.::I am Everything and Nothing all at once::.

Welcome. I'm so glad you decided to spy on what little webspace I have on the WWW. I have taken most of the information on this site from my other site, so if you're seeing the same info on my other me page, that's why.


Hair colour: brown..and almost every other color you can imagine: its been red, blue, orange, green, turquoise, violet, and black. As of now, it is black. And..its long..about..5 inches down my shoulders or so
Eye..or eyes, i like having 2 eyes: green
Height: i'm short- 5'7"
Weight: approx 135 last time I was at the doctor's
Fav Color: green, silver, blue, black, some violet and/or red(s)
Fav Food: I'm not that picky, anything really
Music: TOOL, A Perfect Circile, Nine Inch Nails, Jack off Jill, Snake River Conspiracy, Blind Melon, Two-Mix, J-pop (I'm lame, I know), Classical (there's a million of composers I like..I'm not going to attempt to name them all here..)
Hobbies: Drawing, anime/manga, writing, cello, sitting on my ass on the computer, SLEEPING, being lazy, ..searching for yaoi.., more stuff I can't think of at the moment...blah blah blah
Other recognizable-ness: I have a trench coat named Trench Coat, which I wear in the cold months. I am known as "the weird guy" at school and other social places since I'm known to crossdress quite frequently, and wear quite a bit of eyeliner. I have 9 earrings, about 50 plastic "fuck bracelets" as they were called a few years ago, and of course, some huge ass army boots which go to my knees. Gotta love those. I also play cello; however, i suck badly.
Likes: 17gou, 1x2, 2x1, 3 1/2 floppy a, 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, anime, antidepressants, antipathy, aura, aya, bipolar, bishounen, bisexuality, blood, blue, blunt objects, bondage, book stores, broken, chains, chaos, circle castling, crossdressers, cuts, cyborg seventeen, dead spiders, deamons, death, delusions, drawing, duct tape, flight, fragile, ghosts, glass, green, handcuffs, hangovers, hate, health, hentai, hippo, homosexuality, INNOPLEX, insane institutions, justice, juunanagou, kindness, knives, large bodies of water, laundry, leather, lemon, lies, life, light, loathing, long hair, losenges, love and the like, lust, majick, manifestations, masochism, migraines, murder, music, night, nothing, obsession with love, other world, paint, paper cuts, pentacles, pf chang's, poetry, porn, rat poison, ravens, red, ripe with decay, ritual, sadist, sado-masochism, schweppes, sex, sharp objects, shounen ai, silk, silk bed sheets, spells, spring water, stress, sugar, suicide, suicide attempts, summerlands, talent, tears, teethmarks, testicles, tin, tongue, tool, toothpaste, touya, truth, vincent, webs, websites, whips, white, wine, wings, witchcraft, writing, xellos, yaoi, yuuhi, yuuki o furu, yuuri, and then of course, my friends, whom i love dearly. ^^ (the above was my DJ interest list..i'm not creative enough to pull another random list from my ass or other bodily orifice)
Dislikes: Angelo/Lucas/It, love (i'm contradicting myself from the above statement, but i really really REALLY do hate love), cold showers, waking up early, spoiled milk, homework on sunday night, flat beverages, stupid waiters/waitresses, fast food, close minded assholes, pop "stars", stupid teachers, people who think they know everything, immaturity, medicine, myself.
Favorite Anime(s)/Manga(s)~ Gravitation, Gundam Wing, DBZ/DBGT, Rurouni Kenshin OAVs and Tv series, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Vampire Hunter D, Blood: The Last Vampire, Akira, Ayashi no Ceres, Trigun, Blueseed, Cowboy Bepop, New Cutey Honey, Black Heaven, El Hazard, Evangelion, Boogipop Phantom, Rurouni Kenshin OAVs, Lain, Bakuretsu Hunters, Lodoss Wars, Perfect Blue, Blue Seed, Kite, Elf Princess Raine, Sakura Diaries, Dragon Half,Venus Wars, Inuyasha, Seraphic Feather, Blade of the Imortal, Evangelion, Mermaid Saga, BSSM, Akira, Fushigi Yuugi, Mononoke Hime, Anything You Higuri @.@,
Hated Anime(s)/Manga(s) I don't really hate much anime/manga, usually the terrible dubbing makes me loathe it. For exmaple: DBZ. Eww. Same with BSSM. I do however, loathe Kimera and Green Legend Ran. Do not see those.

A while back i received an email from some IDIOT, i can't remember his name now, its not important--idiots are all faceless, anyway. He sent me this email about anime and what i liked and such. Keep in mind, I haven't updated this page in an eternity..well, his email explained all the anime i liked and what he liked... Well, i'll just slap up this email, feel free to email him, i don't give a damn.

Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 00:39:04 -0500
From: "Jordan Bagwell"
Subject: Listen to this......

