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Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide.

How to Transport Humans Instantly Using Transporters.

--by Dr. Bob Benchoff, 12/30/2002.

--Updated July 6, 2004, see bottom of page.

--Updated December 8, 2004, see bottom of page.

--Updated October 28, 2005, see bottom of page.

--Updated February 14, 2006, see bottom of page.

--Updated June 2, 2006, see bottom of page.

--Updated August 24, 2010, see bottom of page.

--Updated August 26, 2010, see bottom of page.

--Updated January 18, 2012, see bottom of page.

--Updated February 24, 2012, see bottom of page.

--Updated February 25, 2012, see bottom of page.

--Updated April 10, 2012, see bottom of page.

--Updated April 11, 2012, see bottom of page.

--Updated January 22, 2013, see bottom of page.

--Updated June 18, 2014, see bottom of page.

--Updated August 25, 2017, see bottom of page.

First with respect to God, I would like to apologize for any emotional discomfort you, the reader, may experience from the following mature context information, as learning can be difficult: as it is hoped you surpass any discomfort logically and righteously via this Guide, for your more valuable preservation and improvement personally, for the greater glory of God.


We are at a stage in human survival when we are at the threshold of great change within the Collective Mind and within the Universe.

God used nature to form transporters, and humans increasingly, particularly in more recent decades and in more recent years, have done much to mimic or emulate natural transporters, and humans have done much to emulate previous human advancements.

No longer can we say there are no transporters. Now we can only say there are transporters; and we can discuss current degrees of development, and we can discuss the future.

OVERVIEW Section References: "stage" 1918 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Planck energy quanta; 1979 National Academy of Sciences human treatment Forbes December 23, 2002 page 60. "survival" Psychologist Abraham Maslow Quality Digest December 2002 page 14. "threshold" reference 2000 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Alferov and Kroemer semiconductor heterostructures used in high speed opto-electronics, and Kilby integrated circuit. "change" reference 1983 Physiology & Medicine Nobel Prize Winner Mcclintock genetic elements mobility; 1983 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Chandrasekhar theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars; and Fowler theoretical and experimental studies of nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the universe. "development" also see IMF developing Forbes January 6, 2003 page 29; 1984 Chemistry Nobel Prize Winner Merrifield synthesis on a solid marix methodolgy development.

CONTENTS (each Section is followed by it's references):

Introductory Discussion














The following has been prepared to provide people with useful guideline criterion information for the construction of transporter systems to be used to properly instantly transport people, equipment, and objects from one place to another and/or to copy for a multitude of beneficial purposes, including food distributions, shelter construction, troops dispersals, idea processing, preparation for populating planets, and so on, practically, using currently available technology.

Benefits would also include the enabling of saving lives of otherwise destroyed human bodies. Reanimation, regrowth and/or replacement of limbs, filtering out diseases, initiations of repaire, and so on.

Just as some people may consider baptism as the first death of the body, people may consider transportering as the second death of the body (see Collective Section below) and our next step in human evolution.

Complete brain details on file in computer systems would unite people logically in what in religious terms might be referred-to as being the living Bride (after the death of the [unit/selfish] body).

Communication would advance with new civilization, as errant behavior would be more quickly identified for the victim.

Collective IQ would be more profound in virtual and in actual natural growth.

PURPOSE Section References: "instantly" reference 1909 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Marconi & Braun wireless telegraphy; 1987 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Bednorz and Muller breakthrough in superconductivity in ceramic materials. "currently available technology" reference 1964 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Townes, Basov, & Prokhorov quantum electronics yielding construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle; 1981 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Bloemberger & Schawlow laser spectroscopy; and Siegbahn high- resolution electron spectroscopy (also see the many Equipment Section References below). "death" 2002 Physiology & Medicine Nobel Prize Winners Brenner, Horvitz, & Sulston genetic regulation programmed cell death. "behavior" 1992 Economics Nobel Prize Winner Becker for having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis to a wide range of human behaviour and interaction, including nonmarket behaviour.


Previously ideas about transporters, such as seen on television and in movies, involved point to point travel.

Today, as revealed in this writing, we see copies of increasingly indiscernable replication and we see emerging human synthesis, with convergence technologies and collective reasoning applied.

So we will find not only point to point instantaneous movement, but also far more reaching data preservation, multiple point broadcasting of people and equipment, filtering, manipulation, and construction void of previous existence: new prototypes programmed into computers.

We will find brain details revealed beyond the limits of what makes a person unique. We will find brain decision making processes prior to initiation of respective decisions, and we will find trends among various brain types for groups and people as a whole.

This writing includes both origin device and destination device system information. But this writing does not include information on origin device only systems which at some future date may exist via usage of manipulated energy waves only at the destination point, since such technology is in it's infancy stage by comparison.

This writing will work to describe the equipment necessary and therefore the human preparation necessary for safety and survival of such processing.

Furthermore, this writing will reveal the greater intelligence collective, hence with the equipment inclusive of the intelligence collective is the evolutionary step from beings to being, and from being to beings.

SCOPE Section References: "copies" cloning initiated at Stanford University Wall Street Journal December, 2002. "emerging" Wall Street & Technology January 2003 [advance publication] page 58 transform & mobility discussions. "synthesis" 1986 Chemistry Nobel Prize Winners Herschbach, Lee, & Polanyi processes dynamics; decoding of DNA, with emulations, various Time articles. "convergence" FCC / 1996 Telecommunications Act.


Perhaps the biggest myth of all relative to transporters is the idea that a lifeform is far harder to transport than a non-living entity; when actually life is about motion. So in theory life is easier to transport. In actual practice it is another matter, the reason being that zero defects is preferred for lifeforms, whereas marginal defects among non-life is tolerated. In other words, if the transporter works with no defects, then a lifeform would be as easy to transport as a non-lifeform, although admittedly this theorem has not been tested.

As noted above, one myth dispelled is the point to point concept. Just as a computer can work alone and one can store data there, there is also the ability for a computer to work collectively and you can store data elsewhere and a multitude of computers can reveal that data.

Another myth is that people will ride on waves similar in principle to what surfboarders do; and with it the myth that a person could instantaneously propel to a destination. While these are viable theorems for some distant future considerations, we are more concerned about present day capabilities for reasonably near future usefulness.

