SEARCH: Civilian Casualties

FAIR ACTION ALERT: CNN Says Focus on Civilian Casualties ...
... most powerful news outlets has instructed its journalists not to report Afghan civilian
casualties without attempting to justify those deaths. "I want to make ...
 Trolling the Web for Afghan Dead
... There have been allegations of civilian casualties throughout the campaign that
are ... Half-Baked Nov. 20, 2001 Afghan Archivist of Culture Nov. 6 ...
   DefenseLINK News: Afghan Civilian Casualty Info Hard to Get, ...
... strongly disagreed with a press report that alleges DoD avoids discussing the numbers
of Afghan civilian casualties caused by the war against terrorism there. ...
   TNR Online | TRB: Life Support by Peter Beinart
... of the world over civilian casualties--because much of that ... we took not a single civilian
life. We are, by ... United States now threatens Afghan lives. And it is ...
   Fact Sheet: US Military Efforts to Avoid Civilian Casualties
... taken every possible step to avoid civilian casualties, to make sure that the US ... times,
not an attack on the Afghan people. The objective is to end ...
   Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of ...
... The high level of Afghan civilian casualties from bombing may result from different
causes: (1). Imprecise or malfunctioning missile and bomb guidance systems ...
   Wellstone Voices Concern About Afghan Civilian Casualties
... Headlines, ... Published on Thursday, October 25, 2001 in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Wellstone Voices Concern About Afghan Civilian Casualties. ...
   Afghan commanders report civilian casualties
... Afghan commanders report civilian casualties By Tim
Weiner The New York Times December 03, 2001. ...
   Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Short denies Afghan ...
... Short denies Afghan civilian casualties Staff and agencies Friday October 12, 2001
In the latest salvo of the propaganda war, the British government today ...
   Civilian casualties mount in Afghanistan
... news sources report mounting civilian casualties in Afghanistan since the US launched
air strikes against the country last Sunday. The Afghan Islamic Press (AIP ...
   ReliefWeb: MSF calls upon warring parties to spare Afghan ...
... spare Afghan civilians MSF has seen increasing evidence of an unacceptably high number
of Afghan civilian casualties from the ongoing military operations.
   Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Death Toll Inching Up ...
... at least 48 civilian deaths in two Afghan villages in recent weeks. ... Goure said civilian
casualties in Afghanistan appear to be extremely light thus ...
   Mandela laments civilian casualties in Afghanistan
... Mandela laments civilian casualties in Afghanistan. ...
   Death Toll Inching Up in Afghan War
... least 48 civilian deaths in two Afghan villages in recent weeks. "The ... village was
bombed. Goure said civilian casualties in Afghanistan appear to be ...
... Time and again, the Taleban lie about the number of Afghan civilian casualties.
But in fact, it is the Taleban regime that has little regard for civilians ... - Kamal Hyder: Afghan cleric's edict for help - ...
... the assistance of their Afghan brethren. ... haven't suffered the casualties that Americans
would have ... in Kandahar, regarding the civilian deaths and the casualties ...
   Afghan Info Center
... presidential envoy to Afghanistan, Afghan-born Zalmay Khalilzad, arrived ... despite
reports of mounting civilian casualties, Khalilzad said the United ...
   ASEAN leaders air concern over Afghan civilian casualties - ...
... back to main. ... ASEAN leaders air concern over Afghan civilian casualties Posted: 11:31
PM (Manila Time) | November 05, 2001 By Agence France-Presse ...
   Civilian casualties high, say Afghans
... Civilian casualties high, say Afghans. New York Times Dec. 03, 2001. JALALABAD,
Afghanistan - Despite denials by the Pentagon, Afghan commanders who rule this ...
   Social Justice Cooperative
... rewriting to play down the civilian casualties, DO IT. The only exception is ... administration
was planning war against Afghan people already in mid-July ...
   Afghan death toll mounts as US warplanes hit civilian ...
... As reports of civilian casualties and other mistakes mount in America’s war ... Afghanistan’s
ruling Taliban militia or against the Afghan people.”. ...
   Bombs Hit Civilian Areas of Afghan Cities, US Says
... our targeting process to avoid civilian casualties.". ... that even a small number of
civilian deaths can damage the US ... is a war on the Afghan people and a war on ...
   IHT: Civilian Deaths Mustn't Stall Air Campaign, US Envoy ...
