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Since a 94-year-old woman from Connecticut died from inhalation anthrax - the deadliest form of the disease, investigations uncovered the source. She becomes the fifth person in the United States to die from anthrax since September.

Authorities are discovered that Ottilie Lundgren, who lived in a small rural community and rarely went out, contracted the disease when she received mail that was sorted are precisely the same time as an anthrax letter in NJ. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed the case after she tested positive for the disease in five separate tests carried out by the local health authorities.

Letters that had anthrax have certain things in common. For example, look at the two here. Notice the lettering is very similar. Authorities are planning more investigations into the letters for this week.

Anthrax letters have things in common

There are some other important anthrax facts. The CNN graphic, below indicates the three ways that infections may occur.

A person may be infected if they inhale, touch or swallow anthrax spores.



Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. The anthrax spore produces a toxin that can be fatal. The spores can spread by inhalation (the most fatal form), ingestion or contact with an abrasion on the skin.

Anthrax may infect humans and animals. It was used in World War I as a biological weapon. Germany, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Iraq and the former Soviet Union, are believed to have experimented with anthrax.

Several technologies are being used to kill pathogens in buildings or the mail. For an entire building, like the Hart Senate Office Building, the procedure is decontamination by chlorine dioxide gas. For hundreds or thousands of pieces of mail, irradiation is used. For objects like furniture a foam may be used.

The Washington Post published 'Learning as We Go Along' -- a riveting article about what medical people are learning from anthrax cases so far. The investigators are learning and the way of discovery is that reactions change with knowledge and experience. Anthrax isn't new but its use as a weapon is fairly new and its use a a terrorist weapon is bound to be surprising.

As investigators, scientists and law enforcement officials gain experience, there is reason to place higher confidence in the procedures that the investigators use.  So far, the facts indicate that the CDC, FBI, and Homeland Security are taking effective precautions and that the law enforcement agencies and legal system are working to find anthrax terrorists and then bring them to justice. There certainly have been some mistakes, like not closing buildings at first when so little was known, like not testing postal workers when so little was known. These factors certainly add to the anxiety of anthrax.


CNN published a brief history of anthrax outbreaks and threats.
NY York Times reports keep up to date at: Anthrax Special Report.

Click for Special Reports from the NY Times

Anthrax mail and traces of anthrax have been found in Florida and in DC buildings, NY and NJ offices, in Russia and Pakistan.

Anthrax spores have been discovered in the offices of our United States senators. Following the Daschle letter, investigators began suspecting that another letter may exist.

Tom Daschle looks at anthrax through a microscope The three senators - Dianne Feinstein of California, Larry Craig of Idaho and Bob Graham of Florida - all have offices in the same building as Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, who received an anthrax-laced letter last month. They searched DC in recent days for another anthrax-contaminated letter. Hunting through unopened mail that has been under quarantine since postal workers were diagnosed with inhaled anthrax, a letter was discovered yesterday in a batch of segregated mail away from Congress.

The letter to Senator Leahy, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was postmarked 9 October in Trenton, NJ. Anthrax antibiotics are being taken by more than 30,000 AmericansTraces of anthrax have been found in about a dozen senators' offices in the Hart Senate Office Building across the street from the Capitol. That building remains closed for cleaning with chlorine dioxide gas.

Three other letters with anthrax inside have been found, all of them bearing similarities. Letters to NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw and the New York Post appear to be photocopies. The third letter went to Daschle, a Democrat from South Dakota. All had block lettering.

More than 30,000 Americans are using antibiotics to prevent possible anthrax symptoms, most as a precaution because they are somewhat likely to have had contact with anthrax. The anthrax attacks will cost the United States post office billions of dollars in lost trade and the implementation of a screening and sanitizing system. Losses so far exceed $350 million. 

The American consulate at the Russian city of Yekaterinburg is the latest site to find anthrax in mail. The mail originated in Washington and was part of a regular diplomatic delivery. The news came only hours after it was confirmed that an envelope sent to the US mission in the Pakistani city of Lahore contained anthrax - the third such discovery in Pakistan. On Tuesday, the US embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, confirmed that an envelope sent to its Lahore consulate last week had tested positive for anthrax. The Pakistan news daily, the Daily Jang, confirmed again that it had received anthrax spores in a hand-delivered envelope.

FBI agents say they have built up a psychological and linguistic profile of the culprit. The FBI say he is probably an adult male who may have no more scientific knowledge than a lab technician. His equipment need not have cost more than $2,500 and he could have set it up in his garage, or in his attic. He is, agents believe, a loner, rational and methodical but "lacking the personal skills necessary to confront others".