For such ideas, if possible they would be less similar to transporter leaps, and more similar to high speed shipping conveyance. Also, to withstand the nearly instantaneous G-forces, the one being transported would need to be hardened and encapsulated and/or by counterpoint the signal and path would have to be softened, which would require time loss due to preparation for each journey. In other words, a soft person would be torn apart by G-forces; also for such surfboarding or for a projectile, a relatively huge in dimensional size signal pocket would be required (as compared to the non-myth balance of this writing) which would counteract ease of movement; and for a projectile the conveyance would need a path cleared or the projectile parameters would suffer.

Another myth involves instantaneous transporter system speed. As revealed below in the Theory Section, the receiver and the end transmitter need to be nearly instantaneous, but the intermediate step involving the computer (including sending a signal from one computer to another) does not have to be fast, and can in fact (as far as reasonably determined by this author) be slow, and can even be data stored for years.

MYTHS Section References: "easy" reference "Ultra wide band" $100 million invested by Siemens and others; Forbes January 6, 2003 page 139. "ease of movement" reference slow start premise of NASA / Bubble Physics / Robert Winglee. "signal" reference 1974 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Ryle and Hewish radio astrophysics observations, inventions and particularly aperture synthesis technique; 2000 Physiology & Medicine Nobel Prize Winners Carlsson, Greengard, & Kandel nervous system signal transduction.


Within this writing, the word transporter refers to a machine that with optimal precision integrity confidence can reliably nearly instantaneously cause a structure and it's integral essence of being (with minimal harm or dilution unless otherwise intended) to appear elsewhere or be stored as data; and this may or may not include disappearance of the original (since disappearance of the original can include production of more than one original at various locations simultaneously). New word senses with "transporter" root may be used to more clearly distinguish this writing's topic from other, such as instead of reading the cargo was transported, we might read the cargo was transportered.

Within this writing, the word original refers initially to that which can enter the transporter machine. These entities might not be unique internally, that is for all intensive purposes the entities would be interchangeable and differences would be indiscernable by the then current technologies, and/or the observers emotions feelings toward same, and/or an entity's strength, actions, thought patterns (if any), and other would be interchangeable with any other of that entity type. The exception would be of externality effects, such as an entity's location, point of origin, it's history, it's environment and reaction to same, and so on. In the case that the original does not disappear when entering the transportation unit, that is, if the original is not atomized, so to speak, and reorganized into data and/or data type information and/or material and/or energy, then the original could remain unique depending on the above reproductive capabilities of the machine. The word original also refers to that which is invented, such as by a computer programmer, by a machine flaw, hacker intervention, or similar.

Within this writing, the word evolution (unless otherwise specified) refers to the change due to the transporter machine (typically with regard to human evolution). Such change would generally be with regard to higher reasoning, such as up from original to intranet, or laterally from intranet to resulting entity, or up from intranet with emulations to resulting entity. Evolution can include from intranet with emulations to intranet in conjunction with this writing's transport machine, but that overly lengthy discussion is not included in this writing as it does not sufficiently pertain to the application usefulness of Purpose Section discussed above, since it is reasonable that humans need to guide computers in construction of this writing's transport machine.

Within this writing, the word receiver refers to the entry point of the transport machine, and the word transmitter typically refers to the exit point(s) of the machine, but may also refer to the point after the entry point where the entry point interfaces with the intranet and/or Internet.

DEFINITIONS Section References: "structure" reference 1988 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Lederman, Schwartz, and Steinberber neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino. "'transporter' root" 1999 Physiology & Medicine Nobel Prize Winner Blobel intrinsic signals that govern protein transport. "integral essence of being" reference "Nanotechnology, biotechnology and IT will lead 21st century industry." Forbes January 6, 2003 page S-9. "interchangeable" reference 1991 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Gennes for discovering that methods developed for studying order phenomena in simple systems can be generalized to more complex forms of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and polymers.


Survival intrapersonally has historically been related to the fight or flee response; but that doesn't have to be the case. Through careful planning together for our future, the fight or flee response can become virtually a thing of the past as we become appropriately mentally united physically as never before (see Collective Section below).

Another survival concern is global catastrophe originating from a myriad of ominous clataclismic possibilities.

There are many more survival problems this writing will reasonably refute according to appropriate action taken to advance and grow within the open design proffered herein.

Via the combining of the need for improved humans as a whole with the need for speed we can relatively easily surmount and overcome pertinent obstacles with tools currently available plus with tools that can be reasonably designed according to current technology.

Our state-of-the-art technology allows us to deal with energies that are very fast as compared to the maximum speed of light revered by Einsteinian Theory as the maximum speed for matter. But that concept limits itself to relativity (see Absolute Reasoning void of random negative chaos) refraining from the usage of unperceived values and their advantages useful within relativity.

In other words, if matter could travel faster than the maximum speed of light, then mathematically the Relativity Theory would become the Relativity Hypothesis; unless Absolutivity Theory inclusion is made.

Whereas, if existence or any part thereof can therefore appear and then dissappear and then reappear (see similar natural states of events: Big Bang Explained / Recurrence Theory) as per a transporter, then if the matter reappears elsewhere, then speed and velocity are discluded from the equation.

That premise holds to a practical and useful point for current technology, that limit being per the known frequency spectrum range. In lay terms for instance, photons move at the speed of light, but data can move at the faster speed of cosmic signals.

Therefore, just on the surface it is easily seen that matter broken-down into energy bits, the size and type of data bits, can surpass maximum light speed, breaking the Einsteinian speed barrier.

This said, transporter sophistication does not have to be nearly so profound and can more readily be made to work at much slower speeds than the maximum speed of light. Within end equipment transmitter limits discussed below, bits larger than the order of cosmic size (relative to cosmic wavelength and frequency size; note wavelength times frequency equals velocity) would likely be more appropriate for some practical reasons, and more readily constructed.

Matter with it's energy, with it's associated properties can be converted into digital information. Such matter can be reorganized and reconstructed into the original form, aside from externality effects discussed previously.

It's digital information can also be modified to produce new entities.

