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God Bless America

BBC World - Radio Update
December 9 to 15, 2001


Rights & Refugees Update

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War News


Warning: Iraq ABM Treaty Update bin Laden Tape
Human Rights Update

Wounded boy... Click for video from CNN UN Call to Investigate War Crimes

UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson has said she would support an international inquiry into the killing of hundreds of pro-Taliban prisoners in a northern Afghanistan fort. Afghanistan had long suffered from a "climate of no accountability", she said, stressing the need to set standards in the conflict (more).

Video links follow; belowWomen Wait
Relief Races Against Winter, Starvation,
Disease, and Ignorance

Food is available if refugees can get to it. There are logistical problems and war in the way of getting food to the millions of refugees.Afghan women sit in front of the UN World Food Program (WFP) headquarters in Kabul, waiting for a chance to get some food handouts. The WFP carried out its first airlift of food aid into Afghanistan on November 23, the UN agency said.

Afghanistan is largely a country of widows with no assistance. If the future is uncertain, the recent past is an all-too-well-substantiated fact. The Taliban made Afghanistan a laboratory for the systematic oppression of women. What it did will haunt that nation and the world for years to come.

Though the Taliban's restrictions against women have no force, nearly all the women wear the burka.

Women In Afghani Government?
Afghanistan has the world's worst refugee problem. Two decades of war and five years of drought have created mare than 3.5 million refugees. Aid agencies say the military strikes on Afghanistan is creating many thousands more. In the 1960s and '70s, Afghanistan was a typical developing country, poor and struggling, with a slowly expanding role for women. By 1964 they had been granted the vote. The cities had begun to produce a small elite of educated women, who entered the professions, wore Western skirts and mixed comfortably with men. The Soviet invasion in 1979 was a disaster for Afghanistan generally. But under the Russians, women's rights were protected--even advanced to a degree that alienated some in Afghanistan's tradition-bound society. More women were introduced into government, given an authority. Many ruling men objected.

As Russian occupation withdrew, chaos that followed 1989 was worse for women. Afghan warlords brought terror to the urban neighborhoods and villages they laid claim to. Fighters treated women as plunder; rape became commonplace. Civil war broke out among factions of the anti-Soviet resistance. With the triumph of the Taliban in 1996, conditions were in place for a final degradation of Afghan women.


Refugees Update

Refugees at MalakhRefugees camp out in the open waiting to register at UNHCR camp. These refugees are sleeping out in sub-zero temperatures! Click for BBC videoThe United Nations refugee agency, the UNHCR, says the Pakistani authorities allow too few registrations at the secure camps. The agency has set up services in Pakistan, providing tented accommodation, sanitation facilities and food supplies. Conditions outside the camp are much worse. The temperature plummets to below zero!

Fighting and bandits in Afghanistan continue to block adequate relief for the needy population that remain in Afghanistan.

There are perhaps 3 to 4 million needy Afghanis in the country. Banditry along supply routes was also hampering operations. UN aid convoys have been ambushed and robbed, agency offices have been looted, and several journalists have been killed in apparent robberies. The UNHCR's aid efforts also suffered a setback when two of the agency's vehicles were ambushed by three armed men.

Children at the Maslakh refugee camp survive on a ladleful of porridge a day.Babies and infants stranded in northern Afghanistan are dying and an estimated 150,000 people are living in flimsy tents in a refugee camp near Mazar-I Sharif, where temperatures drop below freezing every night.

In the capital, Kabul, Afghan women are playing a key role in a one-off mission by the UN World Food Programme (WFP) to distribute food to an estimated one million people too poor to feed their families. They will be distributing food coupons that will entitle a household to a 50-kilogram (110-pound) sack of wheat - enough, it is estimated, to last a month. The WFP is employing large numbers of women, who were forbidden from working during Taleban rule, to survey households in the capital's poorest areas, calculating how many people there are and how urgent their need is. It is both easier for them to gain access to households and a way of providing the women themselves with some income.

