Then, Suddenly, FireWorks Blast off, all down the ramp... Then, Boom! Lance Fusion Appears, and he runs down the ramp, and the bell rings, as the exchange blows!!!
Lance whips Osh against the ropes... But, Osh holds the ropes, and kicks Lance in the face, and starts stomping on him, over and over... Then, Osh picks him up, and brings him over by the turnbuckle... Osh sets him on top of it, and sets him up for the SuperPlex!!! Boom! They both hit the mat hard, and they both hold thier backs in pain, as the ref starts counting... Osh gets up, and picks Lance up with him... The, Osh whips him against the ropes, Boom! Osh Boom!!! Lance goes flying over the ropes, and lands on the hard concreate! The Ref is about to call for the bell... But Osh knocks the ref down, and starts beating him to a bloody pulp! Then, Osh goes over the ropes, and picks up Lance, and throws him in the ring, as he goes for the cover... ... ... Osh waits, as he sees the bloody ref beaten down... Then, Another Ref comes running down the ramp, he starts to count... 1..2.. Lance Some How Kicks Out! Unbelieveable!!! Osh then puts him in a headlock... Lance seems to be out cold, so, the ref takes Lance's Hand, pulls it in the air, and it falls to the ground, the ref counts 1... Then, he does it again... It falls to the ground... 2... Then, The Ref tries it again, But Lance Sticks his Middle Finger in the Air!!! Lance stands up, and starts elbowing Osh in the gut, Osh lets go, and Lance runs across the ropes, and jumps at Osh, But, Osh catches him in the air, and brings him all the way over to the top rope, and sets him up, for yet another, SuperPlex... But, Osh can't get him up, Lance Takes Oshes head, and hops off the top rope... Boom!!! Tornado DDT!!! Osh lays in pain, as Lance struggles to his feet, then, Lance picks up Oshes feet, and puts him in the Sharpshooter... Osh starts reaching for the ropes, he almost reaches it, but Lance Pulls him back away from the ropes, Osh figures he has no chance, and he taps, 1.2.3...
Winner, and New European Champion, Lance Fusion
Then Tracers music hits the pa system and the fans all cheer aswell as the 6ft10 monster walks down the ring…he gets into the ring and the ref rings the bell as this Hardcore match gets underway.
Rvd runs over and attempts to hit Tracer in the gut but Tracer just pushes him away and then goes over and grabs rvd by his hair…he picks up rvd and gives him a huge headbut which sends rvd to the mat. Big show climbs over the top rope and goes outside the ring. He takes the cover off the IWF Spanish announce table and when he turns round rvd flys off the top rope but is caught in mid air by Tracer. But rvd rakes the eyes of tracer and jumps down and lands the Vandaminator on tracer which staggers him back into the Spanish announce table which collapses under the size of Tracer. Tracer lies there out cold through the table and rvd gathers his senses and looks at Tracer. He jumps up onto the apron and lands a moonsault off the apron onto Tracer…he covers Tracer…1……2……Tracer kicks out with authority and sends rvd back into the steel steps and rvd bangs his head. Tracer gets up and grabs a steel chair and is about to hit rvd with it when the chairman of the IWF Lance Fusion runs out and hits Tracer on the back of the head with the IWF European championship belt and then runs away back through the crowd….rvd picks the chair up and hits tracer round the head once…..then a second time….and finally a third time which knocks tracer off his feet and busts his head wide open. Rvd goes for the cover again…..1……2…… tracer gets his shoulders up again. Rvd stands up and picks tracer up but tracer low blows rvd and picks him up and military press’s rvd onto the other commentators table and rvd doesn’t go through it but his body bounces off it and he lies on the floor…tracer grabs him and brings him back into the ring and sets him up for the tracing bomb and he lands it…he covers rvd…1…..2….3…
After the match Tracer grabs rvd by the throat again but rvd trips him up and runs across the ring and hits the rolling thunder…..he then climbs to the top tunbuckle and lands the 5 star frogsplash to tracer. He grabs tracers American championship and stands over him and does the RVD chant with his thumbs as Raw goes off for a break
Winner and New IwF American Champion Lionsden.
The Comishioners music hits the pa system and Jason Powers walks down to the ring with cheers from the crowd.he gets into the ring as the match begins.
