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Presidential Elections 1789-2000

Presidential Candidate		        Popular		Elec	States	Vice Presidential Candidate

Gen George Washington (VA)				 69	10
Amb John Adams (MA)					 34	 6
Amb John Jay (NY)					  9	 3
judge Robert Hanson Harrison (MD)			  6	 1

1789-1800 each elector cast 2 ballots, with no distinction made between
President & Vice President. 10 states were the maximum since NC & RI
had not yet ratified the Constitution & NY had not yet chosen electors. 1792 Pres George Washington (VA) 132 15 VP John Adams (MA) 77 10 Gov George Clinton (NY) 50 5 Sec Thomas Jefferson (VA) 4 2 1796 VP John Adams (F-MA) 71 12 Thomas Jefferson (DR-VA) 68 8 Amb Thomas Pinckney (F-SC) 59 11 Sen Aaron Burr (DR-NY) 30 6 1800 VP Thomas Jefferson (DR-VA) 73 9 Aaron Burr (DR-NY) 73 9 Pres John Adams (F-MA) 65 10 Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (F-SC) 64 10 Gov John Jay (F-NY) 1 1 The Jefferson/Burr tie was decided by the House: Jefferson-10, Burr-4. 1804 Pres Thomas Jefferson (DR-VA) 162 15 Gov George Clinton (DR-NY) St Sen Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (F-SC) 14 2 Amb Rufus King (F-NY) The 12th Amendment (1804) had each elector cast 1 vote for President & 1 for Vice President. 1808 Sec James Madison (DR-VA) 122 12 VP George Clinton (DR-NY) St Sen Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (F-SC) 47 5 Amb Rufus King (F-NY) VP George Clinton (DR-NY) 6 0 1812 Pres James Madison (DR-VA) 128 11 Gov Elbridge Gerry (DR-MA) Lt Gov DeWitt Clinton (F-NY) 89 7 Charles Jared Ingersoll (F-PA) 1816 Sec James Monroe (DR-VA) 183 16 Gov Daniel D Tompkins (DR-NY) Sen Rufus King (F-NY) 34 3 Sen John Eager Howard (F-MD) 1820 Pres James Monroe (DR-VA) 231 24 VP Daniel D Tompkins (DR-NY) Sec John Quincy Adams (DR-MA) 1 0 Monroe ran unopposed. Adams received one NH elector vote, possibly to preserve Washington’s status of unanimity. 1824 Sec John Quincy Adams (DR-MA) 113,122 84 7 Sec John Caldwell Calhoun (DR-SC) Sen Andrew Jackson (DR-TN) 151,271 99 11 Sec John Caldwell Calhoun (DR-SC) Sec William Harris Crawford (DR-GA) 40,856 41 3 Sen Nathaniel Macon (DR-NC) Rep Henry Clay (DR-KY) 47,531 37 3 Sen Nathan Sanford (DR-NY) A lack of majority threw the election to the House, which could only consider
the top three contenders. The House voted Adams-13, Jackson-7, Crawford-4. 1828 Sen Andrew Jackson (D-TN) 642,553 178 15 VP John Caldwell Calhoun (D-SC) Pres John Quincy Adams (NR-MA) 500,897 83 9 Sec Richard Rush (NR-PA) 1832 Pres Andrew Jackson (D-TN) 701,780 219 16 Sec Martin Van Buren (D-NY) Sen Henry Clay (NR-KY) 484,205 49 6 Rep John Sargeant (NR-PA) Gov John Floyd (Ind-VA) 11 1 Henry Lee (Ind-MA) William Wirt (AM-MD) 100,715 7 1 Amos Ellmaker (AM-PA) 1836 VP Martin Van Buren (D-NY) 764,176 170 15 Rep Richard Mentor Johnson (D-KY) Sen William Henry Harrison (W-OH) 550,816 73 7 Rep Francis Granger (W-NY) Sen Hugh Lawson White (W-TN) 146,107 26 2 Sen John Tyler (W-VA) Sen Daniel Webster (W-MA) 41,201 14 1 Sen William Person Mangum(W-NC) 11 1 A new party, the Whigs felt they were not strong enough to win the general election, so the strategy was to promote several regional candidates & throw the election
into the House. It failed. 1840 Sen William Henry Harrison (W-OH) 1,275,390 234 19 Sen John Tyler (W-VA) Pres Martin Van Buren (D-NY) 1,128,854 60 7 VP Richard Mentor Johnson (D-KY) 1844 Gov James Knox Polk (D-TN) 1,339,494 170 15 Amb George Mifflin Dallas (D-PA) Sen Henry Clay (W-KY) 1,300,004 105 11 Sen Theodore Frelinghuysen (W-NJ) President Tyler, having been expelled from the Whig party, was nominated by a
