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Nuclear War?

Representative Steve Buyer believes the United States will use tactical nuclear weapons particularly if it turns out bin Laden and theA Nuclear blast sends high radiation at light speed right through anything in its path. The result is a huge fireball and then fire spreading from ground zero for miles in all directions with intensifying sound that also is desrtuctive; perhaps like a hurricane force wind. al Qaeda is behind the anthrax letters. 

Tactical nuclear weapons battlefield weapons that can be deployed using field artillery batteries or laid as mines.

The White House may already have a deal with Russian President Putin that would pave the way for American use of tactical nuclear weapons in Afghanistan while Russia can use them in Chechnya. 
Buyer says we should use the nukes rather than sending troops into bin Laden's caves, which he says are certainly booby-trapped with chemical or biological weapons.
The use of nuclear weapons would be a watershed -- once the moratorium is lifted, other nuclear nations; Pakistan, India, Israel, China -- and eventually Iran or Iraq are far more likely to deploy them, given circumstances they feel are appropriate.
Osama bin Laden probably sent codes to his thugs to terrify the USAUsing tactical nuclear weapons against an enemy like Osama bin-Laden seems like an appropriate use. He virtually admitted his participation in the attacks on America, undercutting radical Islamic fundamentalist' arguments that no evidence of his guilt had been provided.


Given the terrain in Afghanistan, it seems like the appropriate place.
But, isn't this idea too terrifying? Or is it fear that is motivating the idea?
In a video on October 8, bin Laden said that America is 'full of fear' as a result of the 9/11 attack, "from its north to its south, from its east to its west. Thank God for that." It should be noted that it is Osama hiding in the mountains calling for others to die to protect him. 
Bush-Putin Agree To Tactical Nuclear Weapons
The United States and Russia are evidently agreed that the US can deploy tactical nuclear weapons. US forces deployed in Uzbekistan can, according to some intelligence sources, jump into Afghanistan with tactical nuclear weapons like small neutron bombs, nuclear mines, nuclear artillery and other nuclear ammunition suited to commando activity in Afghanistan's rugged mountains. This is a major shift in Russian-US policy. But it is a quid pro quo deal. The Russians want to deploy tactical nukes in their war against the Chechens, and Washington has agreed not to raise an objection. 
The US has tactical nukes stored at bases in Uzbekistan at Tuzel, Kagady, Khandabad and in Tajikistan at Dushanbe. 

Four Conditions For Use 
Washington reportedly does not want to escalate to using nuclear weapons, but does want to keep the option available in the event al Qaeda ups the ante from conventional weapons to weapons of mass destruction including liquid missile from Iraq loaded with anthrax payloads. 

There are four conditions under which the US is considering nukes: 1) to stop them from using them first 2) If the Taliban launches a chemical or biological attack against Pakistan 3) If they use WMD's against the US 4) If using nukes will minimize the risk of heavy US casualties.  In other words -- if we need them, we'll use them. 

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