Rock walks over and begins to punch Jason…..He whips the comish arross the ropes and hits him with a big back elbow on the way back. Jason gets to his feet and low blows the rock and then lands a perfect double arm ddt on the rock..he makes the cover..1…..2…… rock gets his shoulder off the canvas. Jason picks the rock up and whips him into the corner andfollows up with a big splash. He sets the rock on the tope rope and hooks him up…he lands a huge flip powerbomb from the top turnbuckle….this could be it here folks if Jason can make the cover…..1….2….Once again the Rock kick out. Jason grabs the rock by his head and gets him in a headlock but rock fights back and whips Jason across the ropes and lands him with a thunderous Samoan drop..he makes the cover…1……2……Jason gets his foot on the rope. Rock picks Jason up and begins to punch him he whips Jason across the ropes but Rock ducks and Jason lands a huge tornado DDT on him…he makes the cover…1….2….rock kicks out again. Jason goes over and complains to the referee but while he is the rock flips back to his feet and when Jason turns round the rock hits him with the Rock Bottom. He makes the cover….1……2… GOD Jason Powers just got his shoulder off the mat. Rock picks Jason up and sets him up for yet another Rock bottom but Jason fights out of it by hitting the Rock in the head a couple of times. He then whips the rock across the ropes and he hits his signature manouver the Powerslam out of now where….he immediately goes into the cover…1….2….3..
Winner and New IwF Insane Champion the IwF comishioner Jason Powers.
Jason Powers walks backstage with the title around his shoulder as a promo of the main event comes up.
Stone Colds music hits the pa system and the Rattlesnake walks to the ring and he stares at Strongbow but he just stares right back. He gets into the ring and waits for his opponent.
The lights dim as Demons music hits the pa system and he walks to the ring with a look of anticipation on his face..he gets into the ring and the bell rings.
Stone Cold goes straight for Demon and he begins to punch the living hell out of him. He backs him up into the corner and hits him to the ground were he begins to stomp a mudhole in him. Strongbow then pulls him back and Austin stops and looks at Strongbow…Demon shoots out of the corner and hits Austin with a Clothesline which sends him over the top rope and out onto the mat. Demon goes out after him. He kicks Austin in the gut three times then picks him up and throws him into the steel steps which fall off due to the sheer force of the rattlesnake. Demon then walks over and grabs a set of ladders and brings them back. He goes to hit Austin with them but Stone Cold pulls the ring steps in front of him and the ladders rattle back into Demons chest and he drops the ladders and holds his face. Stone Cold picks up the ladders and drives them not once but twice into the gut of Demon. He then throws demon and the ladders into the ring. Austin goes after him and puts the ladders in the middle of the ring. He grabs Demon picks him up and suplexs Demon right ontop of the Ladder and Demon is really hurting now. Stone Cold goes out of the ring and grabs a chair he gets back into the ring and waits until Demon gets back to his feet and goes to hit him with a chair but Demon ducks and when Austin turns round Demon gives the chair a big boot which shoots back into Austins face and bust’s him wide open. Demon then grabs the ladders and begins to climb them. He gets about halfway but then Austin shakes the ladder and Demon falls to the mat but the ladder still stands. Stone Cold is back to his feet and begins to climb the ladder with the blood shooting from his forehead, Demon goets up and the two climb the ladder. Austin and Demon meet at the top of the ladder and exchange blows but then Austin gets the better of Demon and Austin Knocks him off the top of the ladder and to the mat. Stone Cold is inches away when Strongbow the Owner of the IwF pulls Austin back and push’s him off the ladder. Stone cold falls to the mat and Strongbow goes over and checks on Demon but Austin gets back to his feet and when Strongbow turns round he gits hit with a Stone Cold Stunner. Then Demon goes to hit Austin with the chair but Demon bucks and gets a Stone Cold stunner aswell. Austin sets the ladder back up and is halfway up it when a familiar face……Demolition…..Demons running buddy runs to the ring. He knocks Austin off the ladder and begins to beat the hell out of him but the the IwF Insane champion and the IwF comishioner Jason Powers runs down to the ring and pulls Demolition off Austin and begins to hit him with right and lefts then he whips him across the ring and hits him with the Powerslam…..Jason Powers turns round but is met by the Superkick of Strongbow and falls to the mat. Stone Cold gets up and gives Strongbow another Stunner but when Stone Cold turns round Demon lifts him up and lands a Tombstone Piledriver on him. Demon climbs the ladder and grabs the IwF World Title.
Winner and New IwF World Heavyweight Champion….The Demon.
After the match Jason Powers and Stone Cold stand on the ramp and look at the mess in the ring with Strongbow and Demolition lying on the floor but with Demon Holding the World Title…Surely this is only the beginning of things to come.