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Message Board

    ~January 9 2003~
  • If you have a DBZ site let me put up my banner ill put up yours.
  • if you like my site i would appreciate some E-mails
  • Come on pepole SIGN THE GUEST BOOK
  • Sorry I took so long hav'nt had time to update really,there's nothing new i added yet but keep your eyes openand i'll throw in some more crap for ya guys
  • I decided to cancel the DBZ AIM/AOL club it wasn't going anywhere maybe i'll start something new, just like it . . .how about this we use the chat server i have to have it alright i think that'll work, alright fine every Saturday night at 8:00 pm eastern time log on to the chat server i'll be there and will have Tournaments
  • I added a link Data Base where you guys can add your own links right into it pretty cool huh this way other scan see your sites and visit them
  • There will be a new poll up soon
  • Hey i'm updating again just small changes but hey they're all important

Thanx for visiting Fallen Heaven the most reliable and acurtae DBZ/GT site on the black threads of the web. Visit AGAIN...soon.

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