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The Chronicles Of Selene

Chapter 1:The Return Of Life



"I must find the scout of life before the other scouts do. If they do, then everything is ruined. Yet on the other side, I have another good advantage. They'll do my dirty work for me and I will become something that my mother didn't, supreme ruler of the universe! The universe will be no more! Only the Negaverse! HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!!!"

Down below in a cave, someone was lisenting very closey.



Raye was in a palce. A black place.

*Where am I?*


Then she saw Serena or Neo Queen Serenity fighting against some monster. She was losing against this monster. Raye was about to help her, but she couldn't move. Her feet were stuck to the ground.


She couldn't help her. Then she saw all the scouts around Serena, even her daughter. Serena then found her only power left.....the Silver Crystal.

Serenity lifted it up into the air. The crystal gave off a brillant white light that blinded and weakened the monster.

But the monster also brought out a crystal as well...

...but not just any crystal.

With one attack with it, the silver crystal shattered.

The black crystal started to drain their energy and in mere moments, they changed.....

....into that monster....

......but even worse than that.....

....they were coming for her.




Sweat was coming down from her forehead. Panting, she went to her kitchen and got a glass of water.

**That dream,** she thought, **that dream, seemed so real. It must be a sign. It has to be the Negaverse. But, I thought that a long time ago, we destoryed them. But.....**

*remembering the dream* **it has to be. I need to get the scouts and the queen.**

With that done, she went back to bed, and then she would call them later.


(In the Morning, at about 9:30 a.m)

"Oh this is just great! Late again for school for the 17th time in a row! This time I know that I'll get 4 weeks of detention!" said Rini running like mad to school. Sure enough, she got detention, again, for 4 weeks. But the teacher let her of and her dentention would be tomorrow.

(Later afternoon, 4:53 p.m.)

After school Rini met up with her friends at Ray's Crystal Shrine. Rini's mother was there as well.

Rini:Hi guys! Sorry I'm late. Why did you guys call me here for?

Ami:Well Ray says that she had a dream all about us last night.

Rini:What was it about?

Ray:Our destruction.


Ray:Your mother's crystal was shattered into a millon pieces. We knew that the force was too strong yet we didn't give up hope. That was our downfall. We should have taken it logically. We shouldn't have taken it by our hearts. The power sucked us up and took all our energy and then....

Serena:No. No that can't be true.

Ray:I'm sorry, but it is.

Mina:Are you sure Ray?

Ray shakes her head up and down.

Mina gasps.

Lita:But nothing is as powerful as the Silver Crystal.

Ray:I know how who guys feel right now. That's how I felt when I had the dream. So I decided to look into the fire. It told me that it was the Negaverse.

Nerissa(orMichuru):No way that the Negaverse can be that strong! It's impossible!

Ray:It is the Negaverse Nerissa.

Helen:Oh no!

Celia(orSentuna):What do you suppose we do now?

Corrin(orHaruka):I'd say we find them and see if Ray's dream is right. What do you say?!

Ami:Hold it! First we need to find them. Then we need a plan. Then we can do your plan Corrin.


"So they think that they can stop me, can they. Well their about to get a big surprise."

About 10p.m a civilan was attacked by one of the queen's henchmen. The scouts transformed and followed the creature to a barren beautiful valley.

Sailor Jupiter used her Oak Evolution and dammaged the creature enough for Super Sailor Mini Moon to use her attack.

As the scouts were about to leave, they heard a voice in front of them. It was one of the queen's "weakest" heanchmen. Her name was Voliba.

The scouts attacked her at the same time with their most powerful attacks, but she blocked them like they were nothing. They tried over and over again, but she was too strong and too fast. Then Serena decided that she would use the crystal against her. Ray had a bad feeling about this.

The scouts gave Serena every last of power and strenghth they had left in them for her to fight. Then Rini changed from Super Sailor Mini Moon to Princess Rini

Voliba was almost going to give up until she released her secret weapon that the queen gave her, a Negaverse crystal, more powerful than the silver crystal.

She used it and then the silver crystal shattered. Voliba gave an evil laugh after the crystal shattered.

Voliba:Now queen, what are you going to do now to save this world?(Another laugh)

The scouts struck her again, but she blocked it with a terrible force.

Voliba:Now your energy belongs to the Negaverse!(Another laugh)

Voliba was about to take the scouts energy until someone came out from hiding.

"Stop."said the voice.

"Who is that?"

"It is I, life."

The queen was shocked of what she heard and was listening on what was going on.

"Huh? What do you mean?! Show youself!"

"Fine then have it your way"

She stepped out of hidding.

"Who are you?" Voliba said frightfully.

The scouts looked up too to see who it was too.

"I am the sea, the sky, the clouds, the trees, the land, the air we breath. They are me. I am them. I rule them, they rule me. I am life. I am the messenger of the Earth. I am the strongest scout in the universe. I come from the strongest kingdom in the universe, next to the Moon Kingdom. I am Terra Amata Maea Gaea. I am life.

I am Sailor Earth."

Voliba was about to escape until Sailor Earth stopped her by freezing the air to freeze her.

Then Earth used one of her attacks,

"Earth Lightning and Thunder, crash!"

She destroyed Voliba with one blow.

Earth looks at the shattered crystal. Then she reforms it with her mind to the way it was.

Serena:Thank you.

Terra:I didn't do it for you, only for a return favor for your dead mother.

Serena looked astonished.

She was about to speak again until Terra cut her off.

Terra:That puny thing would last for one minute against the Negaverse of today. Now where are my brothers and sister. It is vital that I find them. The universe depends on one of us!

A golden piece of paper started writing down what happened minitues ago. No one is there writing it.

"The Chonicles of Selene begin and maybe a Golden Universe again"the writting said in deep cursive.

To be Continued....