It's digital information can also be combined with others to produce higher collectively improved entities, such as combining mental abilities of experts in various fields to produce not simply a smart computer, but verily advanced people and optimum cyborgs.

According to current technology, if a material body can be disassembled into elemental building blocks and/or minimal (matter, if applicable,/) energy bits, then it can be fed into computers; and if the process is thoroughly controlled to maintain original integrity (with or without pertinent modification planned or inherent to the system parameters) for proper reconstruction, then original constituents or replacement constituents of no discernable variance can be used to rebuild the original; therefore it can be transportered, so therefore it can be copied.

PREMISE Section References: "case" Bible Book of John Chapter 18 verse 9. "global catastrophe" reference 1983 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Chandrasekhar evolution of the stars; and Fowler nuclear reactions and formation of the chemical elements in the universe. "Reasoning" 2002 Economics Nobel Prize Winners Kanheman science psychological research in judgment and decision-making and Smith market mechanisms via laboratory experiments in empirical economic analysis. "discernable variance" reference 1999 Chemistry Nobel Prize Winner Zewail chemical reaction transition states via femtosecond spectroscopy.


The first part of Transporter Theory is heirarchy organization (naming highest to lowest applicable orders by type), with action in preparation of same higher life forms to lower life forms to inorganic forms as needed to be addressed (see Collective Section below).

Then a detector array would investigate a substance to be transported. For discussion purposes within this Theory Section, the "substance" will be a person.

In order for a transmitter to reproduce the original person, the detector would need to accurately discern each fundamental property of the person, with each fundamental property no larger than the transmitter maximum bit size capability.

Eventually in the future, advanced or ultimate bodies (with tumors removed, ulcers repaired, sharp hearing, extra strong muscles, and so on) would be stored transmitter material, and though would be implanted (see "cyborgs" above and "norms" below). At that point, humans would not have to be transportered, just thoughts would be transportered. The receiver/transmitter would be a chip in the brain and minds would be updated continually.

The detector would nondestructively gather the data and feed it into a computer (perhaps where modification would be initiated) and then the data would go to the transmitter(s).

In actual practice, the detector array might not be able to satisfy detection tolerance requirements for the whole internal assemblage of the person's bits unless careful steps are taken to ensure a complete assay (particularly of internals) as discussed within this writing. Since it is often easier to directly precisely detect minute surface details as compared to internal details, it stands to reason that detection with subsequent removal of each surface layer of the person would be required. Such removed layer would be ancillary to methodology law and subject to conjecture possibilities such as disintegration and usage as energy and/or matter, or disintegration and disposal, or usage as person bank material, or for research, or other.

Clearly from each field of expertise a battery of extensive testing of the complete system including copying with successful results would be needed prior consideration of a person undergoing such a process.

The person's digital information can be stored, therefore, the need for transporter high speed is most crucial during both the initial receiver and the end transmission portions of the process. Mid process computer speed is of relatively little importance to this theory (see Myths Section above).

Therefore to counteract the need for great (possibly excessive) speed and to reduce viscosity, cold and/or related point of work drugs (examples: local anasthetics, antispasmodics, antihistamine / motion sickness, and so forth) and/or FDA approved thickening agents (or other such as peppermint / nausea) might be used on the person during the receiver and end transmitter sessions.

The end transmitter would consist of an information processor for data received from the computer. The transmitter would have various containers of matter types, in some ways very similar to items used in businesses today, such as used in DOS, plasma spray construction, ink jet printers, copiers, and modeling (2D movement pattern particle drops added repeatedly to produce 3D structures).

Transmitted bits would need to be controlled in many ways, including orientation to the previous construction layer, joining properly to the previous layer, and temperature control.

Each group of stored transmitter materials would require unique handling, as each element or similar would have unique properties. For instance if at one point in time the transmitter is instructed by a computer datum to take one molecule [one bit] of oxygen from storage and insert it into the person's layer currently being constructed, the transmitter would need to insert not a naturally occurring oxygen pair, but one molecule of oxygen.

Such could be accomplished via suitable encapsulation, for instance a minute portion [one data bit serving] of unstable storage transmitter material could be form fit encapsulated to prevent change except when appropriate. Closed end nanotubes, buckey balls, and intra-layer containerization are some examples.

Minute portion bits of storage transmitter materials could also be catergorized and held in pits on special disc operating systems where the disc arm would not only move electrons, but also small bits of matter. Current technology is routinely involved in such construction at the atomic level.

So at the receiver, detection of each bit would be made of the applicable surface of the person. This would correlate to end transmitter detection of the stored transmitter material, and placement of same bit type in the resultant person.

In order for the above premise to work, reconstruction must include proper orientation of bits to be included in the copy and/or original copy. Reconstruction must also include attachment of each bit as original (unless modified, as per plan).

Some investors may likely be anxious to transporter body parts, such as for instance a dead person's limbs after a car accident, to get that over-with to have more time and resources for only focusing on the brain. While such is commendable to a degree, one must also be cautioned that the sum is greater than the whole, and the brain of one person is as yet not a perfect match for the limb of another person, therefore such a shortcut can be haphazard.

THEORY Section References: "life" reference 1990 Chemistry Nobel Prize Winner Corey organic synthesis theory and methodology advancement. "detector" 1981 Physiology & Medicine shared Nobel Prize Winner Hubel & Wiesel visual system information processing; 2002 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Davis & Koshiba pioneering detection of cosmic neutrinos, and Giacconi source detection. "complete" reference 1979 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Glashow, Salam, & Weinberg theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including inter alia the prediction of the weak neutral current. "directly" 1985 Chemistry Nobel Prize Winners Hauptman & Karle determination of crystal structures direct methods. "cold" reference 1911 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Wien laws governing the radiation of heat; reference 1978 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Kapitsa low-temperature physics. "drugs" 1988 Physiology & Medicine Nobel Prize Winners Black, Elion, & Hitchings drug treatment principles. "plasma" reference 1970 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Alfven for fundamental work and discoveries in magneto-hydrodynamics plasma physics; and Neel for fundamental work and discoveries concerning antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism (see Equipment Section below). "investors" The Wall Street Journal December 26, 2002 page 1 Headline Biotech Debate graph; 1982 Economics Nobel Prize Winner Stigler industrial structures with functioning of markets correlation to causes and effects of public regulation


As indicated in the Scope Section, the system would be less as a rifle and a target, and more as a pitcher and a catcher.

