to goddess knows were.

Out of the pink smoke came out a wounded pokemon, but not just any pokemon.

When that happened, the others turned around to see what happened. Seren saw who it was first.

Seren:Elektrama! Elektrama! It's me! Seren!

Elektrama:What? Seren?

Seren looked at her fallen friend. She was bleeding all over her cheetha shaped body. Her green coat was stained by black bloaches of bruses and broken bones. Her tree-trunk brown eyes had a slight dead color to them. Her paws were so sore, as if she was running.

Seren:Guys! It's Elektrama! She's here! And she needs help!

Ash:An Elektrama?

Seren:No time to explain herself, she needs some help now!

Ash:Right! Mew!

Mew:Yes Ash?

Ash:Mew, can you heal Elektrama?

Mew:I think so.

Mewtwo:I'll help as well.

It took about half an hour, but it was done.

Mewtwo:Are you alright Elektrama? How did you get out?

Elektrama reconized that voice. She jump out of his arms, showed her cat like teeth, and growled.

Elektrama:Don't get near me you monster! Why did you do this to me and the others!

Seren:I've asked him that question already.

Elektrama:You must have been brainwashed by that thing!

Seren:Elektrama, their are a couple of things that I should tell you. One, Mewtwo was brainwashed...


Seren:Two, we found the pokeguardians....


Seren:Yeah. And last.....well.....I need to tell you this from the beginning. Kay?

Elektrama*shocked still*:Yeah...right....

So Seren explained the entire story of what happened, and she stopped when she found her. Ash played with Mew, Stratina, Pikachu, and Cypra, Sam scrached Sernio's ears and petted Iceno's coat, and the rest of the pokemon went to sleep. It only took Seren 10 minutes.

Seren:How did you get out?

Elektrama:Can we talk about it later? It really bothers me, cause.....of Thundron.....and the others......

Seren:I understand.

Elektrama:So those two pokemon trainers, are THE pokeguardians?

Seren:Their decendants.

Elektrama:So, which is which?


Elektrama:Which one is the protector of the planet pokemon, which is us, and which is the protector of the zodiac pokemon?


Elektrama:Please don't tell me that you forgot.

Seren:I'm not going to say it then.

Elektrama:Once we get the others, well find out.


Mew went over to her brother and fell asleep and the other young pokemon followed her as well. Pikachu had been ordered by Ash to protect the young pokemon, even if they were with Mewtwo. Sleep had taken over the young pokemon, for they were all up last night guarding the rockets. The rockets, which barely everyone forgot about except for Mewtwo, were sleeping as well, because they were yelling at each other for getting them into this mess last night.

Ash went over to were Seren and Elektrama were. He had some questions that needed answering. Either that, or his mind would go crazy.



Ash:Um...can I ask you something?


Ash:Did you overhear were TR were going?

Elektrama:Yeah. I didn't get the precise location, but I know which way they were going.


Elektrama:Tommorrow morning well all go together.

Ash:Right. And Seren?


Ash:Can we speak privately?

Elektrama:Don't mind me. I'll see ya guys in the morining at the crack of dawn!

With that said, she ran at top speed to a tree, let her head flop down, and went to sleep.

Ash:Are you sure that we are the one's? Me and Sam.

Seren:Of course.

Ash:I mean, I know what Sam did, and I for one do believe that she is the one, but what about ME. I didn't do nothing that brave. Everything that I do, it stabs me in the back.

Seren:Don't say that Ash.

Ash:Your just saying that.

Seren:No I am not.

Ash looked at Seren's deep-shinning-gold eyes. She was the most powerful and beautiful pokemon he had ever seen in his life. And he wasn't worthy of her. He loved this pokemon to death. Not because she could get him through all the league's, that would be sick. It was because.....of something. Maybe to learn who she was, what she was like. He always liked to know more about new pokemon, and this one he would LOVE to understand. But that were his first spectulations. It had to be something else. He knew what it was.....he knew that he was the pokeguardian. But did he have what Sam had. He wouldn't be able to protect this precious pokemon. All her friends. Maybe he has the heart, but he doesn't have the spirit.

Seren:You do have the spirit.

Ash:You can....


Ash:Please don't do that anymore.

Seren:Promise. And Ash, remember this.


Seren:You have the spirit. You have the purest spirit I have felt in my life.


Seren:I'll explain once we get everyone back. Listen to me. I'm telling the truth. Sam got her powers because she never had friends. He spirit was tortured her whole life until she met you, then us. Her friends. Her first friends. She wasn't going to stand down. She was willing to put her life on the line for us. Her friends. Now she has to control it. You are the pokeguardian. And you will get your powers.

Ash:Yeah right.

Seren:Don't ever doubt me Ash. I'm telling the truth. You'll get your powers. Now, it's sunset. We must go and get some rest. Tomorrow we will wake up at dawn. Lets go to bed.


Ash wasn't sure. But what Seren told him, he believed.

Now Ash, the pokemon trainer, and pokeguardian, went to rest by a tree. With Seren his pillow, Elektrama his blanket, Mewtwo, the rockets, Pikachu, Mew, and the other young pokemon to his left, Sam and the others to his right....

....he went to sleep, with his new friends....

....and family.

To Be Continued.....

Chapter 4 will be the last one of the PokeGuardians. For you Misty fans, she'll be in the next one, and for the Gary fans so will he *hint, hint, hint!^_^*. It'll be fast forwarded to another place. Okay? You'll understand once the last chapter of the PokeGuardians is done! Zyahlater!