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George Washington
Freeman, Douglas Southall, George Washington, Scribner’s Sons (1948-1957) 7vols
Irving, Washington, The Life of George Washington, PF Collier & Son (1856-1859) 5vols
Umbreit, Kenneth Bernard, Founding Fathers: Men Who Shaped Our Tradition, Harper & Bros (1941)
Washington, George, The Writings of George Washington, Greenwood Press (1931, 1970) 37vols
Wilson, Woodrow, George Washington, Frederick Ungar Publishing (1896)

John Adams
Adams, Abigail Smith, The Book of Abigail & John: Selected Letters of The Adams Family 1762-1784, (Harvard University 1975)
Adams, Charles Francis (Ed.), The Works of John Adams (Boston 1856) 10 vols
Adams, James Truslow, The Adams Family, Little, Brown & Co (1930)
Adams, John & Jefferson, Thomas, Correspondence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson 1812-1826, Library of Congress, Government Printing Office (c1976)
Adams, John, Twelve Essays On American Foreign Policy, Library of Congress, Government Printing Office (1780)
Shepherd, Jack, The Adams Chronicles: Four Generations of Greatness, Little, Brown (1975)
Smith, Page, John Adams (Garden City 1962) 2 vols
Umbreit, Kenneth Bernard, Founding Fathers: Men Who Shaped Our Tradition, Harper & Bros (1941)

Thomas Jefferson
Adams, John & Jefferson, Thomas, Correspondence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson 1812-1826, Library of Congress, Government Printing Office (c1976)
Bowers, Claude Gernade, Jefferson In Power: The Death Struggle of The Federalists, Houghton Mifflin Co (1936)
Chidsey, Donald Barr, Mr Hamilton & Mr Jefferson, T Nelson (1975)
Daniels, Johnathan, Ordeal of Ambition: Jefferson, Hamilton, Burr, Doubleday (1970)
Jefferson, Thomas, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (Princeton University 1950) 20vols
Malone, Dumas, Jefferson And His Time, Little Brown (1948) 5vols
Umbreit, Kenneth Bernard, Founding Fathers: Men Who Shaped Our Tradition, Harper & Bros (1941)

James Madison
Adams, Henry, History of The United States of America During The Administration of James Madison, Library of Congress, Government Printing Office (1906)
Brant, Irving, James Madison, Bobbs-Merrill (1941-1961) 6vols
Madison, James, Selected Papers of James Madison, Harper & Row (1974) 8vols

James Monroe
Ammon, Henry, James Monroe: The Quest For National Identity, McGraw-Hill (1971)

John Q Adams
Adams, Charles Francis (Ed.), Memoirs of John Quincy Adams (Philadelphia 1875) 12 vols
Adams, James Truslow, The Adams Family, Little, Brown & Co (1930)
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, John Quincy Adams, AA Knopf (1949-1956) 2 vols
Shepherd, Jack, The Adams Chronicles: Four Generations of Greatness, Little, Brown (1975)

Andrew Jackson
Bassett, John (Ed.), Correspondence of Andrew Jackson (Washington, DC 1926-1935) 7 vols
Jackson, Andrew, The Papers of Andrew Jackson, (University of Tennessee 1980) 2vols
Remini, Robert V, The Election of Andrew Jackson, Lippincott (1963)
Remini, Robert V, Andrew Jackson, Harper & Row (1977-1984) 3 vols

Martin Van Buren
Holmes, Alexander, The American Talleyrand: The Career and Contemporaries of Martin Van Buren (New York 1935)
Van Buren, Martin, The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren (New York 1918)

William Henry Harrison
Goebel, Dorothy, William Henry Harrison: A Political Biography (Indianapolis 1926)

John Tyler
Chidsey, Donald Barr, And Tyler Too, T Nelson (1978)

James Polk
Morrel, Martha McBride, Young Hickory: The Life And Times of President James K Polk, EP Dutton (1949)
Sellers, Charles, James K. Polk: Continentalist, 1843-1846 (Princeton University 1957) 2 vols

Zachary Taylor
Hamilton, Holman, Zachary Taylor, Soldier In The White House, Bobbs-Merrill Co (1951)

Millard Fillmore
Rayback, Robert J, Millard Fillmore: Biography of A President, Buffalo Historical Society (1959)

Franklin Pierce
Nichols, Roy F, Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of The Granite Hills (Washington, DC 1993)

James Buchanan
Moore, John Bassett (Ed.), The Works of James Buchanan (Philadelphia 1910) 12 vols