The prepared matter or specimen to be Transportered, would be placed in a device to receive it. With Receiver thorough detection (which may cause destruction of the original [or initial state of entity existence just prior to Receiver action]), the Receiver would send detection results data to a computer (for storage and/or) then to a Transmitter (or to various Transmitters). The Transmitter would use Stored Transmitter Materials to recreate the original or a copy.

Moving matter is very slow and difficult relative to the speed and ease of moving a signal. Preparation is necessary relative to speed for practical reasons such as live specimen movement, equipment vibration, extraneous magnetic field interference, ionization, earth tremors and so on, as the crutial part of the design is the speed during detection / Receiver, and speed during reconstruction / Transmitter.

Another matter of practicality is specimen sporadic motion analysis during both critical times. This could be accomplished by an application similar to fixed point setting as currently used ion trapping, oscillation analysis, and as in recognition and identification and age progression systems. For instance, when a specimen pocket or bubble is opened by the Receiver a change may occur within the specimen, such as a slump. The Recognition System would alert other systems so they could compensate for the change.

A Positioning System would hold the specimen in place as a whole, and would hold minute parts along the specimen / Receiver boundary layer. At the boundary layer, the Positioning System would hold the specimen and/or any part thereof via minute grippers, initially. In the future, the Positioning System would act more similarly to cotton being spun into yarn, where it would be more difficult to tell where the cotton ends and the yarn begins, or where the specimen ends and the Receiver begins.

Such would be a leap from the bit by bit process, to the continuous process, based on computer experience gained norms.

Plotting and mapping would be along the specimen/Receiver boundary. Once a specimen layer was mapped, the layer would be removed and the next would be mapped.

Per each layer map, the Transmitter would construct a layer.

If for instance a Receiver was on earth and a Transmitter was placed on Pluto, along with stored transmitter materials, the latest inventions on earth could be transmitted to Pluto.

Instead of waiting years for rocket travel, data signals could be sent at light speed. Robots on Pluto would mine for stored transmitter materials on Pluto.

To make the first and most simple form of a transporter, we will first look at what has already been made by nature.

Example: A living cell gains weight and it loses weight, yet it is not called a copy or a new creature. The cell divides into two cells. Which one is the original, if either? The point being within discernable significance, correctness can seem less than a matter of degrees.

In other words, we can make individual people more unique or less unique.

DESIGN Section References: "ionization" reference 2002 Chemistry Nobel Prize Winners Fenn & Tanaka soft desorption ionisation methods for mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules; and Wuthrich three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules via nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. "sporadic" reference 1980 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Cronin and Fitch violations of fundamental symmetry principles in the decay of neutral K-mesons. "ion trapping, oscillation" reference 1989 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Ramsey for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks; and the Dehmelt and Paul ion trap technique. "Plotting and mapping" reference 1990 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor pioneering mapping deep inelastic electrons scattering on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics.


The computer and data signal are generic and available through a wide variety of vendors.

Pre-Receiver preparation equipment should include shielding and similar protection from external interference. Room equipment would include walls, ceiling, and floor (perhaps on solid or on springs depending on environmental vibrations) of layers of aluminum (electrostatic grounding), vacuum (removal of radon, ions, dust...), lead (X-rays & gamma rays), absorbant (acoustic muffling), light shielding, and other attributes similar to jet stealth cloaking, in addition to general construction materials protecting against rain, wind, sun and so on.

Outside of the room would be a refrigeration unit (HVAC) with ductwork into the room and to the exterior of the inner housing unit.

Technicians would be suited as for typical clean room work. Their presence would not be required within the room during actual transportering, as they would use remote control systems.

Within the room would be some safety devices; and many fiber optic wires, coaxial electrical wires, and/or other types of wires, from the equipment to the exterior remote control computers.

Detection equipment, plotters, and grabbing/holding devices would be built into the equipment housed within the room. Such housing would provide protection from the wires and the room (such as reflections from wire disturbances).

The room would be low pressure vacuum. Within the housing would be specimen specific values, such as low pressure (but not so low as to expand any specimen internal air pockets), low heat (cold), and other variables suitable for specimen protection.

The above equipment parameters would serve for both the Receiver and for the End Transmitter.

Specimen preparation would involve cleaning; perhaps drugs, thickening agents, gelling solutions, and/or viscosity reduction substances (see Theory Section above); and other appropriate preservation measures, such as humidor type moisture infusing or moisture reduction to prevent crystalization, depending on the nature of the specimen.

Advanced specimens, such as living humans, would need to undergo a multitude of examinations, particularly mentally, at the start of human transportering, and then with gained experience, perhaps to a lesser degree in the future. Test equipment would be according to experts in the respective fields (see Collective Section below).

Since mental, emotional, physical, and similar attributes would have great impact on the data base for the first few humans being transported, as their characteristics (inclusive of behavior attributes: physically) would be used to set the standard to some degree for future transportering of humans and other creatures, great care must needfully be taken to find humans appropriate for transportering according to experts in many fields, with total agreement by each group, within reason. Also, personal rights, expectations, thoughts, adaptability, risks and other must be considered by the human specimen. Therefore, at least for initial human transportering, the right state of mind is essential, both for standardization as a whole, and for internal unique considerations (see Collective Section below).

Unique specimen types can have unique problems to be addresses, for instance, a specimen of a certain crystaline configuration may have a specific frequency at which it shatters, and that frequency may be normally produced by the equipment, so the equipment would have to be retuned.

Typically, the biggest change to the specimen prior to transportering would be freezing it or making it cold to the point just above freezing. So typically moisture would be minimized prior to freezing.

After transportering and End Transmittering has been completed, appropriate controlling equipment would may needed such as to detoxify (if applicable), unfreeze (if applicable, vital organs first), resusitate (if applicable), acclimatize (perhaps drug injections against local diseases), and so on.

Equipment is readily available for the above, or it can easily be constructed using previous similar construction experiences.