faction of the Democratic Party, but withdrew 16 days before the election. Frelinghuysen was great-great grandfather of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (1960 Rep VP nominee)
[and incidentally, a relative of mine]. 1848 Gen Zachary Taylor (W-LA) 1,361,393 163 15 Rep Millard Fillmore (W-NY) Sen Lewis Cass (D-MI) 1,223,460 127 15 Rep William Orlando Butler (D-KY) Martin Van Buren (FS-NY) 291,501 0 0 St Sen Charles Francis Adams (FS-MA) Adams was the son of President John Quincy Adams. 1852 Sen Franklin Pierce (D-NH) 1,607,510 254 27 Sen William Rufus Devane King (D-AL) Gen Winfield Scott (W-NJ) 1,386,942 42 4 Sec William Alexander Graham (W-NC) Sec Daniel Webster (W-MA) 6,994 0 0 Webster had been a candidate for the Whig nomination. 1856 Amb James Buchanan (D-PA) 1,836,072 174 19 Rep John Cabell Breckinridge (D-KY) Sen John Charles Fremont (R-CA) 1,342,345 114 11 Sen William Lewis Dayton (R-NJ) Millard Fillmore (Am-NY) 873,053 8 1 Amb Andrew Jackson Donelson (Am-TN) The anti-abolition faction of the American Party was commonly called the Know-Nothings. Donelson was President Andrew Jackson’s nephew. 1860 Rep Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) 1,865,908 180 18 Sen Hannibal Hamlin (R-ME) VP John Cabell Breckinridge (D-KY) 848,019 72 11 Sen Joseph Lane (D-OR) Sen John Bell (CU-TN) 590,901 39 3 Sen Edward Everett (CU-MA) Sen Stephen Arnold Douglas (D-IL) 1,380,202 12 1 Gov Herschel Vespasian Johnson (D-GA) Douglas was the official Democratic candidate, while Breckinridge was the
Southern (or National) Democratic candidate. 1864 Pres Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) 2,218,388 212 22 Sen Andrew Johnson (D-TN) Gen George Brinton McClellan (D-NY) 1,812,807 21 3 Rep George Hunt Pendleton (D-OH) 11 states had seceded and did not participate in the election. 1868 Gen Ulysses Simpson Grant (R-IL) 3,013,650 214 26 Rep Schuyler Colfax (R-IN) Gov Horatio Seymour (D-NY) 2,708,744 80 8 Rep Francis Preston Blair (D-MO) 1872 Pres Ulysses Simpson Grant (R-IL) 3,598,235 286 29 Sen Henry Wilson (R-MA) Horace Greeley (D-NY) 2,834,761 66 8 Gov Benjamin Gratz Brown (D-MO) Greeley died 24 days after the general election and his electoral votes were
split between 4 other candidates. 1876 Gov Rutherford Birchard Hayes (R-OH) 4,034,311 185* 21 Rep William Almon Wheeler (R-NY) Gov Samuel Jones Tilden (D-NY) 4,288,546 184 17 Gov Thomas Andrews Hendricks (D-IN) Originally, Tilden won 184 to Hayes’ 165, but 20 disputed electoral votes from
FL, LA, OR & SC were sent to a joint Senate-House committee made of 8 Republicans
& 7 Democrats. Predictably, Hayes was given each of the four states 8-7. 1880 Rep James Abram Garfield (R-OH) 4,446,158 214 19 Chester Alan Arthur (R-NY) Gen Winfield Scott Hancock (D-PA) 4,444,260 155 19 Rep William Hayden English (D-IN) Closest popular vote in history. 1884 Gov Grover Cleveland (D-NY) 4,874,621 219 20 Gov Thomas Andrews Hendricks (D-IN) James Gillespie Blaine (R-ME) 4,848,936 182 18 Sen John Alexander Logan (R-IL) 1888 Sen Benjamin Harrison (R-IN) 5,443,892 233 20 Amb Levi Parsons Morton (R-NY) Pres Grover Cleveland (D-NY) 5,534,488 168 18 Sen Allen Granberry Thurman (D-OH) 1892 Grover Cleveland (D-NY) 5,551,883 277 23 Rep Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL) Pres Benjamin Harrison (R-IN) 5,179,244 145 16 Amb Whitelaw Reid (R-NY) James Baird Weaver (Pe-IA) 1,024,280 22 4 James Gaven Field (Pe-VA) Stevenson was the grandfather of Governor Adlai Stevenson (1952 & 1956 Dem nominee). 