More than 20 years after the Soviet Union invaded, Afghans remain the largest, single refugee group in the world. More than 3.5 million refugees reside in Pakistan and Iran alone, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

October 2001 in a CNN graphic.
More: Afghan Fact Sheet


Video Video links follow; below News
War News
Washington Post
Interactive War Maps
(requires FLASH)

Graphic: US Satellite Attacking Power

BBC - Investigating Terror

BBC News:
Islam 'hijacked' by terror  
Video links follow; below al Qaida Link to Germany   
Bin Laden's continuing appeal  
Analysis: The roots of jihad

CNN News
Slobodan Milosevic
Hamid Karzai

US anti-drugs officials are developing strategies to prevent Afghan farmers from planting opium poppies, now Taliban control is collapsing. BBC report: US concern at Afghan opium surge

In villages of the developing world, assault rifles, pistols, grenades and shoulder-fired rockets are altering life and death.

Learn why the U.N. General Assembly decided to draft a final document on small arms (pdf file require Adobe Reader) including a plan of action. When wars are waged with tanks and bombers, peace treaties stand a chance of bringing peace. But the conflicts characterized by small arms and light weapons can leave a legacy of everyday criminal violence, researchers say.

Presently, the Bush administration says a draft accord might constrain legitimate weapons uses or infringe on American rights!


  President George W Bush President George W Bush told Congress that the US will withdraw from the ABM  (Anti-Ballistic Missile) treaty with Russia. More Refugees Flee Afghanistan
The southern Afghan city of Kandahar is struggling. With the latest conflicts, more residents are fleeing Afghanistan for Pakistan. A few refugee women and children smile for cameras, but most Afghan women and children are silently dying behind a burqa that shields you from knowing the horrors of derailed aid. Anticipation of and US bombing, Taliban retreat, bandits, and logistical and political chaos reign.

Living conditions are miserable!
  Russian President Vladimir Putin met with President George W Bush in Washington and in Texas. They both seemed to enjoy the visit and the talks seemed at that time to find some common ground. The ABM treaty is one sticky spot in the US-Russian relationship.Here Putin is seen to put a stern face on his reactions.


The move isn't a surprise.


bin Laden Tape: G-u-i-l-t-y ! Interactive Excerpt ( click)
Osama Bin Laden and follower in video released the US
Osama bin Laden (left) is talking to a follower.

The US released a videotape that it says implicates Osama Bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks (text excerpt) but many legal experts have mixed opinions on what use the tape would have in criminal prosecutions of bin Laden members for alleged terrorist actions.

Kosovo's Historic Parliament

Kosovo's first multi-ethnic parliamentary assembly since the province came under international administration in 1999 has opened its inaugural session, following elections last month. The session was opened by the United Nations special representative, Hans Haekkerup, inviting nominations for the seven-member presidency of the assembly.

Experts see the new assembly as a severe test of whether Kosovo politicians are willing to set aside years of hatred and co-operate on basic issues like the economy and the environment.

Albanian leaders in particular will be held against their pre-election promises that the new assembly is to set Kosovo on the road to eventual independence. That point is bitterly opposed by the Serbs and at this stage by the international community. Security operations launched the activities ( click).


Journalist Beaten

A British journalist is recovering after being beaten and pelted with stones by Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

Bandaged and bleeding Robert Fisk said he did not blame the refugees for their anger.Robert Fisk, 55, a Middle East correspondent, was attacked when his car overheated and broke down close to a village housing refugees from Afghanistan. "They started by shaking hands. We said "Salaam aleikum" ˆ peace be upon you then the first pebbles flew past my face. A small boy tried to grab my bag. Then another. Then someone punched me in the back. Then young men broke my glasses, began smashing stones into my face and head. I couldn't see for the blood pouring down my forehead and swamping my eyes. And even then, I understood."

"I don't want this to be seen as a Muslim mob attacking a Westerner for no reason. They had every reason to be angry - I've been an outspoken critic of the US actions myself. If I had been them, I would have attacked me." Upon escape in a car provided with police escort, Fisk discovered more about the reasons for the attack on him.

"Many of these Afghans, so we were to learn, were outraged by what they had seen on television of the Mazar-i-Sharif massacres, of the prisoners killed with their hands tied behind their backs. A villager later told one of our drivers that they had seen the videotape of CIA officers "Mike" and "Dave" threatening death to a kneeling prisoner at Mazar. They were uneducated. I doubt if many could read but you don't have to have a schooling to respond to the death of loved ones under a B-52's bombs. At one point a screaming teenager had turned to my driver and asked, in all sincerity: Is that Mr. Bush?"