... and Taliban leaders are eliminated despite the risk of more civilian casualties
in the Afghan countryside. Mr. Khalizad, briefing reporters after two days of ...
   BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pressure grows to stop Afghan ...
... grows to stop Afghan bombing The US says further bombing is vital By the BBC's Richard
Miron in Kabul Continuing reports of civilian casualties in Afghanistan ...
   US Raids Draw Fire for Civilian Casualties
... 2001 in the Toronto Globe & Mail. US Raids Draw Fire for Civilian Casualties Intense
bombardment targets Taliban troop concentrations, three major Afghan cities. ...
   FAQ of Afghan War Photos
... chair had ordered his staff to downplay reports of civilian casualties in Afghanistan.
The media watchdog organization Fairness and Accuracy in ...
   Kandahar bombs hit their marks
... repeated reports of civilian casualties, a visit to Omar ... the long list of civilian
fatalities claimed by Taliban ... were owned by an Afghan living in the United ...
   CNN Says Focus on Civilian Casualties Would Be 'Perverse'
... most powerful news outlets has instructed its journalists not to report Afghan civilian
casualties without attempting to justify those deaths. “I want to make ...
   Bombs Hit Civilian Areas of Afghan Cities, US Says
... process to avoid civilian casualties." Still, analysts cautioned that ... a small number
of civilian deaths can damage the US ... a war on the Afghan people and a war ...
   FAIR ACTION ALERT: HOW MANY DEAD? Major networks aren’t ...
... was Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski, who several times portrayed reports
of Afghan civilian casualties as an assault on the US Despite the US military ... Live Online
... some of the very well-educated Afghan women outside Afghanistan now are ... been lots
of coverage of the civilian casualties issue and whether it will ...
   Department of State Washington File: Transcript: Coalition ...
... the negotiations are purely Afghan. "This is the only ... not retaliate by targeting civilian
areas. The spokesman ... to minimize civilians casualties. The World Food ...
   ADC warns against civilian casualties, expansion of conflict
... all measures to ensure that American military actions scrupulously avoid civilian
casualties among the Afghan people. There have been a number of disturbing ...
   DefenseLINK News: Leaders Emphasize Campaign Is Against Terror ...
... Emphasize Campaign Is Against Terror, Not Afghan People. ... by the United States to
reduce civilian casualties to the minimum possible," Pakistani ...
   Subject Index of Daily Diatribes
... US Is Deliberately Stalling in Afghan War and Unnecessarily Causing Increased
Civilian Casualties: Because of Pakistani Double-cross? October 23, 2001. ...
   Rumsfeld: Civilian Casualties Not Clear (Dec. 5)
... a press report that alleges DoD avoids discussing the numbers of Afghan civilian
casualties caused by the war against terrorism there. "The short answer is ...
...      Reports are emerging about casualties among the Afghan civilian population,
in addition to last week's report of the deaths of four Afghans working ...
   TheExperiment | Articles => Civilian Casualties We're Not ...
... of some of the additional reports of civilian casualties since then. These reports
all came from ... A 10-year-old Afghan boy in a Pakistani hospital ... | news | us terror attacks | world reaction US ...
... Oct 2001. The United States has played down mounting concern over the civilian casualties
of its Afghan campaign, as criticism of the war mounted and unrest in ...
   Kuwaitis Opposing Afghan War 'A Vocal Minority'
... Newsletter Home, Kuwait Kuwaitis Opposing Afghan War 'A Vocal Minority' Kuwait ... caused
by "fear of civilian casualties." Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber ...
   International Humanitarian Law Issues and the Afghan Conflict ...
... the US and coalition forces, and Afghan forces -- not to use anti ... high civilian activity
caused high civilian casualties. A mid-afternoon air attack ...
   Afghanistan: New Civilian Deaths Due To US Bombing (Human ...
... confirmed that there had been many civilian casualties in the village, and gave a ... when
US bombs hit the remote Afghan village of Thori located near ...
   Their casualties don’t matter, The Milli Gazette, Vol. 2 No ...
... of the world's most powerful news outlets has instructed its journalists not to report
Afghan civilian casualties without attempting to justify those deaths.
   Coalition Spokesman Says Afghan Talks Making Progress
... of international observers, the negotiations are purely Afghan. ... and will not retaliate
by targeting civilian areas. ... they can to minimize civilians casualties. - Site of the Afghan Resistance - Afghanistan
... as many as thirty-five, Afghan civilians died when US bombs and ... taking adequate precautions
to avoid civilian casualties, and called for an immediate ...