1896 Gov William McKinley (R-OH) 7,108,480 271 23 Garret Augustus Hobart (R-NJ) Rep William Jennings Bryan (D-NE) 6,511,495 176 22 Arthur Sewall (D-ME) 1900 Pres William McKinley (R-OH) 7,218,039 292 28 Gov Theodore Roosevelt (R-NY) William Jennings Bryan (D-NE) 6,358,345 155 17 Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL) 1904 Pres Theodore Roosevelt (R-NY) 7,626,593 336 32 Sen Charles Warren Fairbanks (R-IN) judge Alton Brooks Parker (D-NY) 5,082,989 140 13 Sen Henry Gassaway Davis (D-WV) 1908 Sec William Howard Taft (R-OH) 7,676,258 321 29 Rep James Schoolcraft Sherman (R-NY) William Jennings Bryan (D-NE) 6,406,801 162 17 St Sen John Worth Kern (D-IN) 1912 Gov Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ) 6,293,152 435 40 Gov Thomas Riley Marshall (D-IN) Theodore Roosevelt (P-NY) 4,119,207 88 6 Gov Hiram Warren Johnson (P-CA) Pres William Howard Taft (R-OH) 3,486,333 8 2 Nicholas Murray Butler (R-NY) VP James Sherman was the original Rep VP nominee, but died 6 days before the
election & was replaced by Columbia University President Nicholas Butler. 1916 Pres Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ) 9,126,300 277 30 VP Thomas Riley Marshall (D-IN) Justice Charles Evans Hughes (R-NY) 8,546,789 254 18 Charles Warren Fairbanks (R-IN) 1920 Sen Warren Gamaliel Harding (R-OH) 16,153,115 404 37 Gov Calvin Coolidge (R-MA) Gov James Middleton Cox (D-OH) 9,133,092 127 11 Sec Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY) 1924 Pres Calvin Coolidge (R-MA) 15,719,921 382 35 Charles Gates Dawes (R-IL) Amb John William Davis (D-WV) 8,386,704 136 12 Gov Charles Wayland Bryan (D-NE) Sen Robert Marion La Follette (P-WI) 4,832,532 13 1 Sen Burton Kendall Wheeler (P-MT) 1928 Sec Herbert Clark Hoover (R-CA) 21,437,277 444 40 Sen Charles Curtis (R-KS) Gov Alfred Emanuel Smith (D-NY) 15,007,698 87 8 Sen Joseph Taylor Robinson (D-AR) 1932 (52.5% voter turnout) Gov Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY) 22,829,501 472 42 Rep John Nance Garner (D-TX) Pres Herbert Clark Hoover (R-CA) 15,760,684 59 6 VP Charles Curtis (R-KS) 1936 (56.9% voter turnout) Pres Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY) 27,757,333 523 46 VP John Nance Garner (D-TX) Gov Alfred Mossman Landon (R-KS) 16,684,231 8 2 William Franklin Knox (R-IL) Roosevelt won the largest electoral majority in history. Knox became Roosevelt’s Secretary of Navy (1940-1944). 1940 (58.9% voter turnout) Pres Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY) 27,313,041 449 38 Sec Henry Agard Wallace (D-IA) Wendell Lewis Willkie (R-IN) 22,348,480 82 10 Sen Charles Linza McNary (R-OR) Jackson, Cleveland & Roosevelt are the only people to win a plurality of votes
in 3 elections. McNary declined appointment to Supreme Court by Roosevelt in 1942. 1944 (56% voter turnout) Pres Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY) 25,612,610 432 36 Sen Harry S Truman (D-MO) Gov Thomas Edmund Dewey (R-NY) 22,017,617 99 12 Gov John William Bricker (R-OH) 1948 (51.1% voter turnout) Pres Harry S Truman (D-MO) 24,179,345 303 28 Sen Alben William Barkley (D-KY) Gov Thomas Edmund Dewey (R-NY) 21,991,291 189 16 Gov Earl Warren (R-CA) Gov James Strom Thurmond (SR-SC) 1,176,125 39 4 Gov Fielding Lewis Wright (SR-MS) Henry Agard Wallace (P-IA) 1,157,326 0 0 Sen Glen Hearst Taylor (P-ID) 1952 (61.6% voter turnout) Gen Dwight David Eisenhower (R-NY) 33,936,234 442 39 Sen Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA) Gov Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL) 27,314,992 89 9 Sen John Jackson Sparkman (D-AL) Stevenson was the grandson of Vice President Adlai Stevenson (1892 & 1900 Democratic VP nominee). 