The following equipment requires greater expertise, although much of the equipment already exists and can be purchased; or the equipment can be constructed using principles and tolerances in usage currently.

Devices such as similar to refined computer tomography imaging, ultra-high speed DNA automated sequencing, focused spectroscopy, neutron diffraction, and automated scanning electron microscopy, are some detection devices available at the forefront of science or reasonably expected to be available within a few years from now according to state-of-the-art progression and usefulness herein.

Micro-machines capable of precision to as little as the molecular level would be needed for the first Transporterer. Such would not need to be as complex as DOS, and therefore quite realistically reasonable and practical to make. Later, for transportering more complex materials, precision would need to be of a tolerance level capable of working on molecular bonds, such as cutting and binding.

Initial transporter system equipment of the Receiver and the End Transmitter would be a tiny table on which the initial tiny encapsulated (encapsulation criteria pre-disclosed to the Receiver) specimen, such as a molecule of a stable element (for example, a molecule of Argon), would rest. The Receiver would be turned-on remotely. The capsule position would be detected and the capsule would be attached to the table by table grabbers.

The nature of the specimen would be detected, or part of the capsule adjacent to the detector would be removed and then the nature of the specimen would be detected. If a grabber was in the way of the detector, other grabbers would assist so the grabber in the way could move out of the way.

The natural identity information of the specimen would be transmitted via computerized data signaling to the End Transmitter.

Before attempting to construct any specimen, the End Transmitter would first make sure it had sufficient transmitter supplies to complete the task.

The End Transmitter would then take a molecule of Argon out of supply and set it on the End Transmitter table.

Many abundant substances might be End Transmitted via micropipettes, such as water. Such could be dispensed according to volume, weight, or other, greatly increasing vital end transmission speed.

Of course, this is clearly not the original Argon molecule. When specimen complexity increases, with specimens having pairs of molecules and groups of molecules, the clarity diminishes. This is especially true as the Receiver destroys the original to detect subsurface molecules and their intramolecular relationships.

With complex material internal configurations, and with interior and exterior geometries, the originality question becomes moot. Transportered functioning machines and living entities would verify same.

As compared to current telecommunications and similar, the initial Transporterer could be used to send something other than merely information. Yet the greater Transporterer value comes with future complex specimens.

EQUIPMENT Section References: "fiber optic" 1921 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Einstein law of the photoelectric effect, and Theoretical Physics; "wires" reference 1973 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Esaki and Giaever semiconductors and superconductors tunneling phenomena and Josephson theoretical predictions of the properties of tunnel barrier supercurrent; 1992 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Charpak invention and development of particle detectors, particularly multiwire proportional chamber [see also chemistry bombs widely used in laboratories]. "exists" reference 1902 Lornetz and Zeeman influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena; 1920 Guillaume precision measurements in Physics by his discovery of anomalies in nickel steel alloys; 1950 Powell photographic method of studying nuclear processes and his discoveries regarding mesons made with this method; 1952 Bloch and Purcell nuclear magnetic precision measurements; 1955 Lamb fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum revelation; and Kusch for his precision excellence determination of the magnetic moment of the electron; 1962 Landau condensed matter; 1969 Mann elementary particles classification, significantly their interactions; 1970 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Alfven for fundamental work and discoveries in magneto-hydrodynamics with fruitful applications in plasma physics; and Neel for fundamental work and discoveries concerning antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism which have led to important applications in solid state physics; 1971 Gabor for his invention and development of the holographic method; 1977 Anderson, Mott, & Vanvleck magnetic and disordered systems electronic structure; 1991 (chemistry) Ernst high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; 1999 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Hooft and Veltman elucidating quantum structure of electroweak interactions; 1997 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Chu, Tannaoudji, and Phillips cool and trap atoms with laser light; 1995 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Perl leptonics, and Reines neutrino detection. "principles and tolerances" 1965 Tomonaga, Schwinger, and Feynman quantum electrodynamics, deep-ploughing physics of elementary particles, particularly resultant consequences. "spectroscopy, neutron diffraction" reference 1994 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Brockhouse neutron spectroscopy, and Shull neutron diffraction technique. "electron microscope" reference 1986 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Ruska for his fundamental work in electron optics, and for the design of the first electron microscope; and Binning and Rohrer scanning tunneling microscope. "molecular bonds" reference 1984 Physics Nobel Prize Winners Rubbia and Meer communicators of weak interaction.


Vertical marketing solutions accountably catipult investor returns in this field, via requirements mandated by the Selection Board, with regard to insuring signal and data storage integrity, and with regard to End Transmitter material purchases.

More advanced Receivers and End Transmitters would cut apart or join together, respectively, molecules or other size particles as appropriate for more complex specimens. Positron beams and electron beams would be used in breaking and forming molecular bonds.

End Transmitters would need to properly position particles before fastening them together. The fastening process would need to not interfere with previously fastened parts.

In the near future, chemical compounds could be entered into a computer and the End Transmitter would produce the compound on the molecular level; and could even produce it in a proper container. This would eliminate the high cost of applicable chemical engineering expertise otherwise needed to go through the overly time consuming process of producing the compound by traditional chemistry methodology.

Another benefit is having the specimen data on file for multiple copying, such as for the popular Just-In-Time, JIT, systems, saving warehouse costs.

Another related benefit is that since the Transporterer handles minute applications, it can be used to reproduce tiny integrated circuits, such as used in computers.

Another benefit is that a prototype of plastic could be turned into a prototype of steel. And a bar of steel could be built to contain microprocessors and transmitters, such as to report to the pilot regarding jet wing stress, reducing wing failure and increasing safety.

Transportering equipment and/or humans to work places, vacation lands, and distant planets nearly incomprehensibly faster than any previous rocket, can hardly scratch the surface of what we will soon accomplish.

Manipulation will occur to filter-out harmful conditions and to filter-in beneficial values. For example, a deaf person would be transported and in doing so a tumor would be detected and removed, and using the standard data base, hearing data would replace the deaf portion, and with any minor resizing adjustments, the person would be transmitted, the same in every way except in better health.

Within moral and legal parameters, lesser, expendable entities would be created, such as recyclables, and perhaps such as life forms. Also, greater entities would be created, such as humans that are stronger, more durable, disease resistant, and so on.

