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Tower Two CollapseThe September 11 attack devastated the World Trade Center area...


The World Trade Center site is now referred to as ground zero.

9-11 Victim's family remember 



Multimedia Albums

World Trade Center aftermath gallery
World Trade Center destroyed
Photos of the missing

The Empire State Building can be seen lit in red white and blue from the site of the World Trade Center now gone since the September 11 attacks in New York.




Clean up continues...  


The End of History


Diversity is an American Strength

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The Fragile City
New York writers meditate on 9/11 events and the impact on their city.








Michael Cook, a painter, retrieving belongings from his apartment.  "This experience is not something you just pick up after and continue with happy landscapes," he said.

Two Reports on the Refugees
A nation in exile... A photographic journal by Judith Mann
The Road to Refugee and A Nation in Exile

Fifty years after the adoption of the UN Convention on Refugees, the decade we live in has seen more of the world's people than ever before seeking refuge from war, persecution or disaster.

A BBC special report tells the stories behind the statistics, using first-person testimonies and in-depth interviews to trace the journey from home into exile.

The report asks why refugees are still fleeing, where they go, and examines how we treat them.



War is a way of life in

International Violence is nothing new. View a Washington Post multimedia presentation covering the topic of international violence and American involvement from 1979 to present.
Under Siege
a photo essay from Lefteris Pitarakis is a chronicle of a year of violence and pain in the Middle East.

Conversations: Michael Gordon NY Times Reporter in Kabul, Afghanistan

Washington Post Interactive War Maps 
requires FLASH)

BBC - Investigating Terror

Washington Post
Casualties: Department of Defense look for the DoD casualty updates entry (releases). They move the link or sometimes don't make it available.
Most Wanted: FBI



NY Times Profiles (Portraits of Grief)

Bin Laden The USA's Most Wanted Man (Terrorist) 42:39.1

Anthrax Special Report:Click for Special Reports from the NY Times



 NY Times

Washington Post: Confirmed Anthrax Cases



 BBC's A-Z guide of religions and beliefs from around the world

Atheists are people who do not believe in God or other spiritual beings. Some atheists go further and deny that God, or other spiritual beings, exist.

Many atheists are also secularists, and are hostile to any special treatment given to organised religion.

The ideas and history of people who don't believe in God.




Wesak is the most important of the Buddhist festivals and is celebrated in May.

It celebrates Buddha's birthday, and, for Theravada Buddhists, marks the day of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death.
A way of living based on the teachings of Siddartha Gautama.




Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important Christian festival, and the one celebrated with the greatest joy.

Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people. His followers realized that God had raised Jesus from the dead.

The date of Easter changes each year, and several other Christian festivals fix their dates by reference to Easter.

The world's biggest faith based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.





Dasara (Dassehra) is ten days of celebration in honour of Durga or Kali. It is held between late September and mid-October and lasts nine days to celebrate the triumph of good over evil.

A group of faiths rooted in the religious ideas of India.




The Night of Power was suggested as the last 10 days of the month of November.

The festival of The Night of Power marks the night in which the Qur’an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by Allah.

Muslims regard this as the most important event in history, and the Qur'an says that this night is better than a thousand months (97:3), and that on this night the angels descend to earth.

An eternal religion, revealed to humanity in its final form by the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).




The High Holy Days are made up of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Days of Awe or Repentance in between.

This is the most spiritual period of the year for Jews, a time for looking back on the year just passed, and for taking action to get right with God and with other people.

The High Holy Days come in Autumn, at the start of the month of Tishri.
The faith of the Jewish People. Based around their covenant relationship with God.




Divali is the Festival of Light that comes at the end of October or early November. It’s a festival that Sikhs and Hindus both celebrate.

Sikhs give the festival a special meaning by celebrating the release of Guru Hargobind from imprisonment at Gwalior.
Founded by Guru Nanak in India in the the 15th Century CE.


Bio-Warfare and Anthrax

Guide to the disease that is causing panic

Analysis: the threat of biological attacksBio-warfare
The diseases that might become weapons

Anthrax is proving a very effective weapon of terror, simply by the mass panic it is causingAll in the mind?
Anthrax 'more effective as a scare tactic'
Webs of deception
Cipro sites targeted for illegal sales


CNN's Mike Boettcher got together a chilling video that is used by associates of Osama Bin Laden to recruit for al-Qaeda (September 21):

Search the Archives for information from the previous weeks and for special interest articles including more multimedia content.

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