1956 (59.3% voter turnout) Pres Dwight David Eisenhower (R-NY) 35,590,472 457 41 VP Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA) Gov Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL) 26,022,752 73 7 Sen Carey Estes Kefauver (D-TN) judge Walter Burgwyn Jones (D-AL) 1 0 Jones received 1 electoral vote from a Stevenson AL elector. 1960 (62.8% voter turnout) Sen John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D-MA) 34,226,731 303 22 Sen Lyndon Baines Johnson (D-TX) VP Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA) 34,108,157 219 26 Sen Henry Cabot Lodge (R-MA) Sen Harry Flood Byrd (D-VA) 116,248 15 2 Byrd was never officially a candidate, but was supported by Southern factions
of the Democratic Party. Lodge was the great-great grandson of Senator Theodore Frelinghuysen (1844 Whig VP nominee). 1964 (61.9% voter turnout) Pres Lyndon Baines Johnson (D-TX) 43,129,566 486 44 Sen Hubert Horatio Humphrey (D-MN) Sen Barry Morris Goldwater (R-AZ) 27,178,188 52 6 Rep William Edward Miller (R-NY) Johnson won the largest popular majority in history. 1968 (60.9% voter turnout) Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA) 31,785,480 301 32 Gov Spiro Theodore Agnew (R-MD) VP Hubert Horatio Humphrey (D-MN) 31,275,166 191 13 Sen Edmund Sixtus Muskie (D-ME) Gov George Corley Wallace (Ind-AL) 9,906,473 46 5 Gen Curtis Emerson LeMay (Ind-OH) 1972 (55.2% voter turnout) Pres Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA) 47,169,911 520 49 VP Spiro Theodore Agnew (R-MD) Sen George Stanley McGovern (D-SD) 29,170,383 17 1 Amb Robert Sargent Shriver (D-MD) Prof John Hospers (Lib-CA) 3,673 1 0 Theodora Nathalia Nathan (Lib-OR) Hospers received one electoral vote from a Nixon VA elector. Shriver was brother-in-law of President John Kennedy. 1976 (53.5% voter turnout) Gov James Earl Carter (D-GA) 40,830,763 297 21 Sen Walter Frederick Mondale (D-MN) Pres Gerald Rudolph Ford (R-MI) 39,147,793 240 29 Sen Robert Joseph Dole (R-KS) Gov Ronald Wilson Reagan (R-CA) 1 0 Reagan was not a candidate, but had been a contender for the Republican Presidential
nomination. He received one electoral vote from a Ford WA elector. 1980 (52.8% voter turnout) Ronald Wilson Reagan (R-CA) 43,904,153 489 44 George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX) Pres James Earl Carter (D-GA) 35,483,883 49 6 VP Walter Frederick Mondale (D-MN) Rep John Bayard Anderson (Ind-IL) 5,720,020 0 0 1984 (53.3% voter turnout) Pres Ronald Wilson Reagan (R-CA) 54,455,075 525 49 VP George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX) Walter Frederick Mondale (D-MN) 37,577,185 13 1 Rep Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY) Ferraro was the 1st female on a major party ticket. 1988 (50.3% voter turnout) VP George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX) 48,886,097 426 40 Sen James Danforth Quayle (R-IN) Gov Michael Stanley Dukakis (D-MA) 41,809,074 111 10 Sen Lloyd Millard Bentsen (D-TX) Sen Lloyd Millard Bentsen (D-TX) 1 0 Bentsen received one electoral vote from a Dukakis WV elector. 1992 (55.1% voter turnout) Gov William Jefferson Clinton (D-AR) 44,909,326 370 32 Sen Albert Arnold Gore (D-TN) Pres George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX) 39,103,883 168 18 VP James Danforth Quayle (R-IN) H Ross Perot (Ind-TX) 19,741,657 0 0 Adm James Stockdale (Ind-CA) 1996 (48.9% voter turnout) Pres William Jefferson Clinton (D-AR) 47,401,185 379 31 VP Albert Arnold Gore (D-TN) Sen Robert Joseph Dole (R-KS) 39,197,469 159 19 Rep Jack French Kemp (R-NY) 2000 (51.2% voter turnout) Gov George Walker Bush (R-TX) 50,459,211 271* 30 Richard Bruce Cheney (R-WY) VP Albert Arnold Gore (D-TN) 51,003,894 266 20 Sen Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) Disputed FL votes were given to Bush by the Supreme Court.