But all of these benefit examples are minor compared to the greater benefits Transporterer users will discover.

FUTURE Section References: "Vertical marketing solutions" CRN December 30, 2002 page 57. "data storage" ownership rights 1991 Economics Nobel Prize Winner Coase institutional structure and economic function property rights clarification. "More advanced" 1966 Physics Nobel Prize Winner Kastler optical methods for studying hertzian resonances in atoms; 1968 Alvarez particle physics particularly the discovery of a large number of resonance states with data analysis; 1967 Bethe contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions including energy production in stars (see also the many other future related references within this writing). "discover" 1977 Economics Nobel Prize Winners Ohlin & Meade pathbreaking international trade and international capital movements theory.


Given applicable human data, future generations (even with generation skipping through virtual humans) could be computed from given parent combinations, and if approved, could be created.

Perhaps the single most important aspect of this writing is with regard to collective IQ.

When people work together, many experiences and fields of expertise combine to create a greater than the sum of the parts: a greater collective IQ. And greater collective ability to act properly in response to those greater thoughts.

Imagine all humans (even those who've passed away: re-enlivened) overcoming prejudice, selfishness, and jealousy of others, and living together joyfully and peaceably, as one.

The Bible discusses the first death of the body, and the second death and how people won't be harmed by the second death. As transportering may be considered the second death of the body (see Purpose Section above), following the Bible at least as a precaution makes logical sense.

The Bible also relates relative physics directly to absolutivity, such as Christ explaining that: be cured is similar or the same as be forgiven. Therefore, a human specimen tumor is the same or similar to a mental tumor mindset. In more crude terms, a person with crazy cannibalism and computer virus terrorism hopes would be filtered-out via practical reasoning.

Regarding standardization (see Equipment Section above), while we would want to have many experts of many specialties helping in the selections of the first humans to be transportered, [then likely after initial standardization] we also need to consider what Christ said about helping people, and the need to help those in need first. Such a Selection Board would be similar to the selection of people best suited to be astronauts, except with far greater emphasis on the brain and mental analysis. Later with easily repeatable successes, Selection Board emphasis on the mind would continue, while for the body less emphasis would be needed (relative to candidacy for transportering, while emphasis on the body relative to equipment would continue).

Regarding absolutivity, if people are not honest and are supportive of deluded bias advocacy, their experience in transportering logically would result in automatic protective measures initiation (legal: not to deride free thought rights and privileges) against them. In other words those purely seeking evil with all of their essence would automatically be extinguished. This would not be due to any intentional design herein proffered to clean eugenically, theologically, or other, but would be a result of naturally progression of scientific logic (such as more quickly rendered by this writing).

Consider that if a lie detector can catch one who lies, how much more can be caught if all of a person's thoughts are presented for anyone to read.

And not only current thoughts captured in time, but also their memories, including subconscious most active mental activities, revealed via brain detail detection, in preparation for them to be transportered.

Transportering gives new meaning to lie detector, and the need to be right with Christ.

Transporterer computerization with human minds updated continuously provides a logical unity format for second coming of Christ to meet with the Bride [all of humans]. Therefore it is another reason for a person to personally have the right mind set prior to becoming a specimen for transportering.

COLLECTIVE Section References: "collective" reference 1975 Bohr, Mottelson, and Rainwater discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection. "Christ" Sports Illustrated December 30, 2002 page 110 Vision of Happiness also see first article Editor's information discussion. "same" reference the Bible Book of Luke Chapter 5 verses 22, 23, & 24. "filtered-out" 1984 Economic Nobel Prize Winner Stone national empirical analysis systems. "helping" reference the Bible Book of Luke Chapter 5 verses 31 & 32. "advocacy" 1986 Economics Nobel Prize Winner Buchanan contractual and constitutional economic and political decision-making.


Update July 6, 2004. Work is in progress moving "atom by atom", trailblazing "the now fast-growing field of nanotechnology" (source: Popular Mechanics February 2004 p55). In related news, Dr. Bob Benchoff has advanced the field of Absolutivity, as he has received physicist letters with many questions, such as to weigh Dark Matter. Click here for A News Center and further information updated according to value rather than time.


Update December 8, 2004. New molecular construction with nanometer accuracy has been "engineered" with a "molecular locomotive.". A project of Zhisong Wang, a professor of physics at Texas A&M University in College Station and at Fudan University in Shanghai, China, made the presentation along with a track, as the theory has been seen to some extent such as at the University of Munich, with light as the energy source. Such could propel the locomotive forward or back "in inchworm fashion", and "Cargo could be tethered to the molecule via bond, enabling the precise movement of freight." (source: Photonics Spectra magazine November 2004). A nanometer is one one millionth of a millimeter, or the span of ten hydrogen atoms. "It would be capable of moving a few microns per second, which is comparable to its biological counterparts." (:Latest Technology Research News).


Update October 28, 2005. Q chip technology is now in the works to produce ideas within the brain so the patient or user experiences what they think is reality, but it's just in their head. One goal is to have computers predict models of the future, and then have the user go into that future (or past) mentally via the chips in their head. For instance a user might say to the best of their knowledge (unless explained otherwise) they saw the sun explode. So not only memory is changed, yet also the very thinking of the user, involving the spirit and soul essence of the user. They might also in their essence pass through death to life and educate us as to new cures and advanced technologies. Also their unity with the computer further advances instantaneous Transporterer practicality aspects.


Update February 14, 2006. GodMath Testament has shown evidence, and as otherwise verified in ICCDBB Sermon Chart Series 1 through 12 (in portions of the 10 of 12 already completed), that the evolutionary brain and mind are more toward the self, whereas the heart is more toward higher reasoning, the brain (compare more evolved / created male and female Absolute relationship). We are currently overcoming this standardizating of priority format problem facing civilization, for example, with the Mead Hospital reaching 5 Terabytes on the brain this year, as originally projected in site. Just as DNA is being mapped, so too the standard brain is being mapped, in digital form. Variances will not only reveal diseases to be filtered, they will also reveal right decision-making never prior made public, for quick evaluating of faith pattern substantiation and authenticating.