   S'poreans worry about fate of Afghan civilians - OCT 4, ...
... 4 S'poreans worry about fate of Afghan civilians Walter Fernandez In a straw poll,
reservations about civilian casualties in a US strike against Afghanistan ...
   CPC slams ban on Afghan envoy's press briefing -DAWN - ...
... separate window) CPC slams ban on Afghan envoy's press briefing By Our ... been issued
at these briefings of civilian casualties due to US-led coalition ...
   BBC News | SCI/TECH | US buys Afghan image rights
... 57 GMT 12:57 UK US buys Afghan image rights Kabul before the attacks, as ... taken last
week, after reports of heavy civilian casualties near Jalalabad. ...
 The Union Leader & New Hampshire Sunday News - 09-Jan-02 - ...
... Pentagon spokesman Maj. James Cassella said civilian casualties are inevitable
in war, but the US military had not tracked them in the Afghan campaign. ...
   US Bombing Causes Civilian Casualties In Tora Bora
... US Bombing Causes Civilian Casualties In Tora Bora Future News (Beirut) Posted Monday
December 3, 2001 - 09:10:24 PM EST. Beirut - Afghan factions are haggling ...
   Transcript: Coalition Spokesman Says Afghan Talks Making ...
... Transcript: Coalition Spokesman Says Afghan Talks Making Progress. ... everything it
can to minimize civilian casualties. Where there have been civilian ...
   PM - 15/10/01: Afghan United Fronts support for Bush wanes
... at 1800 AEST on local radio. Afghan United Fronts' support for Bush ... go. The reason?
Mounting evidence of civilian casualties from the US bombing in ... - Amanpour: Discrepancy in number of civilian deaths ...
... claim there have been about 70 civilian casualties resulting from the bombing campaign,
while reports from Afghan employees of an international aid agency in ...
... Updated October 1, 2001, 11:00 am ET. US must plan to limit
Afghan civilian casualties in event of military action, ...
   Afghan Opposition Warns US Over Civilian Deaths
Afghan Opposition Warns US Over Civilian Deaths ... allies Wednesday to work harder to
prevent civilian casualties in its military campaign against the ...
   Washington Times Weekly Edition
... great pleasure in reporting casualties among Afghan civilians. It seems to be ... this.
It is unfortunate but civilian casualties can have a significant ...
   The Hindustan Times - USA
... doing all possible to avoid civilian casualties: Putin. AP (Moscow, October 8). ... was
doing everything possible to avoid civilian losses in Afghanistan, and that ...
   Observer | Not wobbling, but impatient? The Observer poll in ...
... 7(b) What level of Afghan civilian casualties would make you
change your mind on supporting military action by Britain? ...
 Media Research Center -- Media Reality Check - 11/05/2001 - ...
... had invited him to tour the Afghan city of Kandahar. "They’ve woken up ... goal, which
is to show that civilian casualties are mounting that the US is ...
   SANDNet Weekly Update, January 3, 2002
... 100 die as US bombs Paktia" "Civilian casualties worry Karzai". ... has arrived in Kabul.
Former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani believes that there ...
   Afghan villagers tell of US bombing
... they bombing civilian people?’ — NIAZ MOHAMMED Afghan villager, MOST CANNOT SPEAK;
many are ... to get factual information about civilian casualties.”, ...
   Afghan fighters say Al-Qaida stronghold is surrounded
... said. The Pentagon has denied hitting civilian areas. There are no estimates of
the number of casualties among combatants. Afghan leaders said they believe Al ...
   10 Downing Street - Defence Secretary on latest Afghan news
... Defence Secretary on latest Afghan news. Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon briefed ... Turning
to the problem of civilian casualties Mr. Hoon said this was ...
 GPS Satellite-Guided JDAM Bomb Misses Target in Afghanistan, ...
... Bomb Misses Target, Kills 4 Afghan Civilians By Robert Roy Britt ... terrorists while
seeking to avoid civilian casualties. Satellite-guided bombs are ...
   US Statement to OSCE Permanent Council on Red Cross
... United States' "commitment to provide the Afghan people with humanitarian assistance
and to minimize civilian casualties and damage to civilian property during ... The Rediff Interview/Professor Amin Saikal
... about the civilian casualties. Civilian casualties are condemnable. But one should
compare this with what happened to the Afghan people under the Taleban. The ...