In most elections there are a number of candidates, only those who won electoral votes are included here, with notable exceptions.

By Share of Popular Vote 	         By Share of Electoral Vote            
61.1 % 	1964	Lyndon Johnson	        100 %	1789	George Washington
60.8 % 	1936	Franklin Roosevelt	100 %	1792	George Washington
60.7 %	1972	Richard Nixon	        98.5 %	1936 	Franklin Roosevelt
60.3 % 	1920	Warren Harding	        98.3 %	1820	James Monroe
58.8 % 	1984	Ronald Reagan	        97.6 %	1984	Ronald Reagan 
58.2 % 	1928	Herbert Hoover	        96.7 %	1972	Richard Nixon 
57.4 % 	1932	Franklin Roosevelt	92.0 %	1804	Thomas Jefferson
57.4 % 	1956	Dwight Eisenhower	90.9 %	1980	Ronald Reagan 
56.4 % 	1904	Theodore Roosevelt	90.6 %	1864	Abraham Lincoln
56.0 % 	1828	Andrew Jackson	        90.3 %	1964	Lyndon Johnson 
55.6 % 	1872	Ulysses Grant	        88.9 %	1932	Franklin Roosevelt
55.1 % 	1952	Dwight Eisenhower	86.1 %	1956	Dwight Eisenhower 
55.0 % 	1864	Abraham Lincoln	        85.8 %	1852	Franklin Pierce 
54.7 % 	1940	Franklin Roosevelt	84.6 %	1940	Franklin Roosevelt 
54.2 % 	1832	Andrew Jackson	        83.6 %	1928	Herbert Hoover 
54.0 % 	1924	Calvin Coolidge	        83.2 %	1952	Dwight Eisenhower 
53.4 % 	1944	Franklin Roosevelt	82.8 %	1816	James Monroe 
53.4 % 	1988	George Bush	        81.9 %	1912	Woodrow Wilson 
52.9 % 	1840	William Harrison	81.4 %	1944	Franklin Roosevelt 
52.7 % 	1868	Ulysses Grant	        79.6 %	1840	William Harrison 
51.7 % 	1900	William McKinley	79.2 %	1988	George Bush 
51.6 % 	1908	William Taft	        78.1 %	1872	Ulysses Grant 
51.0 % 	1896	William McKinley	76.6 %	1832	Andrew Jackson 
50.8 % 	1836	Martin Van Buren	76.1 %	1920	Warren Harding 
50.8 % 	1852	Franklin Pierce	        72.8 %	1868	Ulysses Grant 
50.7 % 	1980	Ronald Reagan	        71.9 %	1924	Calvin Coolidge 
50.1 % 	1976	Jimmy Carter	        70.6 %	1904	Theodore Roosevelt 
50.1 % 	1996	Bill Clinton	        70.4 %	1996	Bill Clinton 
49.7 % 	1960	John Kennedy	        69.3 %	1808	James Madison 
49.6 % 	1948	Harry Truman	        68.8 %	1992	Bill Clinton 
49.5 % 	1844	James Polk	        68.2 %	1828	Andrew Jackson 
49.2 % 	1916	Woodrow Wilson	        66.5 %	1908	William Taft 
48.5 % 	1884	Grover Cleveland	65.3 %	1900	William McKinley 
48.3 % 	1880	James Garfield	        62.4 %	1892	Grover Cleveland 
48.0 % 	1876	Rutherford Hayes*	61.8 %	1844	James Polk 
47.9 % 	2000	George W Bush*	        60.6 %	1896	William McKinley 
47.8 %	1888	Benjamin Harrison*	59.4 %	1860	Abraham Lincoln 
47.3 % 	1848	Zachary Taylor	        58.8 %	1856	James Buchanan 
46.1 % 	1892	Grover Cleveland	58.7 %	1812	James Madison 
45.3 % 	1856	James Buchanan	        58.1 %	1888	Benjamin Harrison 
43.4 % 	1968	Richard Nixon	        58.0 %	1880	James Garfield 
43.0 % 	1992	Bill Clinton	        57.8 %	1836	Martin Van Buren 
41.8 % 	1912	Woodrow Wilson	        57.1 %	1948	Harry Truman 
39.8 %	1860	Abraham Lincoln	        56.4 %	1960	John Kennedy 
