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Slim 6-5-01: Good bye, well atleast for nowHey everyone, this will be my last update for Dragonball Z-GT Max, I am closing this site for about a month then it will reopen under a new name and a doname name, along with a ton of new information, a new layout, and alot of other stuff. I am looking for a new name for it though so if any of you have ideas Email them to me HERE ill see you all in a month, see ya then
Beek 6-2-01:
Hey Guys.. This is Beek.. And I have some important news to tell yah. Soon.. There will be a huge tournament.. And whoever wins.. Will get the ultimate prize. I can't tell you what it is, and no, don't try to weasel it out of me. ::sticks his toungue out at Andy:: :ş . You all should train hard.. David.. In his last move as site leader, with thought from Ashley, have decided to put everyone's pl back to 100. Don't worry though. You have a month to train. Yes I know that all that training will have to be done again, but I have a feeling you will do well. And If you think just because we won't be in the rpg a lot, means that you won't ever see us? Well think again, I have a feeling, that one of you will be seeing a lot more of us than you think.. If you win the tourny. SO please train hard.. We are al rooting for you! ^-^
Slim 5-31-01:
I am back!!!
* accurate 3rd person crosshair.
In Some site news the layout is comming along very well and we could see up within a week for the new rpg thing it should be up in 3 weeks thats all for today c ya
* particle dust trail for boost running or flying close to the ground. * particle bubble effects that float to the surface and gather there. * particle splash + bubbles for entering water. * particle bubble trail for boost swimming, Pic Here * particle bubble trail for boost flying close to water. * particle bubble effects for charging underwater, Pic Here * fixed the waterdance bug. * lowered zanzoken cost. * added antigrav rock particles for charging, Pic Here * the antigrav rocks fall to the ground when you stop charging. * gave rock particles collision detection and bouncing properties
Xtreme Hunter 5-27-01:
I am back!!!
Slim 5-26-01:
Site News and Z-Day Episodes
Slim 5-25-01:
Its over
Slim 5-11-01:
Site Updates and Dragonball News
This just in: World Tournament - The Draw and World Tournament - Blackout, which are scheduled for VHS release on July 17, are anticipated to be the first videos to have simultaneous release of VHS and DVD. That means you will be able to get these videos on DVD July 17. This is the anticipated schedule, which means that it is not final and there could be a change. This is very exciting news. In addition, it is anticipated that every release after these will be simultaneous with VHS and DVD, providing that any new video release has not aired on Cartoon Network. Be sure to regularly check the FAQ's for updates on the VHS and DVD release schedules.
Well that is some good news to hear now i can acutally start buying DVD's instead of VHS without waiting 2 months. anyway on to some website news. I Have Posted up the Family Tree made by Xtreme (who might I add did a very good job) Multimedia Section is kinda at a standstill for the moment because i have no server to post up my files. I have been thinking of Posting up full episodes but doubt i will. Also Say bye Bye to DBZ Survivor as not many people got into it very much. I am in real need of a new Staff member to help out with the information portion of the site so Mail Me if your intrested. Also i will be oppening A Quiz Page kinda like what the pojo has aswell as a poll page as to what i should make and/or do with the site next. im gonna be making a new layout for the site soon as this current one is just a pain in the ass to update with (its easy but very long) So anyway that today update ill be back tommarow with more
Slim 5-09-01:
Will School end already
Xtreme Hunter 5-09-01:
Lack of updates
Slim 4-30-01:
Slim 4-26-01:
Random Stuff
Xtreme Hunter 4-22-01: Music Video Section Delay
Slim 4-19-01:
Fanfics, FanArt, and looking for a new staff member
Slim 4-19-01: DB
"The Dragon Ball air date has been rescheduled from June 4. The new date that Dragon Ball is to begin airing on Cartoon Network is June 25. We apologize for the delay and hopefully this will be the last reschedule. Dragon Ball is still slotted for 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time, immediately after Dragon Ball Z." Well so much for the dragonball dub comming out soon oh well its not to big of a delay anyway
Xtreme Hunter 4-19-01: Updates on the Music Video Page
Slim 4-18-01: Sorry For Lack of updates
Slim 4-15-01: Bid For Power Done??????
Slim 4-11-01: Random Thoughts
Xtreme Hunter 4-10-01: Leave of absence
Xtreme Hunter 4-9-01: My first post!
Slim 4-8-01: Breaking News On BFP
Slim 4-8-01: BFP Section added
Slim 4-6-01: Just Some Random News
Slim 4-5-01: New Staff Member |
Release DatesPerfect Cell - Temptation: 4/17/2001 Perfect Cell - Perfection: 4/17/2001 Perfect Cell - Unstoppable: 6/19/2001 Cell Games - Ultimatum: 6/19/2001 Great Saiya-man Saga - Crash Corse: 5/15/01 Worlds Tournament - Junior Devision: 5/15/01 Other![]() |