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In God We Trust




Bush administration
faces rights lawsuit

There are certain minimal requirements of democracy and limited government: an independent judiciary, free elections and basic protections for free speech, free association and due process. The war on terrorism is raising issues. For example, President Bush signed an executive order allowing foreigners suspected of international terrorism to be tried in special military tribunals. Suspects detained under the Executive Order may not even be told a reason for their arrest. Human Rights Watch called on President Bush to rescind that order. "The next time the United States criticizes a foreign dictator for trying a dissident - or even an American citizen - before a military court, this is going to be thrown back in America's face," Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch said.

The order seems to subvert the very standard which the United States has always stood for.

Will America build a ten-year global war against terrorist regimes?

Human Rights Watch World Report 2001 - Index PageHuman Rights Watch 2001 Report
Archived Articles appear below:

January 2002 Video Archive includes numerous footage clips from BBC and CNN

Preventing Terrorism (suspicious activities)

The End Of History? BBC report

Review of 2001

An Afghan refugee carries a child across the border into Chaman, Pakistan.Human Rights Watch

Vietnam and Afghanistan
Show why Limiting Press Access to War is Unpatriotic

The Media Muzzled
by Rick Perlstein


Death Wish in the Holy Land


ABM - Russian Perspective

Sparks fly off a welder's torch Dec. 26 as he cuts through rusted iron girders amid the ruins of New York's World Trade Center.Update on the Economy

Our reports (week ending date):

January 26, 2002 Features Stories

January 19, 2002 Stories

January 12, 2002 Stories

January 5, 2002 Stories

December 29, 2001 Stories

December 22, 2001 Stories

December 15, 2001 Stories

December 8, 2001 Stories

December 1, 2001 Stories

November 24, 2001 Stories

November 17, 2001

November 10, 2001

and November 3, 2001


Osama Bin Laden - image taken from al-Jazeera TV


bin Laden tapes text & video

Thugs in-depth:
Osama bin Laden is one mastermind of the jihad, a war against Israel and the US.Osama bin Laden










Omar, left.Mullah Mohammad Omar




and more on: Thugs

War Declarations

October 2001

Empire Building Begins -- President Bush builds an Anti-terrorist regime...
The international community wavers but enough follow NATO support...
Bombing in Afghanistan begins October 7, 2001.
Our presence begins, sifting into the news archives, finding that the world
indeed is in danger and that...

our leaders are indeed intent on a destruction of that danger...

world news media and leadership failed to bring terrorism into perspective

October 5, 2001
    - NATO Article V - An attack on America is an attack on NATO


More archived articles:
Population Boom and Facing DisasterThere are about 7 million Afghan refugees!

Profile of Terror: Osama bin Laden




Osama bin Laden: How-to Book of Terrorism


November 15, 2001 update on Northern Afghanistan

Bush, UN - Terrorists and Homeland Security


War: The First Month

Enterprise Returns


Refugees and Innocent Victims - October 2001Food is distributed in Kabul... There is still fear that small uprisings and bandits may prevail until a UN Peace Keeping force and relief workers get the cities organized.

Centuries of Afghan Wars

The Mujahideen (Warrior)

Ethnic Cleansing?

Anthrax Updates



CNN organized 9/11 related material into: MAP AND INTERACTIVE INDEX


Boston Globe Features

Wil Haygood,
a black writer ventures into white poverty
There are other terrorists in America
Have you seen Andy?
History Courses (dining in Israel)
The Secret History of World War II

This series of articles sheds new light on key events of World War II, from Pearl Harbor to the Holocaust.

Resistance executions

The Endless War

Despite two decades of anti-drug interdiction by US and Colombian authorities, Colombia's drug business is booming.


Shadows of a Distant War


Stop hate crimes
Report hate crimes in your area
and write state Governors in the US.
Urge them to take immediate action to prevent hate crimes.


Religion Today


Hal Lindsey (oracle?)

TIMES Poll: The Year of Believing in Prophecies


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