Update June 2, 2006. Signaling from point to point is known as signal transmission, while applicably signaling from a point to the signal transmission is known as mind control. Just as each end of the transmission has matter (compared to energy, see above) mechanisms to monitor, grab, and / or move matter, or to apply the energy signal to matter application; the starting point of matter, the living brain, must be controlled with provision of life support during that control, as with the Heisenberg Rule of Interference must be overcome to that applicable precision level of tolerance. That technology now exists to a certain point toward the atomic level. While that application (such as: reference world's smallest guitar) has limited functions at that level, the more practical level currently is on the nanoscale. That is, at the nano-level, a nanobot can be installed in situ, it would quickly do it's job, as it would perhaps monitor a genetic code series and simply signal the data to a relatively larger substation server and then to a computer. The nanobot could interfere in many ways, such as by grabbing the brain, bumping, heat, data signaling interference, and so on. Nanobot researched areas could (literally) be removed from the equation, according to current technology capabilities. The balance of the brain remaining would be the much smaller entities, such as including new growth filaments beyond nanobot capabilities to decode and comprehend. Also actions quicker than the nanobot's comprehension, and signals that the nanobot does not detect would be a current tech obstacle. So an array of nanobots would be needed (to meet current tech), the initial nanobots checking for the quick and the more fragile concerns, so as not to cause damage. Such damage is a subset of mind control, which also contains such things as memory erasure, opinion making, and so on. (Click here for ANC News further info posted June 1 & 2, 2006; and also for Earth's First Wormhole transporting life, discovered May 11, 2006).


Updated August 24, 2010. Relative to a person or clock at a point as if stationary, because another person or another clock moves near the maximum speed of light according to each perspective, mass at a certain energy [movement] changes the time according to the particular perspective.

Therefore, since the movement of an energy body [plasma or a mass] relative to another, can cause time to change, plus or minus, from your perspective.

So you can go forward or backward in time.

This is as written in the Bible, concerning "a new creation" details, and in the same trend, though as if another perspective from the worldly view as if another Biblical perspective "an even more excellent way".

The pertinent application result is that the above transporter idea does not require two points, a send point and a receive point.

Rather only one point is required, a point pertinent to your desire.

The apparatus would be controlled by you. If to travel in one direction in time, the apparatus would evidently have to be as large as you. If to travel the opposite direction, then the apparatus would need be as big as to engulf the world, or that portion of the Universe of your area of concern, such as to control an area to cause or thwart a bank heist, or to pick the lucky number.

If to control part of the Universe and not all, then of course risks are involved, hence your personal responsibility needs be Biblical.

The time device for starters, would be as small as reasonably possible, cost effective. The device would move very small things through time, such as a subatomic particle, such as a particle that kept a steady pulse, so we could measure the amount of time shift.

Building on that, we might have a slightly larger device that could move a clock, such as by swirling high mass at high speed around it, as is supposed.

Yet getting back to the smaller device, a stream of clock or of human molecules might be sent through, perhaps even shot out the other end target dimension of time, in such a way as to reform the original structure.


Updated August 26, 2010. Moving from theory to fact.

Time Principle.

Updated January 18, 2012. Approaching Infinity.

To remain youthful and almost live forever go fast, rather praise the Lord; witness cutting edge technologies with A Check Exact Flying Cars utilizing PCS [including ICCDBB "Public PCS" for free Public viewing, referencing and utilizating] on speed parameter guidelines [go fast though not faster than children can go (until End Time)]. When we consider matter, we can consider the past [or future]. When we consider energy, we can consider the future [or past]. Yet perspectives and application pertinence circumstances [such as to control variables] can result in the relative opposite evidently, so we therefore need to properly standardize if to properly monitor and manage time.

In the past, the Sun worked for us, to know when to wake up so we didn't walk around in the dark. Then calendars helped us plant per season. Then clocks helped us until now.

Now we are facing the situation of many people saying many things, true, but contradicting each other. The bias is largely according to the lack of proper standard PCS usage, the point of sets on which people as a whole require for survival, yet also properly prioritized by experts yet without ignoring individuals [the opinions of individuals which are valid directly, or indirectly concerning important symptoms].

If we look into the past, we can see value. If we look into the future, we might see no increase in value [theoretically, yet reference GodMath Chart 1 standard indicator / guide] save luck, act-of-God, or save we properly make it so as much as reasonable.


Updated February 24, 2012, reshaping the future.

Perhaps you were on an amusement park ride with your arms tightly folded in front of your body, and noticed when the ride quickly accelerated your arms moved from your front to your sides.

If you throw a ball, it deforms. If the ball passes through a firmament boundary threshold, such as colliding with a molecule of air, or such as going through a fog bank, or other field of matter and/or energy, the ball deforms. Balls, arrows, alarm clocks flying out windows, and other matter / energy vehicles themselves are reshaped yet also in [counted as if] counter-action they reshape other vehicles.

If from Point A you throw a magnet at a bolt called Point B, the magnet might push away Point B, or the two might meet ahead of time.

Matter Energy Matter Conversion

When viewing cars from a building they seem normal size and shape. When viewing jets from a jet, their relative flight paths don't seem the same as when viewing cars. Where each flight path point is at a given moment or sequence in series or group, changes relatively as a minimum. At higher speeds certain changes become easier to see. Above, low speed vertical change is a natural curve relative generally speaking, relative to the quick horizontal movement toward the start of events. In [similar to] counterpoint, the horizontal change becomes small relative to the vertical change later in the series; then together in vector or balance they become proportional to each other in pattern toward the start of the process.

Because of the above linear changes from slow to fast to relative slow, we can draw a natural curve and a helical pattern emerges. From linear to helical, and yet comprehensively counted as if the same linear vector.

The "helical" idea to people is often to think of a rotating part moving axially, as a point moving past a fixed line or series of points, per cycle; indexing.

If you make a loud noise, the farther away the less loud the noise is, generally. Your noise varies accordingly, in a normal curve pattern relative to a straight line of view over a given distance from speaker to hearer. You make a noise and the decibels curve in intensity ratio according to linear distance. The noise goes from your high power to low power.

