- Link To Me - |
2/08/01 Majin - 8:30 P.M. I noticed there was a problem with my Program. I fixed the problem, I forgot a file, so just download it and extract the zip. Then run the .exe file.
2/07/01 Majin - 8:01 P.M. Well not much updating today. But I did add my program to the Programs Section. So download it and tell me what you think!
2/06/01 Majin - 10:30 P.M. Well I changed the way the side of the page looks. Nothing else really new in the Dragonball world. I will have major updates this weekend, but because of school... I won't be able to update much this week. Also, I added my button on the bottom right... if anyone would like to link to me go ahead.
2/05/01 Majin - 8:07 P.M. Well I can finally update. Angelfire has been doing some maintenance. So I haven't been able to update. I haven't been able to update really today.. just upload all of the pages. You can see some updates I have done while Angelfire has been doing some maintenance. Also check out Bid For Power, they have a site plug for Bid For Power World. You will probably have to look under Chris's Developer Journal. The site looks promising.. check it out. One last thing.. I added some sites to the link section.
2/04/01 Majin - 1:06 A.M. Well I finished the Moves Section of Dragonball Final Bout. I also fixed some problems with the Episode Guide. I noticed I missed Episode 242, and I had made some spelling errors.
2/02/01 Majin - 11:49 P.M. I added some more battles, and I will start adding more Movie Clips soon. But it just takes a while to upload them to Angelfire because of this computer. I also updated the Video Games section, and the Episode Guide.
1/30/01 Majin - 5:31 P.M. Well I added some more sections. I also joined some top lists to see how I will do. I applied for a couple of affiliate spots to see if I would make it, and also some Network. If you are any of them looking at my site I will add a Link soon.
1/29/01 Majin - 8:10 P.M. Well I added some new sections and did a little updating. I changed my old site's to just directly link to here. I also added the site into the search engine at Dbzsearch.
1/28/01 Majin - 4:46 P.M. I finished the layout and I think it looks pretty good, it ought to brighten the page up a bunch. Also I will start adding more sections, but I also have to watch the Super Bowl!!!! Go Ravens!!!
1/28/01 Majin - 12:59 A.M. Well, I just started the new layout .. It should go well!! Everything else is the same but everything isn't. Hopefully I will be done soon... Email me your thoughts!! Also Check out the Dragonball News under the Sections.. I will be updating that frequently!!
- News Archive -
Special Thanks: - Cyrusraf
Disclaimer: This site is only a fan site and has nothing to do with Funimation or any other company which owns Dragon Ball Z. Site is owned by Majin, and please don't steal this site.. and don't take anything from here without asking, thank you. |