   Saving Civilians (
... will be more civilian casualties before the Taliban is defeated -- and more pressure
to limit bombing that, for the sake of both Afghan and American civilians ... Peshawar Diary: 'Terror is Ugly. So is War'
... effort inside Afghanistan should be strengthened in spite of civilian casualties.
Yesterday, an Afghan colleague working inside Afghanistan reported that local ...
... the deaths of Afghan civilians by recalling the events of September 11. CounterSpin
will discuss the coverage of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, and in ...
   Security Council resolution 1076 (1996) on the situation in ...
... calls upon the leaders of the Afghan parties to halt such activities;. 6. Expresses
its regret at the civilian casualties inflicted by landmines and calls upon ...
   The Afghan War
... and it hadn't even begun yet. Can we really afford to be so concerned about Afghan
civilian casualties, that we avoid killing the people that we are fighting? ...
   MSF calls upon warring parties to spare Afghan civilians
... 06/12/2001. Press Release MSF calls upon warring parties to spare Afghan civilians
   CRG -- Getting used to the idea of double standards: The ...
... playing up the bomb damage, even as Pentagon officials dismiss Afghan claims of 1,000
civilian casualties as wildly exaggerated. And the issue is hardly a new ...
   IPA Press Release: War on Terrorism?
... is not responsible for civilian casualties that result from the ... if US forces target
civilian areas.". ... being waged against the Afghan people. Referring to the ...
   the News Insider
... US bombs kill 3,500 Afghan civilians: report. More than 3,500 ... Herold has been gathering
data on civilian casualties since October 7 by culling ...
   USA's Afghan Ops: critical analysis III
... total of about 12,000), the Afghan Pashtoons (the second largest with ... to the Taliban's
allegations of civilian casualties, as telecast by the BBC and ...
   Eat These Shorts! - Eat the State! (December 5, 2001)
... wire services) have turned their attention away from interviewing Afghan refugees.
This proves that civilian casualties in this war are simply not newsworthy ...
   John Scalzi's (Daily) Whatever
... his little pals decided to kill 5,000 of our civilians, the number of Afghan civilian
casualties right now would be zero. You don't provoke a war by allowing ...
   civilian casualties
... fingers off of 16-year-old Afghan ice cream vendor Assadullah, wounding ... and inflicting
uncertain numbers of civilian casualties. Oct 8. Killed a 12 ...
   ArabNews: US jets rain bombs on civilian areas
... by the airstrikes, the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) reported. ... bombed but caused no casualties
because the base ... the number of civilian casualties since airstrikes ...
   The USA's Afghan War: critical analysis - V
... The USA's Afghan War: critical analysis-V. by B.Raman. On ... of them felt that there
had been horrendous civilian casualties due to the US bombings in ...
   Heavy bombers over Afghan skies
... of a hospital operated by the Afghan Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent ... more than
most, to avoid civilian casualties,'' White House spokesman Ari ...
   AfghanSolidarity Main Page!
... Humanity in Crisis: click here; Afghan Solidarity strongly condemns terrorist acts ... for
the fear of innocent civilian casualties, all members desire an ...
... administration to terrorize the common Afghan people and to punish them ... in New York,
implying that the civilian casualties in Afghanistan are not so ...
   Russia warns against civilian casualties
... he said. US officials have stressed they are committed to minimizing civilian casualties
in the strikes and providing humanitarian aid to the Afghan people. ...
   War-weary Afghan capital passes peaceful night
... Relative quiet hung over the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Monday and for the first time
in ... world to send urgent aid and relief for civilian casualties. ...
   UNU Update: Opinion - a buffer zone for refugees
... these zones would serve to minimize civilian casualties. The US-led coalition could
give ... not at Islam or the Afghan people. No matter the rhetoric ...
   EurasiaNet Eurasia Insight
... is taking proper precautions to prevent civilian casualties. ... these operations are
not directed against the Afghan people," says the report, which was ...
   Organizations Call for End to Bombing
... Baig said the statement represented a shift, as the organization had not originally
opposed the bombing, as long as there were no Afghan civilian casualties. ...
   US plays down civilian casualties as Pakistan faces growing ...
... States on Sunday played down mounting concern over the civilian casualties of its
Afghan campaign, as unrest in Pakistan reached dramatic proportions, with 18 ..
   Guardian Unlimited Observer | Observer site | US admits ...