Abraham Lincoln
Catton, William & Catton, Bruce, Two Roads To Sumter, McGraw-Hill (1963)
Cuomo, Mario & Holzer, Harold (Ed.), Lincoln On Democracy, Harper Collins (1990)
Lincoln, Abraham, The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (Rutgers University 1953)
McBride, Robert W, Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, Bobbs-Merrill (1926)
Mitgang, Herbert (Ed), Abraham Lincoln: A Press Portrait, His Life And Times From The Original Newspaper Documents of The Union, The Confederacy, And Europe (Washington, DC 1971)
Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln, Harcourt, Brace & Co (1926-1939) 6vols

Andrew Johnson
Johnson, Andrew, The Papers of Andrew Johnson (University of Tennessee 1967) 7vols
McKitrick, Eric L, Andrew Johnson And Reconstruction (University of Chicago 1960)
Milton, George F, The Age of Hate: Andrew Johnson And The Radicals, Coward-McCann (1930)
Smith, Gene, High Crimes And Misdemeanors: The Impeachment And Trial of Andrew Johnson, Morrow (1977)

Ulysses Grant
Grant, Ulysses, The Papers of Ulysses S Grant (Southern Illinois University 1967) 16vols

Rutherford Hayes
Davison, Kenneth E, The Presidency of Rutherford B Hayes, Greenwood Press (1972)

James Garfield
Peskin, Allen, Garfield: A Biography (Kent State University 1978)

Grover Cleveland
McElroy, Robert, Grover Cleveland: The Man and The Statesman (New York 1923) 2 vols
Nevins, Allan, Grover Cleveland: A Study In Courage, Dodd, Meade & Co (New York 1932)

Benjamin Harrison
Sievers, Harry J, Benjamin Harrison, H Regnery & Co (1959-1968) 3vols

Theodore Roosevelt
Kelley, Frank K, The Fight For The White House: The Story of 1912, Crowell (1961)
Manners, William, TR & Will: A Friendship That Split The Republican Party, Harcourt, Brace & World (1969)
McCullough, David, Mornings On Horseback, Simon & Schuster (1981)
Morris, Edmund, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan (1979)
Roosevelt, Theodore, The Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt, Scribners (1958)

William Taft
Kelley, Frank K, The Fight For The White House: The Story of 1912, Crowell (1961)
Manners, William, TR & Will: A Friendship That Split The Republican Party, Harcourt, Brace & World (1969)
Mason, Alpheus Thomas, William Howard Taft: Chief Justice, Simon & Schuster (1964)

Woodrow Wilson
Alsop, Em Bowles (Ed), intro by Eisenhower, Dwight, The Greatness of Woodrow Wilson, Rinehart & Co (1956)
Baker, Ray Stannard, Woodrow Wilson, Life And Letters, Doubleday, Page & Co (1927-1939) 8vols
Daniels, Josephus, The Wilson Era: The Years of Peace, 1910-1917 (Chapel Hill, NC 1944)
Hoover, Herbert, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, McGraw-Hill (1958)
Kelley, Frank K, The Fight For The White House: The Story of 1912, Crowell (1961)
Tumulty, Joseph P, Woodrow Wilson As I Know Him, Doubleday & Co (1921)
Wilson, Woodrow, The Papers of Woodrow Wilson (Princeton University 1966) 45vols

Warren Harding
Britton, Nan, The President’s Daughter, Elizabeth Ann Guild (1927)
Means, Gaston B, The Strange Death of President Harding, From The Diaries of Gaston B Means, Guild Publishing Corp (1930)
Mee, Charles L, The Ohio Gang: The World of Warren G Harding, M Evans (1981)
Murray, Robert K, The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory And Practice In The Harding-Coolidge Era, Norton (1973)

Calvin Coolidge
Murray, Robert K, The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory And Practice In The Harding-Coolidge Era, Norton (1973)

Herbert Hoover
Hoover, Herbert, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, Macmillan (1951-1952) 3vols
Nash, George H, The Life of Herbert Hoover, WW Norton (1980) 2vols
Rosen, Elliot A, Hoover, Roosevelt And The Brains Trust: From Depression To New Deal (Columbia University 1977)

