Executive Assistant District Attorney
Jonathan James McCoy

Jonathan James McCoy is the Executive Assistant District Attorney for New York County in, of course, the state of New York on television show, Law&Order. Better know as Jack McCoy, he is a work-a-holic who wants to see justice done and the truth uncovered.

Jack McCoy was born in Chicago, Illinois into a problem-plagued household. He was educated by Jesuits and is of the Roman Catholic faith. His father was a hard-headed Irish police officer that walked a beat in South Chicago. He enjoyed bending the rules as much as he could and dominating everything in sight. His need to dominate wasn't limited to things, unfortunately for his wife and his son, Jack. The elder McCoy had to have everything his way or no way. If his wife disagreed with him, he had no problem beating her into submission. One of the few childhood memories Jack has ever talked about was how his father loved corned-beef and cabbage and if he couldn't have it he would use his big hands to make a point. Jack re-calls his mother having to lock herself in the basement to escape the brutality of her own husband.

The elder McCoy controled every aspect of life in the McCoy family. His power even extended into his oldest son's choice of work (Jack mentioned in the episode 'Aftershock' that he is the oldest... Of how many children or what their names are, we do not know at this time.). Jack wanted to become a police officer but his father told him he was going to be a lawyer. So Jack became a lawyer. His father's influence still shows itself from time to time even though he died in 1986 (I believe this is the correct year) of cancer.

So what kind of lawyer could come from a father who was a wife-beater and an alcoholic and a mother who was terrorized and forced into submission? How good of a lawyer can come from a little Irish family in Chicago? A pretty darn good one, that's what kind!

Jack attended college at the University of Chicago and then went on to New York University for law school. He joined the New York County District Attorney's Office in 1971 (I believe this is the correct year) and worked his way up to the position of Executive Assistant District Attorney. In the course of his work he has made his mark on the D.A.'s office as a star prosecutor with fire in his belly and a fierce desire to win. He has earned the nick-name, "Hang'em High McCoy" as a result of his zealousness and fiery personality.

Jack is by no means an angel, though. He has confirmed that he has had affairs with three of his female assistants, one of which is now an ex-wife. He had an affair with a fourth female assistant, Claire Kincaid, but it was brought to a violent end when she was killed in a car accident with a drunk driver. He has been brought before the disciplinary committee for possible mis-use of his powers as A.D.A. but all charges were dismissed. He has had more than a few run-ins with judges, fellow lawyers, and his own boss, whether is be Adam, Nora, or Arthur. Jack is also suspected to be an alcoholic, like his father.

Jack has one child- a daughter. Her name is not something we know for sure at this time. He mentions her in the "Law&Order"/"Homicide: Life On The Street" cross-over, 'Baby, It's You'. It is during the "Homicide" part of the cross-over. One of the Baltimore detectives asks how a man can rape his own daughter. Jack relates to him a story of how once on vacation he was out sitting by the water he sees a beautiful girl with her back to him, talking to some boys. He starts thinking like a normal guy does when he sees a pretty girl but then she turns around and it's his daughter. Jack recalls his reaction and adds his own view of men who sexually abuse their children, "I felt a little sick... Some people have no conscience." A daughter is also mentioned in Jack McCoy's profile in the book, Crime Scenes by Dick Wolf.

Jack is my favorite character on 'Law&Order'. Even though he suffers from a few flaws and he has more than his fair share of emotional baggage, he has strong morals. He believes everyone is entitled to be treated fairly and that justice should be exactly that- just. He is a loyal friend and fights fiercely for what he believes in. Jack is both a tough lawyer and a compassionate lawyer who wants to make the world better place. He has a rebellious spirit (an example of this is the fact that he rides a motorcycle, a Yamaha, to and from work when the weather is good) and he is not afraid to buck the system to expose the truth, no matter how ugly it is.

More interesting tid-bits about Jack that you can use to impress people at parties are: Jack likes to listen to The Beatles (How cool is that?!); he suffers from migraines; he orders music and medicines online; he is right-handed; and he followed the boy two doors down from him, Tommy, like a puppy- he died in a VA hospitial with Jack at his side. His final words were, "God forgive me if I'm wrong."

"I remember how hard it was when I realized my father was a son of a bitch. I can't imagine what it must be like when you realize you raised one." ~Jack McCoy talking about the father of a young criminal.