Hirosatee Sakayo

Backstage Info

*ahem* Hello, I am the webmaster of this lovely site here^_^. Originally, I created young Hirosatee Sakayo here when i was in the 4th grade. Yes, a long 5 (almost 6) years ago. At first, he was my own little superhero; I would escape into his world to get away from the dreaded math class. In those times, he was a superhero type of guy. I made him like that because of my SLIGHT obsession with Sailormoon ("Kapurikon Saisho no Powaa!!" was the Henshin i made up for him when he would tranfrom into *trumpet fanfare* CAPRICORN..don't ask. I have a vivid imagination ^^;;;;;; I made him so that Capricorn--Sakayo-- was ruler of the stars..a prince you might say? Anyways, it gets FAR more elaborate...Yes, i DO have too much spare time..)^^;.

He was my magical shounen ^_^. He had powers and could summon energy from the stars and such, usually all elemental. As i developed him more, i discovered that I was making him how i wanted to be, i was living through my imagination...which was through a fictional character. ^^; rather pathetic, ne? yes, i thought so..

Now however, young Sakayo has transformed from a magical boy with to just a normal teenager. He has his ups and downs, his girlfriends and such, his problems. Basically, Hirosatee Sakayochan is a reflection of me. I'm trying to develop him as best i can, and as detailed i can. If you read Marquee Moon and Synthetic Stardust, then you will learn him. And through him, you shall learn me. Of course, not ALL of me *sweatdrop*. (like..no orphanage and such..^^;;;;;;) Anyways.. That is Hirosatee Sakayo for you, not a very good background however...if i went into full detail..then this page would transform into a novel. We can't have that!


  • Hair~ brown, long- past his shoulders, and wavy.

  • Eyes~ Green most of the time, but they are known to change colors according to his moods. They are most commenly either Silver, violet, yellow, or green, each reflecting one of his moods at that current time. (I made his eyes like this when he was still a majical shounen boy ^.^)

  • Height~ Approx 5'7"

  • Weight~ Approx 145 lbs

  • Faint Back Ground Info for the "normal"~ *warning! spoiler for Marquee Moon* Hirosatee Sakayo was raised by his mother and father in a quiet neighborhood with his little sister, Ayukawa. His father, being a heavy drinker, a manic depressive, and a very mentally unstable person, ends up killing his mother and his little sister right before his eyes. Young Sakayo is then sent to an Orphanage--where unbenownst to him, his father used to live when he was a child-- where he is beaten rather frequently out of sheer hatered. His only friend, the Moon- Luna, is his only link to survival. Hirosatee Sakayo then, after a few years, becomes adopted and lives a fairly 'normal' life with his new parents.

  • Back Ground Info for the MaJiCaL ShOuNeN Sakayo ^_^\\//~ **note:: this version of my lovely lil character will probably not be added up on this page because this 'version' of him does not at all relate with any of the Juunanagou fics or Marquee Moon and such. This is the side of Sakayo I made up just to amuse myself during math class and such...for 5 almost 6 years *hangs head in shame* * This Sakayo, Sakayo being his HUMAN name, is actually a prince. ((This is based a lot on astrology...)) This is the tale of a dynasty that lives on throughout eternity, for stars are (almost) eternal and will live for (what seems like) forever. This is the story of how everything was created, how the stars came to be, how light, love, water, heat, hatered..how everything came to be. It all begins...

    Gaia, the Mother and creator of everything, created the stars, yet she, having so much power, created 'children' to control minor things, such as stars, light, water, life, death, etc. Sakayo she placed in charge of the stars. He rules over them, hast he same powers they do, and can control them. The symbol that represents him is Capricorn ((as that is MY sign..MUWAHAH)) , if one of the stars in that constellation is harmed or destroyed in any way, he is instantly weakened...he can be destroyed that way.

    Gaia, knowing that there cannot be any good without evil, also created darkness. A world plagued with jealousy, death, destruction, hatered and bitterness. They are known as the "Dark Kingdom". This dark dynasty is striving to steal Gaia's power and use it for their own doing, as she is extremely powerful.

    Sensing this, Gaia hides her power in what i call the "cloak of wings". She hides this for many of billions of years, and eventually, forgets where it is, which is good because now no one can find it...ever.

    The Dark Kingdom knows this and thus, is trying to gather Capricorn's (Sakayo's) power to find the cloak of wings-- since Capricorn is very strong (Though he is not a god, he'll die when his constellation dies, he can be killed and he is not the most powerful of Gaia's 'children'. 'Time' is probably one of the strongest of her 'children')

    So, as the Dark Kingdom is reeking havoc upon planets, stars, life forms of all shapes and sizes, Gaia seeks one of her 'children' to help her find the cloak of wings so she can stop them, as it holds the greatest power. She chooses young Capricorn as fit, since, as she says, "The stars light the way...they are the light..they are the hope that brings life..". Capricorn can do nothting more than except this mission bestowed upon him from Gaia, and so, he is off to search for the cloak of wings.

    He finds himself upon many different planets on his search, turning up empty handed every time. All the while, the Dark dynasty has been conjuring up their own mess of deamons and problems to get in Capricorn's way. For they too seek the Cloak of wings. If any evil gets a hold of it, then they would gain the ultimate power... and that would lead to instand death of EVERYTHING. (In other words... 'space' wouldn't even be a white void..it would be..nothingness..)

    One of the deamons the Dark dynasty creates is the "obsidian mirror" which, when gazed into, makes an identical copy of the onlooker..but it makes the copy 110% evil. They use this to try to capture Capricorn, and then unleash the evil Capricorn to go find the cloak of wings. This fails however, when the obsidian mirror cracks, and when Capricorn looks into it (not by choice), the copy that emerges it has many flaws and doesn't look identical to Capricorn at all. This copy is destroyed along with the mirror.

    The story continues with many dangers, many encounters of foes and friends (many of which are Gaia's 'children' in disguise sent out to try to help Capricorn).

    Capricorn eventually finds himself on the Planet Earth. He decides to search here for the cloak as to not leave ANYTHING unturned--since the cloak could even be hiding within a living creature. So, he settles down, making himself a home on this planet. He adopts a name for himself, Hirosatee Sakayo. Which, when translated (the way i found to translate it--which is probably not correct ^^;;) "the Sun's left hand which holds the fiery earth". That can mean so many things that fits him so very well. (Which when i made this character, i didn't expect his name to fit so perfect ^___^)

    The problems finding the cape only get worse from there! The Dark dynasty excessivly sends out evil minions and deamons to try to kill him and take all his power and majick... With the help of his comrades (which me met on his quest) he slays the deamons and continues his search. He can feel himself...getting closer.

    Sakayo then learns that the cloak is hidden inside a young girl, about his age (he looks 17, but in reality, he's some odd 56, 894 years old...that's not too old in the life of a star....he's still a youngin'). He swiftly gains affections for her, but refuses the love when he learns that he must kill her to get the cloak of wings....

    And the story continues...as i write it up in my head...

He looks the same as the 'other' Hirosatee Sakayo...except for some minor differences when he's in his 'royal' uniform. ^__^ I'll upload some *wink* sexy pics of my lovely majickal shounen boy in his "Capricorn" uniform. *swoon* He's meh hero. ^____^

And with that...i am done..


....you've prolly heard enough of my ranting anyways ^___^ *sticks out tongue!*

Negative Reflections is a pic i drew of him in his "capricorn" suit. The capricorn glyph is visible on his forehead.

....I'm always changing the way he looks somehow...*sigh*..i need to stick to ONE character design.^^;; *babbling again*