When starting to move matter, the curve is reversed over distance, as we start to move matter faster and faster. If we move something at a given rate, as it approaches the maximum speed of light [or similar threshold] then the above horizontal matter shifts into energy intensity vertically increasingly until that threshold is approached (reference Security PCS for illustrations with details).


Updated February 25, 2012, from water into wine.

Traveling on roads made by others.

What will we bring with us? To travel on some trails we find a Y in the road, so it might be good to bring signage to help those who travel after us. On some roads there is little gas or water. Yet to be properly prepared and to do what is best, means the lightest burden along the way: the right best path has already been prepared, greater than a fine highway, faster than a speeding rocket, with more fantastic sights than an excellent cruise ship. So here is our burden, to not contaminate the work Jesus Christ did, yet to give, doing as Jesus Christ did.

As we give of ourselves for Jesus Christ, we learn to give designs and events that save others time and best help them for best traveling [the path of Jesus Christ, even partial paths (3 Nephi 11.8), each step or leap as needed].

Things unseen, such as the gas exploding in a car engine, are energies we can learn, yet we see benefits such as a car getting us to work, church, and so on. Gas properly exploding is often unseen, yet of proper methodology we can rely on it. Jesus Christ offers unseen energy(ies), some in methodology we can understand, some not so much understood lest there be no need for proper faith so we are not merely under law such as logical money printing presses relatively devoid of joy [yet the Spirit enlivens (Luke 19.40)].

What can safely travel top speed across the Universe? How can you do so? If your body cannot immediately get to the other side of the Universe, then we can seek another solution in Jesus Christ for Jesus Christ.

Let your spirit soar among the Heavens. If you are perfect, then it is alright for you to spread your grace elsewhere, rather than be as a disease spreading infections.

Do you unravel Holy mysteries for others for the glory of Jesus Christ, or do you foster evil myths? Even so, with a repentant heart, mild and true, bless others, evangelize, unite people, even best gather those who disagree [(PCS) and convert them], and nurture the flock.

Tell them in advance of their need for worthiness that they too might partake of the benefits of the leadership to do charity far and wide, a stepping stone to others, an example unto others, their guide, their leader, and their servant.

Can your will cause a star to shine? Can your will cause you to walk on water? Just because you may not have done it before doesn't mean you can't (2 Timothy 2.16).

How can you throw your spirit [rather how can you not (Mark 10.50) yet control in time (2 Timothy 4.2)].


Updated April 10, 2012, simplifying fractals at the speed of light.

Traveling on the road God made.

Jesus Christ secured an envelope for us, starting with the simple for us to understand (Luke 13.34) yet raising us through the more complex [(2 Timothy 3.1) so we should immediately thoroughly prepare].


--Updated April 11, 2012, the power of the fractal equation: Resonance.

God made a motif of energy, a trend, from which we can deduce space travel warp drive patterns.

Jesus Christ prepared people so His Chosen could learn to distinguish proven methodology from the assumptions of [sinners (such as the lazy and/or selfish boasters of hoaxes)], yet not by laws alone, rather via the indicators of reliable traceability, less of the past and more of the plan, per se for example shall we examine how a caveman learns to count rocks, rather we shall examine spacecraft as found in the Bible such as of proven NASA / NDT Methodology. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, though rather for the greater glory of the Lord we can learn how to utilize the wheel better and we can learn more advanced technologies not yet unraveled.


--Updated June 18, 2014, Largest Known Black Hole.

Our Known Universe is the Largest Known Black Hole.

A black hole consumes stars, therefore has light though from

a perspective from outside our Known Universe it appears as a

dark body, that is, if it passed in front of a star the star would

not be seen from that perspective. Above is snapshot of a growing system

that continues until if it can be exhausted / extinguished, or

until intervention such as synthetically and/or via higher power(s).

A spherical object such as a ball, Earth, or the Known Universe, might be viewed from a distance with no imperfections observed, hence no identifying marks in the sense that a closely viewed compass can point a direction while a ball for instance has no observed pointer. Similarly rubber bands can be formed (such as prior to forming balls (see above illustrations) yet via the transitional states direction might be observable, such as with the tail toward the source, the past; hence with guidance reasonably / predictably before the present state(s).

As light from our expanding Known Universe hits other light(s) if any, there can be various anomalies such as attenuation suppression of energies or convergence augmenting guidance as depicted at The Cause of the Coriolis Effect showing a jet plume / transfigured matter / energy (1 Corinthians 15.51).


--Updated August 25, 2017, Now Possible via New Christianty TractorRepulsor Beam.

The TractorRepulsor Beam technology has now come to light in Christ JESUS to hold and manipulate items, such as molecules and subatomic particles, and such as to safely lift large ships into ports (New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism): the process involves triangulating uncompressed waves of relatively no significant force into vessel appropriate internally compressed value as illustrated in the ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons Series (some Sermon links are provided below).


No affiliations unless otherwise stated: Archives:

A Check Exact Customer Feedback.

For A Check Exact Newsletter information about the transporter built at the Doctors University of New York, September, 2002, click here.

To study some of the directly involved events and supporters surrounding this transporterer success, involving New York University, Westinghouse, Waukesha Electric, and A Check Exact, click here (no affiliation unless otherwise stated).

ICCDBB Suggested readings:

"There's life out there. They've just been looking in the wrong places to find it." Not of earthly origin Life Throughout The Universe agrees with A Check Exact [including (source: ICCDBB and approved Affiliates)] methodology known as PCS, such as of seeds routinely leaving the planet such as by the chimney effect of mountains, so Earth is as if Johnny Appleseed in the Universe, therefore we can search for life where Earth has been.

Visit Soul, Ghosts!, Artificial Intelligence and Life, 2003, also How to Use the Bible as a Situation Specific Tool.

To visit the second page of sermons of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

* * * * *

For a related site on the first moon landing, and using long range energy beams to construct equipment, click here [An a TSA Agent told A Check Exact 2010 "You have to work with your hands.", right typically, though our children and the US in leadership are moving beyond a tertiary industrial society, into communications and governmental actions as never before, therefore the next more advanced stage applies to planning and leadership: (reference A Check Exact PCS) so that people value machines though machines are made for people].

Amfibi Web Search & Directory

As seen on TV, in part, is a related topic site of interest (no affiliation unless otherwise stated):