30.9 %	1824	John Q Adams*	        56.2 %	1848	Zachary Taylor 
			                55.9 %	1968	Richard Nixon 
			                55.2 %	1976	Jimmy Carter 
			                54.6 %	1884	Grover Cleveland 
			                52.9 %	1800	Thomas Jefferson*
			                52.2 %	1916	Woodrow Wilson 
			                51.4 %	1796	John Adams 
			                50.4 %	2000	George W Bush* 
			                50.1 %	1876	Rutherford Hayes* 
			                32.2 %	1824	John Q Adams* 
* Won without a plurality

Campaign Frequency of Major Candidates
Ran	Candidate	Party	        Won
6  Norman Thomas	Socialist	0
5  Eugene Debs	        Socialist	0
4  Franklin Roosevelt	Democrat	4
4  Thomas Jefferson	Dem-Rep	        2
4  John Adams	        Federalist	1
4  George Clinton	Dem-Rep	        0
4  Farrell Dobbs	Soc Workers	0
4  Gus Hall	        Communist	0
4  Eric Hass	        Soc Labor	0
4  Lyndon LaRouche	Independent	0
4  Charles C Pinckney	Federalist	0
4  John Zahnd	        Greenback	0
3  Grover Cleveland	Democrat	2
3  Andrew Jackson	Democrat	2
3  Richard Nixon	Republican	2
3  Martin Van Buren	Democrat	1
3  William J Bryan	Democrat	0
3  Aaron Burr	        Dem-Rep	        0
3  Henry Clay	        Whig	        0
3  William Foster	Worker's	0
3  John Jay	        Federalist	0
3  Eugene McCarthy	Independent	0
2  Bill Clinton	        Democrat	2
2  Dwight Eisenhower	Republican	2
2  Ulysses Grant	Republican	2
2  Abraham Lincoln	Republican	2
2  James Madison	Dem-Rep	        2
2  William McKinley	Republican	2
2  James Monroe	        Dem-Rep	        2
2  Ronald Reagan	Republican	2
2  George Washington	N/P	        2
2  Woodrow Wilson	Democrat	2
2  John Q Adams	        Dem-Rep	        1
2  George Bush	        Republican	1
2  Jimmy Carter	        Democrat	1
2  Benjamin Harrison	Republican	1
2  William Harrison	Whig	        1
2  Herbert Hoover	Republican	1
2  Theodore Roosevelt	Republican	1
2  William Taft	        Republican	1
2  James G Birney	Liberty	        0
2  Harry Byrd	        Democrat	0
2  Thomas Dewey	        Republican	0
2  John Fremont	        Republican	0
2  Ross Perot	        Independent	0
2  Adlai Stevenson	Democrat	0
2  James Weaver	        People's	0
1  James Buchanan	Democrat	1
1  Calvin Coolidge	Republican	1
1  James Garfield	Republican	1
1  Warren Harding	Republican	1
1  Rutherford Hayes	Republican	1
1  Lyndon Johnson	Democrat	1
1  John Kennedy	        Democrat	1
1  Franklin Pierce	Democrat	1
1  James Polk	        Democrat	1
1  Zachary Taylor	Whig	        1
1  Harry Truman	        Democrat	1
1  John Anderson	Independent	0
1  John Bell	        Const Union	0
1  James G Blaine	Republican	0
1  John Breckinridge	Southern Dem	0
1  Lewis Cass	        Democrat	0
1  DeWitt Clinton	Federalist	0
1  James M Cox	        Democrat	0
1  William Crawford	Dem-Rep	        0
1  John Davis	        Democrat	0
1  Bob Dole	        Republican	0
1  Stephen Douglas	Democrat	0