Robert Fisk on the ground at the Chaman refugee camp reported, “From all over the countryside, there come stories of villages crushed by American bombs; an entire hamlet destroyed by B-52s at Kili Sarnad, 50 dead near Tora Bora, eight civilians killed in cars bombed by US jets on the road to Kandahar, another 46 in Lashkargah, 12 more in Bibi Mahru.

Pentagon Creates Obstacles to Covering War

From the earliest days of the war, journalists complain, there is a severe information drought at the Pentagon. Defense officials would not let reporters accompany troops in the initial overseas military deployment after 9-11 and have since based pool reporters at a single United States operating base in Afghanistan. Reporters in search of action elsewhere have often had to go it alone on dangerous roads and under the protection of local gunmen for hire.

Complaints peaked last week when reporters stationed at a front-line base of operations in Afghanistan, at Camp Rhino, were confined in a warehouse as dead and wounded United States troops accidentally struck by an American bomb were returned to the camp. The reporters and photographers were kept from interviewing or photographing the wounded, their doctors, or the troops involved in the rescue and recovery of the 19 who survived and the three who were killed when a stray bomb hit their position north of Kandahar.

Military officials later said that reporters should have had some access, even if limited. Even if the Defense Department pledges to be more cooperative, commanders on the battle lines tend to do as they saw fit when situations get intense, regardless of dictates from the Pentagon.


Middle East

Conflict Intensifies   Changing   21st Century Struggle
In 1969, Yasser Arafat became chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a group formed in 1964 as an umbrella for a number of Palestinian factions engaging in guerrilla warfare against Israel.

Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock around 1912

CNN timeline
1000 BC to 2001 AD

In 691, Muslims built one of Islam's holiest shrines, the Dome of the Rock (left), on a site where the Hebrew Temple of Solomon once stood in Jerusalem. The site set the stage for centuries of conflict between Arabs and Jews. The disputed holy site is called Temple Mount by the Jews and Haram al-Sharif by Muslims.

  The government of Israel views with grave severity the terror attacks this evening. The government of Israel holds Chairman (Yasser) Arafat directly responsible for attacks and in light of it resolves:
1. Chairman Arafat has made himself irrelevant as far as Israel is concerned and therefore no contacts will be maintained with him.
2. The security Cabinet approves and authorizes the military operations as presented by the Defense Minister and Army Chief of Staff at an inner Cabinet meeting this evening.
3. The Israel Defense Forces will rapidly deploy for military operations in the vicinity in the cities of Judea, Samaria and Gaza in order to carry out arrests (of terrorists) and to confiscate weapons.
4. The Defense Ministry will present at the earliest date the adjustment of method of operations against Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations in light of the escalation of their attacks.
5. The government holds the Palestinian Authority and its leaders directly responsible for the miserable living conditions of the Palestinian people. The government will do whatever possible to help the civil population.

The Cabinet does not imply or include in any way any directive to attack Arafat personally.
Israel Cuts off Arafat

The Israeli Cabinet cut off contact with Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, saying it holds him directly responsible for an ambush in the West Bank that killed 10 and injured 30 others. The Cabinet said Israel would send its own troops to the West Bank and Gaza to arrest suspected terrorists and confiscate weapons.

The statement followed Israeli air strikes on Palestinian targets in Gaza and the West Bank late Wednesday in retaliation for the ambush of the bus by Palestinian gunmen.

( Click) In the wake of the bus ambush, Palestinian Authority spokesman Nabil abu Rudeineh said all offices and institutions of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad will close. Palestinian state and the destruction of Israel, both claimed responsibility for attacks during the wave of recent suicide bombings

The U.S. State Department encouraged the Palestinian Authority to move against the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but officials said Arafat had more work to do. The Palestinian Authority issued a statement late Wednesday condemning what it called "military operations" on the bus and the two suicide bombings.

Sharon's office said Wednesday it would continue the targeted killings of terrorists on their way to carry out attacks. It also said Israel would respond to every terror act.