... Any civilian casualties make the Afghan people, and therefore the Taliban,
look like victims,' said one Peshawar-based Afghan military commander. ...
   Human Error Suspected in Deadly Afghan Mishap
... Reports of Civilian Casualties. In other developments: Doctors Without ... of security
conditions, leaving the Afghan staff to handle ambulance services. ...
   3,500 Civilians Killed in Afghanistan by US Bombs
... to cross-corroborate accounts of civilian casualties. He relied upon British ... daily
newspapers; the Singapore News; Afghan Islamic Press; Agence France ...
   Bombing Carves a Rift Among Muslims in US
... leadership about the number of civilian casualties in the bombings, but have ... continues.
Islamic opposition to the Afghan campaign is also hardening ...
   UK Top 100: INTERVIEW-Afghan civilian deaths price of war- ...
... INTERVIEW-Afghan civilian deaths price of war-London ... Chalmers. KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26
(Reuters) - Civilian casualties in US-led attacks on Afghanistan ...
   Afghanistan: Analysts Say Pentagon Surprised By Sudden Taliban ...
... bombing campaign has caused hundreds of civilian casualties. Many of these reports
were ... its staff had left the Afghan capital and the southern city ...
   Archives of HeadingNews News
... Thursday, January 03 2002: Cracks appear in Afghan interim set up; Karzai concerned
over mounting civilian casualties; 5,000 waiting in no mans land at Chaman ...
   WAR ::
... women, but fears that mounting civilian casualties from the US bombing raids ... in
areas controlled by the Afghan opposition in the Panjshir Valley ...
   US media's cherished ideals -DAWN Magazine; 06 January, 2002
... the main casualties in the Afghan war. While reporting the incidents ... refrain from
printing photographs of civilian casualties on the front page. But ...
   The Civilian Toll by A
... do all we humanly can to avoid civilian casualties." But there's two problems with ... for
the foreseeable starvation of Afghan civilians because of the ...
   Afghan Taliban air raids leave 10 casualties: reports 06 ...
... Afghan Taliban air raids leave 10 casualties: reports. KABUL, June 6 (AFP) -
Taliban militia jets bombed military and civilian targets in central and ...
   US fears new terror attacks this week, insists Afghan ...
... Taliban, the US military insisted that its Afghan campaign was on track despite
criticism of civilian casualties and questions over the effectiveness of the ...
   US planes pound Afghan cities as al-Qaeda threatens further ...
... US planes pounded Kabul and three other Afghan cities late Saturday, as the Taliban
issued fresh claims of civilian casualties caused by the airstrikes. ...
 Afghan commanders report civilian casualties
Afghan commanders report civilian casualties. By Tim
Weiner. The New York Times. December 03, 2001. ...
   Online NewsHour: Military Campaign -- December 5, 2001
... the Afghan people. JIM LEHRER: What would you add or subtract from that Mike Vickers?
MICHAEL VICKERS: Well, I think there are two kinds of civilian casualties ...
   David Ross -- Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan
... Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan. ... the United States for causing civilian deaths
in the bombing ... was the denunciation when Afghan-trained terrorists killed 5 ...
   Civilian casualties?
... Yesterday, Ian travelled under Taliban escort from Peshawar in Pakistan to the Afghan
city of Jalalabad - which has sustained heavy American missile and bomb ...
   The Manila Times Internet Edition | TOP STORIES > Afghan ...
... mud houses reduced to rubble, distraught Afghan villagers on Sunday described the
air ... Civilian casualties. In Washington, the Pentagon said Saturday ... - Site of the Afghan Resistance - Afghanistan
... as anticipated by Washington, no major Afghan city has fallen to the ... momentum, as
nightly images of civilian casualties from US bombing raids fill ...
   Welcome to NewsFlash!
... Butchers Quiet on ALLIES' Reports US Bombs Cause Mass Civilian Casualties. ... 12/05/01.
bUSh2 orders Marines target Afghan camels: 'EVERYTHING MUST DIE'. ...
   GoMemphis: America At War
... bin Laden from his rumored bunker complex has caused widespread civilian casualties.
Afghan forces trekked into the rugged foothills of the White Mountain range ...
   Welcome to the Australian-Afghan Consulate
... Dr A. Abdullah, Afghan Acting Foreign Affairs Minister writes to ... has led to haundreds
of civilian casualties, displacement of thousands and torching ...