I can't believe thats the only anime you like.Heres what I like :Ninja Scroll,Samuri X,Mononoke Hime(Princess Mononoke),Trigun,DragonBall,DragonBallZ,Anjel Sancuary,Ronin Warriors,Tenchi Muyo,Tenchi Universe,Akira,Ghost in the Shell,Gundam0079,Gundam Wing,Gundam0083,Tenchi in Tokyo,DragonBallGT, and many others,cause in fact,i like them all(every anime known to man).Its obvious you don't know anything about anime besides the anime on Toonami and a few your friends have told you about.Anyway,my most favorite is Princess Mononoke.And also,this is Winters8933,so send replies to Winters8933@cs.com

Oh yes, that wasn't all... I informed my friend, Kiosuke-sama, about this guy--and how he spelled most of the anime he likes incorrectly-- and she wrote the best reply back... *grin*

Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 23:33:12 -0400
From: "Kiosuke-chan aka Naga-sama"
To: Juunanagou@godisdead.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: Listen to this......

*snickers* WOW.....I GUESS YOU MUST BE THE MASTER OF ANIME THEN *bursts out laughing and slams her fist into the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks* Sorry about this, but you sent that obnoxious e-mail to my friend, Juunana-kun. Do you understand just how shallow that made you sound? I'm guessing you're one of those Otakus that believes you know EVERYTHING about anime......baka yaro...Wow, I had forgotten just how much I hated people like you. I especially love the part about how you said..."Its obvious you don't know anything about anime besides the anime on Toonami and a few your friends have told you about." God...that makes me laugh so fucking hard, Juunana's been into anime for over 6 fucking years. I think the most obvious thing here is that YOU don't know anything about anime (or how to spell anything for that matter {Samuri [by the way, Samurai X is not the title of the anime you are referring to, they are simply called the Rurouni Kenshin Oavs] Anjel Sancuary?...} I mean, if you like the Gundam Series so much, it's funny to me that you haven't seen Gundam X or even commented on it, considering all Gundam fans believe that is the best season...Do you even know who the fucking "Father of Gundam" is? He was also the episode director for the first anime to ever be released in Japan, I mean, the world...wait......do you even know what anime that is? I would think you do, because you said you liked "All Anime Known to Man" (but what about Manga? most Anime does come from Manga...). Does that mean you're a Poke`mon master also? OH and we can't forget Digimon, or Brain Powered, can we? I must admit, you're very well rounded...[and I do hope you've seen the original 8-hour version of Akira, it's so much better than the shortened movie]) Not that I care what you know, and not like I am going to try to compete with you on how many VHS and DVDs I have or how many series and movies I've seen, because I would never want to sound as stupid and judgmental as you sound (of course you must be thinking "but you're judging me right now on only an e-mail." But then again, I believe that e-mail reflects just what kind of person you must be, correct me if I'm wrong, please do, I'm open to criticism) Anyway, I'm sure you can't understand that Juunana didn't put a lot on his profile because he wasn't trying to show off for anyone, and the fact that he hasn't updated that thing for going on half a year. It's also funny to me how you never mentioned Eva, I mean, almost 99%, or it could be 100%, of all Otakus agree that Evangelion was the groundbreaking series that actually brought most of the people in America into anime, but I guess that's just this little girl's opinion. ^_^V (do you even know what that smily face means?)

Ja, baka

Kiosuke-chan (and I'm so glad I finally found another Cutey Honey fan, they are so rare these days...it is an anime, and known to man, so you must like it)

That woule be the notorious Kiosuke-sama! ^_^ Gotta love her!

Oh, and then the poor idiot wrote me an "i'm sorry! stop harassing me!" email. Of course i wrote him back a few emails, which sadly, i no longer have T_T, otherwise I would have posted them too, for they were just as comical as Kiosuke-sama's. *searches around email inbox*..oh wait, i DO have an email i sent him.

From: Jinzouningen Juunanagou
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:19 PM
To: Jordan Bagwell
Subject: Re: About the anime thing... You know,"Listen to this"...

i'm not going to apologize for my ranting, because frankly, i don't feel the need to.

Yes..that's what i said to him..he replied back about how it wasn't him who sent those emails, but, it really doesn't matter, now does it? *stretches back in chair* Oh how i love random emails, love 'em soo much XD So yes, feel free to email me annnnytime ppl.

Yup..that was the most amusing thing I think i saw alll week. Hmm..what other meaningless information can i slap up here.. Oh yes of course, the idiocy from this one chick (we'll just call her Playdough girl--since she loves to eat it so much; Will & Rachie know what i'm talking about...^_~).. ready? Hang on, because what she says shall stun you into a laughing oblivious..or at least i hope it will.

Playdough Girl Says::

... and i wonder how she can still be in 10th grade and NOT be in any remedial classes. ...Wondering why she is named Playdough girl? Let's just say she eats it because she longs for the salty taste of...yeah..you know what i'm saying.. *cough*

Well, I do hope that has amused you..or perhaps even annoyed you. Either one works for me.

>>end. go away you crazy stalkers.