The United States, Canada, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Mexico made a joint statement, ministers in international cooperation, they say: "Terrorism, particularly bio-terrorism, is an international issue."

BBC News Online charts the history of the outbreak, the first example of biological warfare in the 21st century.

5 October 2001

Panic after first death
Bob Steven was a picture editor for The Sun newspaper
Bob Steven was a picture editor for The Sun newspaper

Bob Stevens, a 63 year old picture editor living in Florida, became the first person to die of anthrax in the US since 1978. In the days afterwards, sales of gas masks rocketed as fear of biological attack spread across the country.

 The BBC's Stephen Sackur reports

15 October 2001

Anthrax hits Capitol Hill
US Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle
US Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle

Ten days later it was discovered that a letter opened in the office of US Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle had anthrax in it. Between 40 and 50 members of staff were treated following exposure.

 The BBC's Gavin Hewitt reports

23 October 2001

Two postal workers die of anthrax
Much of Capitol Hill was closed for anthrax tests
Much of Capitol Hill was closed for anthrax tests

Days later, anthrax was implicated in the deaths of two Washington postal workers. Both were employed in the office which sorted mail for Senator Daschle and the rest of the US Congress. Anthrax was also discovered in a postal facility serving the White House.

 The BBC's Stephen Sackur reports

 Anthrax victim Thomas Morris describes how he contracted anthrax

Trail leads to Trenton
A US mailbox
A dozen mailboxes in Trenton were found to be contaminated

Letters sent to the Senate and to media organisations in New York have been traced back through the mail to a suburb of Trenton, New Jersey. Federal investigators even believe they may have pinpointed the apartment building where the packages were mailed.

 The BBC's Jane Standley reports

1 November 2001

Anthrax claims fourth victim
The hospital where Kathy Nguyen worked
Kathy Nguyen worked at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat hospital

A hospital worker from New York has died from inhalation anthrax. The authorities say it is a "mystery" how Kathy Nguyen aged 61 contracted the condition. She does not appear to have had any link with any of the locations contaminated by anthrax.

 The BBC's Stephen Sackur reports

November 2, 2001
The maker of the only anthrax vaccine has been under orders by the Food and Drug Administration not to release vaccine. Apparently its manufacturing plant in Lansing, Michigan was found to be unclean. The BioPort Corporation renovated and expanded the plant and may begin producing vaccine later this month

November 6, 2001
A leading medical research institute, the Mayo Clinic, announced that it developed a test for anthrax that works in less than one hour. The test can be used both on people and in the environment. In development is a test that can be given even before symptoms occur for the deadly inhalation anthrax. It will be a bomb that the consumer can use that will cause tiny anthrax spores to be revealed in a clinical test.

November 20, 2001
Authorities in Chile say they have found anthrax spores in a letter sent from abroad to a private business in the capital, Santiago

21 November 2001

Fifth victim is 94 year old woman
The authorities are baffled as to how Ottilie Lundgren contracted anthrax
Authorities were baffled as to how Ottilie Lundgren contracted anthrax

Ottilie Lundgren from Connecticut lived alone in a small rural community and rarely went out. The US authorities are at a loss to explain how she could have contracted anthrax. She was admitted to hospital with symptoms akin to pneumonia and died a few days later.

 The BBC's Rob Watson reports

November 29, 2001

The US Postal Service reveals by way of sophisticated tracking of mail that all of the victims handled mail that probably was contaminated with Anthrax. The machines that code and then scan the delivery information also store that information. After extensive programming and extractions from this data, it is not 100% certain that all of the victims handled mail that was in the mail sorting process at virtually the same time as anthrax mail. Some of the anthrax spread to other mail as the anthrax letters were processed. The data supports that the mysterious infections too are directly related to mail that was in the process at the same time as the known anthrax letters.

December 4, 2001
Tens of thousands of letters may have picked up trace amounts of anthrax through contact with infected mail.

December 7, 2001
The Leahy letter did not reveal new clues.

Clayton Lee Waagner, who claimed to have sent almost 300 hoax letters to abortion clinics in America, captured after being recognized at a Kinkos store in suburban Cincinnati. Waagner, who had been on the run since he escaped from jail in February, was also wanted for a string of bank-robberies, firearms violations and car thefts.

Is Clayton the terrorist that sent anthrax letters from NJ? The Federal Bureau of Investigation has recently begun to examine the possibility that the deadly powder came from a government laboratory.