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God Bless America

October 2001

U.S. Counter Terrorism Policies

  1. Make no concessions to terrorists and strike no deals;
  2. Bring terrorists to justice for their crimes;
  3. Isolate and apply pressure on states that sponsor terrorism to force them to change their behavior; and
  4. Bolster the counter terrorism capabilities of those countries that work with the U.S. and require assistance.

source: US Counterterrorism Office (

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (right) explains to reporters that there is no single coalition of nations in this war on terrorism during a press briefing at the Pentagon on Oct. 18, 2001.

Pentagon briefings lack important details on casulties and objectives.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard B. Myers (left), U.S. Air Force, briefed reporters on some of the previous day's operational details.

End Terrorism... but how?

Vice President Cheney says that "The struggle can only end with their [bin Laden groups] complete and permanent destruction and in victory for the United States and the cause of freedom."

Yet, the situation is deeply complex with perhaps Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran involvements in the network of terrorism. Thousands of Pakistanis are joining in the fighting with the Taliban.

In Britain, a poll published by the Guardian newspaper showed 54 percent of respondents wanted the bombing to stop for humanitarian reasons. British support for America may wane if Iraq is involved by distribution of the anthrax... and if America takes major military action against Iraq. The British may continue support but the European partners are unlikely to jump in. World leaders agree that ending the war fast is best.

Nuclear weapons?

President Bush claims the Cold War ABM treaty is outdated and dangerous. He plans meetings to discuss modifications on the treaty that Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. During APEC meetings, the Pacific Rim (APEC) leaders called for a swift conclusion to the U.S.-led military campaign in Afghanistan. For more on APEC and current events visit the US Department of State homepage at

Voice of Russia broadcasts criticism of the war against terrorism. It claims that American businesses will make billions in profits from the war effort, and that our government "has chosen not to discuss" the problem of civilian casualties incurred during those military operations.

ALLIES... then there were none

When Israel moved on Palestine after the gunning down of Cabinet minister Rehavam Zeevi, the State Department demanded that Israel withdraw. How is it that Bush can say to Israel that it must stop doing exactly what we are doing? Fighting terror is right, right? The US State Department and Defense apparently want Israel to do it according to a plan that calls waiting for the right time... whenever that time comes won't be clear from the news media. We must await further developments.

Congress questioned US 'hypocrisy' for demanding Israel to withdraw and negotiate with Arafat after saying we would not negotiate with the Taliban. 

How many strong allies are there in the Middle East exactly? Soon that may dwindle from one to none. Israel was outraged. The US continues pressures on Israel, to adopt an approach with cooperation.

Iraqi Agents begin with Timothy McVeigh

McVeigh had a collection of Iraqi telephone numbers. You also may guess correctly that Osama bin Laden is suspect; as one of the masterminds behind the Oklahoma City bombing. Reportedly there were some Middle Eastern people on the scene too. McVeigh's execution was delayed when the FBI suppressed thousands of documents during his trial but Clinton pushed the execution through. Was the Clinton Administration attempting to avoid the political nightmare that dropped on September 11?



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Confirmed Civilian Kills Enraged Pakistan
October 29, 2001

In Islamabad, reports of U.S. bombing that killed people in Afghan villages of Chakor Kariz, about 25 miles southeast of Kandahar and other locations continue to enrage tens of thousand of Pakistani protestors. The protestors are calling for the death of President Bush to pay for what they say is an atrocity. Perhaps fifty thousands Pakistanis are ready to enter the war. Some are armed with rifles and other with an axe or farming tool. Estimates range from 5 to 50 thousand Pakistanis that may enter the war. The media is reporting evidence of many thousands but the numbers vary... again, we must await reliable intelligence information.


Ramadan in November

Rumsfeld refuses to give assurances that the Afghan offensives will halt during Ramadan. War continuing during Ramadan may be intolerable in the Muslim world. (see Middle East reports). He revealed that the US plans to capture or destroy bin Laden may include decades of war and anti-terrorist efforts. Bin Laden murdered opposition fighters that may have been with him in the days of fighting the Russians. Now, there are few if any that know Afghanistan and the hiding places like bin Laden. He can hide for years and perhaps decades.

Washington Whispers:
America won’t stop the war during the Islamic holy period of Ramadan. This occurs in late November. Muslim leaders say the US must wrap up the war by then, or postpone bombings during Ramadan month.

Meantime the authorities are closing in on terrorism in America. Several large organizations in America have terrorist ties including sending millions collected here for the destruction of Israel.  

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15,000 Americans are already taking an anti-biotic for possible contact with anthrax. Anthrax "hot spots'' have been found in mailrooms at the Supreme Court, the State Department and possibly the Department of Health and Human Services. New Jersey sites add to this along with other unconfirmed sites in NY, NJ, MD, and DC.

Federal and state authorities are investigating an explosion of Internet sites that are preying on the public's fear of anthrax by illegally selling the antibiotic Cipro without requiring a proper prescription. Report suspicious activity (FBI)!