1  Michael Dukakis	Democrat	0
1  Oliver Ellsworth	Federalist	0
1  Millard Fillmore	American (S)	0
1  John Floyd	        Ind Dem	        0
1  Gerald Ford	        Republican	0
1  Barry Goldwater	Republican	0
1  Al Gore	        Democrat	0
1  Horace Greeley	Democrat	0
1  Winfield Hancock	Democrat	0
1  John Hospers	        Libertarian	0
1  Charles E Hughes	Republican	0
1  Hubert Humphrey	Democrat	0
1  James Iredell	Federalist	0
1  Rufus King	        Federalist	0
1  Robert La Follette	Progressive	0
1  Alf Landon	        Republican	0
1  Douglas MacArthur	Constitution	0
1  William Mangum	Whig	        0
1  George McClellan	Democrat	0
1  George McGovern	Democrat	0
1  Walter Mondale	Democrat	0
1  Alton Parker	        Democrat	0
1  Thomas Pinckney	Federalist	0
1  Winfield Scott	Whig	        0
1  Horatio Seymour	Democrat	0
1  Alfred E Smith	Democrat	0
1  Strom Thurmond	States Rights	0
1  Samuel Tilden	Democrat	0
1  John Tyler *	        Ind Dem	        0
1  George Wallace	American Ind	0
1  Henry Wallace	Progressive	0
1  Daniel Webster	Whig	        0
1  Hugh White	        Whig	        0
1  Wendell Wilkie	Republican	0
1  William Wirt	        Anti-Masonic	0
1  Victoria Woodhull	People's	0
0  Chester Arthur	Republican	0
0  Andrew Johnson	Democrat	0
* Tyler was never an official candidate, but on the ballot in several states in 1844

Elections By State
St Elec Winners D R DR W F other AL 46 23 31 10 2 2 AK 11 7 1 10 AZ 23 19 8 15 AR 41 24 34 6 1 CA 38 32 14 23 1 CO 32 22 10 21 1 CT 54 37 16 23 3 3 7 2 DE 54 34 20 18 3 3 7 3 FL 39 27 23 14 1 GA 54 31 33 6 8 3 2 1 HI 11 7 9 2 ID 28 21 10 17 1 IL 46 39 20 24 2 IN 47 35 13 29 3 1 1 IA 39 28 11 28 KS 35 25 6 28 1 KY 53 33 27 10 8 4 1 3 LA 47 30 31 8 4 2 2 ME 46 31 11 31 2 1 1 MD 54 37 24 13 7 3 3 4 MA 54 36 16 21 4 5 6 2 MI 42 31 13 27 1 1 MN 36 27 15 20 1 MS 46 22 29 10 2 2 MO 46 35 30 14 2 MT 28 22 11 17 NE 34 23 7 27 NV 35 28 15 19 1 NH 54 41 14 29 5 5 1 NJ 54 39 20 19 6 3 4 2 NM 23 21 12 11 NY 53 44 22 19 7 2 2 NC 53 35 29 11 8 3 1 ND 27 20 5 22 OH 50 41 14 27 6 2 1 OK 24 18 10 14 OR 36 27 11 25 PA 54 45 16 25 7 2 3 1 RI 53 38 18 21 5 3 4 2 SC 54 31 28 12 8 1 2 2 SD 28 17 4 23 1 TN 52 34 24 13 8 5 1 TX 39 22 27 10 UT 27 21 8 19 VT 53 34 4 33 6 4 3 3 VA 54 34 27 14 8 2 1 WA 28 20 13 14 WV 35 27 20 15 WI 39 30 14 24 1 WY 28 21 8 20

Electoral Votes by State
	1789	1792	1796	1804	1812	1816	1820	1824
AL							3	5
CT	14	18	18	9	9	9	9	8
DE	6	6	6	3	4	4	4	3
GA	10	8	8	6	8	8	8	9
IL							3	3
IN						3	3	5
KY		8	8	8	12	12	12	14
LA					3	3	3	5
ME							9	9
MD	16	20	20	11	11	11	11	11
MA	20	32	32	19	22	22	15	15
MS							3	3
MO							3	3
NH	10	12	12	7	8	8	8	8
NJ	12	14	14	8	8	8	8	8
NY	16	24	24	19	29	29	29	36
NC	14	24	24	14	15	15	15	15
OH				3	8	8	8	16
PA	20	30	30	20	25	25	25	28
RI	6	8	8	4	4	4	4	4
SC	14	16	16	10	11	11	11	11
TN			6	5	8	8	8	11
VT		8	8	6	8	8	8	7
VA	24	42	42	24	25	25	25	24
Total	182	270	276	176	218	221	235	261

	1832	1836	1844	1848	1852	1860	1864	1868
