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Osama Bin Laden
said to be dead!

Bad Taste


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The New World Trade Center Design Sends a Message to bin Laden's Heirs

Perfect World

The original design for the WTC included this feature illustrated at left. At the time, experts claimed that the design may cause motion sickness and the design was scrapped in favor of changing NYC flight paths.

The US wouldn't send proof of bin Laden's involvement... but we found Tailiban Proof.

Who Wants to Bomb A Millionaire?

Man of the Year (John Ashcroft)

What would you do if you came upon bin Laden's hiding place?
I found the most popular answer ---> How's this?

US Air developed a foolproof method for dealing with airborne terrorists.

Do you agree?

What do you think about the new DC Postal Worker uniforms?

Our leaders are prepared! They know how to overcome the Taliban.

Gosh this is tough reading. I had another easier book in January. Oh, there it is. Hey, can you clikck this for me?

You've done it Mr. President. You've put us at the brink of...

Our President has a lot to learn and too much to do. He may need continuing sensible advice. You can e-mail him at:

The office will send back a confirmation message, letting you know that your message was received.


(read the alt-tag first)

clikck it? What's that Mr. President?


Sex Scandal
Gobbles Bush!


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 the Jihad.

What a brilliant move... sir!

Is the Reader's Digest still publishing humor columns? I grew up on those; 60's.

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