Franklin Roosevelt
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, No Ordinary Time: Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt, The Homefront In WWII, Simon & Schuster (1994)
Loewenhern, FL & Langley, HD & Jonas, M (Eds), Roosevelt & Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence, Saturday Review Press (1975)
Mooney, Booth, Roosevelt & Rayburn: A Political Partnership, Lippincott (1971)
Perkins, Frances, The Roosevelt I Knew,Viking Penguin (New York 1946)
Roosevelt, Eleanor, This I Remember, Harper (1949)
Roosevelt, Franklin, The Public Papers And Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt (New York 1938-1950) 13 vols
Rosen, Elliot A, Hoover, Roosevelt And The Brains Trust: From Depression To New Deal (Columbia University 1977)
Schlesinger, Arthur M, The Age of Roosevelt, Houghton Mifflin (1957) 3vols

Harry Truman
McCullough, David, Truman, Simon & Schuster (1992)
Truman, Harry, Memoirs (Garden City, NY 1956) 2 vols
Truman, Margaret, Harry S Truman, William Morrow & Co (1973)

Dwight Eisenhower
Eisenhower, Dwight, At Ease: Stories I Tell To Friends, Doubleday (1967)
Eisenhower, Dwight, The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, Johns Hopkins Press (1970) 9vols

John Kennedy
Ayres, Alex (Ed), The Wit And Wisdom of John F Kennedy, Meridian (1996)
Bradlee, Benjamin C, Conversations With Kennedy, Norton (1975)
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, The Fitzgeralds & The Kennedys, Simon & Schuster (1986)
Lincoln, Evelyn, My Twelve Years With John F Kennedy, D McKay Co (1965)
Manchester, William, Portrait of A President, Little, Brown (1967)
May, Ernest R & Zelikow, Philip D, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside The White House During The Cuban Missile Crisis (Harvard University 1997)
Salinger, Pierre, With Kennedy, Doubleday (1966)
Schlesinger, Arthur M, A Thousand Days: John F Kennedy In The White House, Houghton Mifflin (1965)
Sorensen, Theodore, Kennedy, Harper & Row (1965)

Lyndon Johnson
Califano, Joseph A, The Triumph And Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson: The White House Years, Simon & Schuster (1991)
Kearns, Doris, Lyndon Johnson And The American Dream, Harper & Row (1976)
Valenti, Jack, A Very Human President, Norton (1975)

Richard Nixon
Ambrose, Stephen, Nixon: The Education of A Politician, 1913-1962, Simon & Schuster (1987)
Ehrlichman, John, Witness To Power: The Nixon Years, Simon & Schuster (1982)
Nixon, Richard, The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, Grosset & Dunlap (1978)
Nixon, Richard, Six Crises (New York 1962)
Safire, William, Before The Fall: An Inside View of The Pre-Watergate White House, Doubleday (1975)

Gerald Ford
Ford, Gerald, A Time To Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R Ford, Harper & Row (New York 1979)

Jimmy Carter
Carter, James, A Government As Good As Its People, Simon & Schuster (New York 1977)
Carter, James, Turning Point: A Candidate, A State, A Nation Comes of Age, Times Books (1992)
Schram, Martin, Running For President 1976: The Carter Campaign, Stein & Day (1977)

Ronald Reagan
Blumenthal, Sidney, Our Long National Daydream: A Political Pageant of The Reagan Era, Harper & Row (1988)
Morris, Edmund, Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan, Random House (1998)
Moynihan, Daniel P., Came The Revolution: Argument In The Reagan Era Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich (New York 1988)
Reagan, Ronald & Hubler, Richard G, Where’s The Rest of Me?, Duell, Sloan & Pearce (1965)

