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Bryson's Mind Unleashed-Eternally Seeking Knowledge, creative writing, poetry, civil rights,<title>
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"Bryson's Mind Unleashed"-"Eternaly seeking knowledge" "Bryson's Mind Unleashed"
"Eternally Seeking Knowledge"

My interests ?

History, Writing Short Stories,Theater,Genealogy,The world of animation.

Original Works
(your choice)

"One side of my brain"
"Short Stories"
"Civil ? Rights"
"Original Ideas"
"Sock Hop"
"Round Robin Writing"
"One Plus One"
"Retired Lane"
"Jack & Phyllis"
"Topaz Angel"
"Fun Facts"
"Reflections of a Grandson"
"Humor Country Style"
"Another side of my brain"
"Genalogical Humor"
"My Famous Relatives"
"My Genealogy"
"Photos of Yesteryear"
"Memories of Danville, Ill."
"My Family Genealogy"
""Bryson Family Sock Hop"
""Bryson The Actor"
"My Writing Only"
"Genealogy Only"
"Fun With Mr. Pockets"
"King of Scotland desc."
"Fredleif FRODASSON desc."
"Adam/Eve Desc."
"Prim-King of Troy desc."
"MORGANs of Tenn."
"Military Relatives"
"Yesterday's Memories"

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This page and connecting pages: Copyright © 1996-2005 by Jack Leroy Bryson. All rights reserved. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.