   Chicago Tribune | Afghan activist decries US bombing
... Afghan activist decries US bombing Woman presents sober ... bombing] and we have seen
hundreds of civilian casualties, but what are the positives?" she ...
   Afghan commanders report civilian deaths (12/03/2001)
... for Osama bin Laden, the Afghan commanders who rule this region ... perceive as US indifference
to civilian casualties in the campaign against terrorism ...
   Analysis: Goals, value of Afghan bombing draw questions
... the public-relations price (of civilian casualties) as the Pentagon is," said ... the
Taliban. Those spots occupied by Afghan fighters have largely been ...
   Bomb hit Afghan military hospital - Wednesday October 24, ...
... military hospital in the western Afghan city of Herat but said it had no information
regarding casualties. ... say whether it was a civilian or military hospital. ...
   [Detailed Article Title Here] - [News] - CRI Online
... urged Washington Thursday to avoid civilian casualties in the US-led military ... and
air raids on the Afghan ruling Taliban's installations and Osama ...
   Pakistan Link Headlines
... Afghan Deputy Ambassador Suhail Shaheen said that civilian casualties fast increasing
as the Americans and its allies have intensified bombings of civilian ...
   netAssets - War against terrorism
... to rescue the fighter, the Afghan Islamic Press reported. ... criticism, with claims of
mounting civilian casualties and opposition complaints that the ...
   The San Francisco Examiner
... it's time to take stock of the civilian casualties. The US government should do
a thorough ...    Helping the Afghan people is also in our self ..
   October News Archive
... October 25: US Jets Bomb Old Folk's Home in Afghanistan.
Afghan Refugees Speak of Civilian Casualties. ...
   Homepage for Lim Kit Siang
... correspondents to “balance” images of civilian devastation in Afghan cities with
reminders that the ... too much on the casualties or hardship in Afghanistan ... - A relentless assault - October 18, 2001
... the Taliban exaggerated reports of civilian casualties in a bombed-out village ... A
meeting of exiled Afghan mujahedeen commanders, tribal elders and ...
... in Islamabad and deported him to the Afghan border. US troops immediately captured
him ... forces have committed errors that caused civilian casualties. ...
   Bombers 'don't know, don't care' about hundreds of civilian ...
... Afghan commanders say. These commanders, who are anti-Taliban and pro-American, blame
poor intelligence and United States indifference to civilian casualties. ...
   Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad, Pakistan
... brutal acts involving civilian casualties as had already done ... case of deaths of civilian
in 11 September events ... specific report, the Afghan Ambassador made a ... | Special reports | Afghan trip 'a ...
... Attack | Broadcast UK reporter dismisses Afghan trip as propaganda stunt Jessica ... could
verify the reports of civilian casualties, they seemed to look ... - Konduz falls to Northern Alliance - November 26, ...
... were able to avoid civilian casualties. Civilian casualties were minimum or none
in Konduz ... Abdullah said many Afghan Taliban who wished to surrender ...
   Terrorist Attack
... burden of millions of Afghan refugees, she realised ... concerned over rising casualties
in Afghanistan: Dr ... over the rise in civilian casualties particularly that of ... News | The sorrow of war
... the New York Times on Monday were heartbreaking: Afghan men, including a father,
weeping over the ... sensitive one in this war -- civilian casualties. ...
   CSP - Information Warfare Article and Report Archive
... got wrong Slate, 8 November 2001 Content Analysis: ABC's Taliban-hosted journalists
emphasize Afghan civilian casualties Media Research Center, 5 November 2001 ...
   A Struggle for Peace and Understanding
... As civilian casualties mount, anger at United States rises and people of the Afghan
capital are desperate and weary after more than two weeks of US attacks. ...
   Ramadan Specials
... Nasir Qader, a native Afghan who has spent most of his adult life in the US, was
so disturbed by the reports of civilian casualties he saw on TV, he felt ...
   CBS News | Poll: United We Stand | Wed, 10 Oct 2001 11:25 ...
... Or Kill Bin Laden Confident: 76% Very Confident: 38% ...Avoid Significant Afghan
Civilian Casualties Confident: 72% Very Confident: 24% ...Avoid Significant US ...
... Anthrax by post image - Cuban political cartoonist Ares**** comments on Afghan
civilian casualties and cracks in the coalition - People's Republic of China ...
   America at War
... the skies of the beleaguered Afghan capital, and strong explosions could be ... on the
latest strikes and civilian casualties involved. It has stressed ...