General Bibliography
Adams, Henry, History of The United States of America (New York 1917) 9 vols
Bryan, William J., The First Battle: A Story of The Campaign of 1896 (Chicago 1896)
Butler, Nicholas Murray, Across The Busy Years, Charles Scribner’s Sons (New York 1939) 2 vols
Hamilton, Alexander, The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, (ed. Harold Syrett, 1961-1979) 26 vols
Hamilton, Alexander & Madison, James & Jay, John, The Federalist Papers (1787-1788)
Henry, Patrick & Smith, Melancton, et al., The Anti-Federalist Papers (1787-1788) (University of Chicago 1981)
Hibben, Paxton, The Peerless Leader: William Jennings Bryan (New York 1929)
Lieberman, Jethro K., The Enduring Constitution, Harper & Row (New York 1987)
Locke, John, Concerning Civil Government (Oxford 1690) (University of Chicago 1952)
Lodge, Henry Cabot (Ed.), The Works of Alexander Hamilton, (New York 1885-1886) 9 vols
Maier, Pauline, American Scripture: Making The Declaration of Independence, Alfred A Knopf (New York 1997)
Manchester, William, The Glory and The Dream: A Narrative History of America (Boston 1974) 2 vols
McGovern, George, Grassroots: The Autobiography of George McGovern, Random House (New York 1977)
Mencken, H. L., On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe (New York 1960)
Mill, John Stuart, Considerations On Representative Government (London 1861)
Morris, Richard B. (Ed.), Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation, Dial Press (New York 1957)
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, A Discourse On Political Economy (1755), (trans University of Chicago 1952)
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, The Social Contract (1762), (trans University of Chicago 1952)
Schlesinger, Arthur, The Crisis of The Old Order (Boston 1957)
Schlesinger, Arthur (Ed.), A History of American Political Elections, (New York 1971) 4 vols
Schurz, Carl, Henry Clay (New York 1915) 2 vols
Stevenson, Adlai, Major Campaign Speeches of Adlai E. Stevenson 1952 (New York 1953)
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy In America (Paris 1835-1840)
Truman, Margaret (Ed.), Where The Buck Stops: The Personal And Private Writings of Harry S Truman, Warner Books (1989)
White, Theodore, The Making of The President 1960, Atheneum Publ. (New York 1961)
White, Theodore, The Making of The President 1964, Atheneum Publ. (New York 1965)
White, Theodore, The Making of The President 1968, Atheneum Publ. (New York 1969)
White, Theodore, The Making of The President 1972, Atheneum Publ. (New York 1973)
Woodford, Frank B., Lewis Cass (Rutgers University 1950)

Connecticut Courant (Hartford 15 September 1800)
A Political Sermon Addressed To The Electors of Middlesex (New York 1808)
Remarks On The Majority And Minority Reports of The Select Committee On Secret Societies In The House of Delegates In Maryland (Annapolis 1856)
?Conservative?Ribaldry? Harper’s Weekly (24 September 1864)
“Mr. Lincoln Drawing His Salary In Gold? The World (New York 3 October 1864)
“The Gold Payment Slander? New York Times (20 October 1864)
Official Proceedings of The Republican National Convention, 1884 (Chicago 1884)
“Mr. Bryan’s Address on Imperialism? Outlook (18 August 1900)
“The Presidential Campaign: Third Term Realities? Outlook (17 February 1912)
“The Battle of Chicago? Newsweek (9 September 1968)
Adams, Samuel H., “Presidential Campaign Whispers? Life (2 October 1944) [1828 election]
Bradford, Gamaliel, “James Gillespie Blaine? Atlantic Monthly (October 1920) [1884 election]
Bryant, William C., The Embargo (1808-1809)
Evjen, Henry O., “The Willkie Campaign: An Unfortunate Chapter In Republican Leadership? Journal of Politics (May 1952) [1940 election]
Hamilton, Alexander, Concerning The Public Conduct And Character of John Adams (New York 24 October 1800)
Hammond, Charles, “View of General Jackson’s Domestic Relations In Reference To His Fitness For The Presidency? Truth’s Advocacy (Cincinnati January 1828)
House of Representatives, Pardon of Richard Nixon And Related Matters: Hearings Before the Subcommittee On Criminal Justice Of The Committee On The Judiciary, House of Representatives, September 24, October 1, October 17, 1974 (Washington, DC 1975)
Kaplan, Sidney, “The Miscegenation Issue In The Election of 1864? Journal of Negro History (July 1949)
Lodge, Henry Cabot, The Address of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts In Honor of Theodore Roosevelt, ex President of The United States, Before The Congress of The United States, Sunday, February 9, 1919 (Washington, DC 1919)
Marshall, Lynn, “The Strange Stillbirth of The Whig Party? American Historical Review (January 1967) [1828 election]
Mason, John, The Voice of Warning, To Christians, On The Ensuing Election of A President of The United States (New York 1800)
Mayo, Bernard, “The Man Who Killed Tecumseh? American Mercury (April 1930) [1836 election]
Minnigerode, Meade, “Presidential Campaigns: The Buchaneers, 1856? Saturday Evening Post (17 March 1928)
Ogle, Charles, The Regal Splendor of The President’s Palace, House of Representatives (18 April 1840)
Paullin, C. O., “The Electoral Vote For John Quincy Adams In 1820? American Historical Review (January 1916)
Read, Allen W., “The Evidence On O.K.? Saturday Review of Literature (19 July 1941) [1840 election]
Smith, Alfred E., “Catholic And Patriot: Governor Smith Replies? Atlantic Monthly (May 1927)

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