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 My Guidance Policy

Children’s behavior is influenced by their overall development, their environment, and their caregivers.  Each child differs in terms of his/her activity level, distractibility, and sensitivity.  Children must learn to develop socially acceptable and appropriate behavior as they grow to maturity.

Purpose of this Policy

This policy is the guideline that Xxxxxxxx Family Childcare will follow to assist children in developing self-control, self-confidence, and sensitivity in their interactions with others.  Guidance is required to ensure order, prevent injury, and ensure a child’s activities are not infringing on the rights of others.

Guidance Strategies

It is important that the caregiver ‘sets the stage’ for a positive atmosphere and maximum opportunities for  desirable behavior.  This will be done by:

1.  Explaining to the children what behavior will be acceptable and explaining the reason for the limits, doing so in a positive way;

2.  Focusing on the child’s behavior, rather than on the child;

3.  Allowing the children time to respond to the expectations;

4.  Reinforcing appropriate behavior;

5.  Being willing to listen and respond in a fair and supportive manner, and;

6.  Observing children in order to anticipate potential difficulties.

Intervention Strategies

One or more of the following strategies will be used to help create a positive climate and minimize problems in a supportive, rather than punitive way:

1.  By establishing eye contact and calling the child’s name in a calm controlled voice to gain a child’s attention;

2.  By remaining near the child in situations where he/she may be losing self-control;

3.  Children will be reminded of limits taking their feelings into consideration.

4.  For younger children or children with limited attention span and verbal abilities, we will attempt to  change the behavior by distracting or diverting the child.

5.  Verbal and/or physical assistance will be shown by modeling problem solving if a child is discouraged or frustrated.

6.  Children will be offered choices in a non-threatening and non-punitive way to assist them in meeting expectations or to reinforce limits.

7.  We will clarify the inevitable or unavoidable outcome of the behavior to the child.

 8.  If the child is unable to resolve a problem or take responsibility for their actions, they will be re-directed to another activity, or in special circumstances, be limited in the use of a piece of equipment.

 9.  If all else fails, the child will be removed from the situation in a way that ensures that the 'time out' is a positive learning experience:

(a)  prior to the use of ‘time out’ the child will be given an explanation of what it means and  what it involves.
(b)  the ‘time out’ place will be located within the play area, where they can still be supervised, but far enough from the activity.
(c)  the child will be allowed to determine when he/she can return to the activity.
(d)  for pre-schoolers the ‘time out’ period will be no more than one minute per year of age, to a maximum of five (5) minutes.
(e)  appropriate or acceptable behavior of the child following ‘time out’ will receive praise.

10.  On a rare occasion where a child loses control and could possibly injure him or herself or others. We may be required to hold the child to soothe them until self-control is gained.

11..  When a child is ready, they will be provided an opportunity to make amends.

Practices Which are Unacceptable

Xxxxxxx Family Childcare considers the following practices unacceptable and will not tolerate their use:

*corporal punishment  ie.  shoving, hitting, shaking, spanking
*harsh, belittling, or degrading treatment
*confinement, unsupervised separation from others, physical restraint as punishment
*depriving children of meals, snacks, rest or necessary use of the toilet as punishment

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However, please respect its copyright and do not put it on your website.  Thank you!
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