Mail pickups and delivery continue... The Center for Disease Control admits they should have closed down when anthrax was known to be contaminating the offices in DC ANTHRAX All About DC

Evidence of anthrax was found in Washington, in the mailroom of the House of Representatives, and at Post Offices near Capitol Hill. Two postal workers are dead and many others may have infections. Cipro is being dispersed.

The release of deadly anthrax in this country may involve bin Laden terrorists and perhaps others too. Apparently there is evidence linking anthrax to other radicals, perhaps anti-abortionists.  Be on the alert for these creeps, "Army of God, you've been exposed to anthrax, you're dead." That message was inside a letter laced with anthrax powder sent by the Army of God, fellow Americans. The FBI is getting on to it.

More: Anthrax

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The September 11 attack devastated the World Trade Center area.

The Empire State Building can be seen lit in red white and blue from the site of the World Trade Center now gone since the September 11 attacks in New York.
Clean up continues...

Terrorist attacks that the FBI warned were imminent 10 days ago may be delayed while worldwide al Qaeda criminals face charges.

Tough Taliban

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has said that the military may not topple the Afghan government. He called the Taliban forces "tough" and "survivors." The plan is to disable the Taliban and to capture or kill the terrorist leaders including bin Laden... FAST! The plan may be beginning to work. However, getting to bin Laden is another matter. On that Rumsfeld admits that isn't any quick solution foreseen. Is there time before the Ramadan and before the hordes get ugly? Apparently, no.

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Pakistan Plots

Mullah Ghazi Hussain Ahmed, leader of Jamiat-Ulama-i-Islam, made demands for the Pakistani army to overthrow General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's military leader. Musharraf has until now been a backer of the US and British in war against Afghanistan's Taliban regime. Muslims led by Islamic fundamentalists are seeing that Musharraf is supporting a cruel war against Muslims. The pressure is incredible... now, Musharraf is backing down on military support for the Allies in Pakistan.

Afghani Refugees too many to count!

Afghans are now being told they may not enter Pakistan. As waves of Afghans arrive, there is little comfort awaiting them at the borders.

The protesters sometimes number in tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands support Osama bin Laden and against U.S. military strikes in Afghanistan.

Here, Pakistani protesters are waving posters showing Osama Bin Laden, chanting 'Kill Bush' and calling the United States the world's 'No. 1 terrorist'.
Anti-US rage daily boils in radical areas and now in Rawalpindi, a city considered Rawalpindi - tens of thousands protest in biggest anti-American meeting yet. This time they say the the army will overthrow the government and turn the war against the US by whatever means necessary! moderate and of the Pakistan mainstream. Protesters numbered into tens of thousands in a surprising show of anti-American rage. They say the the army will overthrow the government to turn the war against the US by whatever means necessary!

If war continues in Afghanistan into the Ramadam, even moderates will take to the streets to join in what is expected now to be frenzy riotous and bitter.

As we've said, credible news stories of increasing numbers of civilian casualties in Afghanistan are swaying Pakistani Muslims against the war.

The pro-Taliban say it is atrocious to allow American troops on Pakistan soil much less allowing planes to fly into the airports. Many are starting to despise Musharraf. The view is that America is a godless land run by Jews.

This talk is not just from the fanatical jihad Islamic, but from business owners, medical personnel, and academics too.

Pakistan's newspapers are anti-US slant and openly anti-Jewish.


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Israel vs. Palestine

Prime Minister Sharon stands firm that Israeli troops will avenge the assassins of an Israeli Cabinet minister Rehavam Zeevi. Striking a parallel to the U.S.-led air strikes on Afghanistan, Israel had said it would treat Arafat's Palestinian Authority as a "leadership that supports terror."

The Israeli effort has been all but thwarted by US policy to stand down.


Diplomacy? Fear!

The Taliban are mostly not from Afghanistan.  The bin Laden terrorists come from all over, Zaeff isn't aware of what anthrax is... WHAT?and they operate with the Taliban's direction and cooperation. They together use Afghanistan as a training territory to promote through violence and fear what they could not secure by civil action. So, why would Pakistan Pervez Musharraf want centrist Taliban officials to help form a new Afghan government? The Taliban say they don't need help. Here, Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeff (right) feigns lack of knowledge about anthrax. The Taliban plan to recruit millions from Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Musharraf is in deeper than he wants... so, even he is backing the Taliban; just not openly.

India wants US military presence directed against all terrorism. Powell found himself in a predicament about Kashmir more than once on this trip last week.

In Saudi Arabia, U.S. relations are deteriorating again. The Saudi interior minister, Prince Nayef, is criticizing the bombings and the loss of civilian lives. He says that Saudi Arabia is willing to confront terrorism but not with attacks that kill and injure the civilian populations.


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Bin Laden wants to spread his germs on CNN

A spokesman claiming to represent Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network made the offer to the US television station CNN and Qatar-based Arabic network al-Jazeera. The man asked for written questions, saying these would be answered on video and then delivered back to al-Jazeera, which has already carried several statements from Bin Laden and his network.

CNN says it has sent six questions to al-Jazeera relating to Bin Laden's alleged role in the September 11 attacks and his justifications for killing thousands of innocent civilians. CNN was quick to stress that it would only broadcast the comments if they were newsworthy and of relevance to its audience.

The offer is yet to prove useful news.

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