AL	7	7	9	9	9	9	sec	8
AR		3	3	3	4	4	sec	5
CA					4	4	5	5
CT	8	8	6	6	6	6	6	6
DE	3	3	3	3	3	3	3	3
FL				3	3	3	sec	3
GA	11	11	10	10	10	10	sec	9
IL	5	5	9	9	11	11	16	16
IN	9	9	12	12	13	13	13	13
IA				4	4	4	8	8
KS							3	3
KY	15	15	12	12	12	12	11	11
LA	5	5	6	6	6	6	sec	7
ME	10	10	9	9	8	8	7	7
MD	10	10	8	8	8	8	7	7
MA	14	14	12	12	13	13	12	12
MI		3	5	5	6	6	8	8
MN						4	4	4
MS	4	4	6	6	7	7	sec	sec
MO	4	4	7	7	9	9	11	11
NE								3
NV							3	3
NH	7	7	6	6	5	5	5	5
NJ	8	8	7	7	7	7	7	7
NY	42	42	36	36	35	35	33	33
NC	15	15	11	11	10	10	sec	9
OH	21	21	23	23	23	23	21	21
OR						3	3	3
PA	30	30	26	26	27	27	26	26
RI	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4
SC	11	11	9	9	8	8	sec	6
TN	15	15	13	13	12	12	sec	10
TX				4	4	4	sec	sec
VT	7	7	6	6	5	5	5	5
VA	23	23	17	17	15	15	sec	sec
WV							5	5
WI				4	5	5	8	8
Total	288	294	275	290	296	303	234	294

	1872	1876	1884	1892	1896	1904	1908	1912
AL	10	10	10	11	11	11	11	12
AZ								3
AR	6	6	7	8	8	9	9	9
CA	6	6	8	9	9	10	10	13
CO		3	3	4	4	5	5	6
CT	6	6	6	6	6	7	7	7
DE	3	3	3	3	3	3	3	3
FL	4	4	4	4	4	5	5	6
GA	11	11	12	13	13	13	13	14
ID				3	3	3	3	4
IL	21	21	22	24	24	27	27	29
IN	15	15	15	15	15	15	15	15
IA	11	11	13	13	13	13	13	13
KS	5	5	9	10	10	10	10	10
KY	12	12	13	13	13	13	13	13
LA	8	8	8	8	8	9	9	10
ME	7	7	6	6	6	6	6	6
MD	8	8	8	8	8	8	8	8
MA	13	13	14	15	15	16	16	18
MI	11	11	13	14	14	14	14	15
MN	5	5	7	9	9	11	11	12
MS	8	8	9	9	9	10	10	10
MO	15	15	16	17	17	18	18	18
MT				3	3	3	3	4
NE	3	3	5	8	8	8	8	8
NV	3	3	3	3	3	3	3	3
NH	5	5	4	4	4	4	4	4
NJ	9	9	9	10	10	12	12	14
NM								3
NY	35	35	36	36	36	39	39	45
NC	10	10	11	11	11	12	12	12
ND				3	3	4	4	5
OH	22	22	23	23	23	23	23	24
OK							7	10
OR	3	3	3	4	4	4	4	5
PA	29	29	30	32	32	34	34	38
RI	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	5
SC	7	7	9	9	9	9	9	9
SD				4	4	4	4	5
TN	12	12	12	12	12	12	12	12
TX	8	8	13	15	15	18	18	20
UT					3	3	3	4
VT	5	5	4	4	4	4	4	4
VA	11	11	12	12	12	12	12	12
WA				4	4	5	5	7
WV	5	5	6	6	6	7	7	8
WI	10	10	11	12	12	13	13	13
WY				3	3	3	3	3
Total	366	369	401	444	447	476	483	531

	1932	1944	1952	1960	1964	1972	1984	1992
AL	11	11	11	11	10	9	9	9
AK				3	3	3	3	3
AZ	3	4	4	4	5	6	7	8
AR	9	9	8	8	6	6	6	6
CA	22	25	32	32	40	45	47	54
CO	6	6	6	6	6	7	8	8
CT	8	8	8	8	8	8	8	8
DE	3	3	3	3	3	3	3	3
DC					3	3	3	3
FL	7	8	10	10	14	17	21	25
GA	12	12	12	12	12	12	12	13
HI				3	4	4	4	4
ID	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4
IL	29	28	27	27	26	26	24	22
IN	14	13	13	13	13	13	12	12
IA	11	10	10	10	9	8	8	7
KS	9	8	8	8	7	7	7	6
KY	11	11	10	10	9	9	9	8
LA	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	9
ME	5	5	5	5	4	4	4	4
MD	8	8	9	9	10	10	10	10
MA	17	16	16	16	14	14	13	12
MI	19	19	20	20	21	21	20	18
MN	11	11	11	11	10	10	10	10
MS	9	9	8	8	7	7	7	7
MO	15	15	13	13	12	12	11	11
MT	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	3
NE	7	6	6	6	5	5	5	5
NV	3	3	3	3	3	3	4	4
NH	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4
NJ	16	16	16	16	17	17	16	15
NM	3	4	4	4	4	4	5	5
NY	47	47	45	45	43	41	36	33
NC	13	14	14	14	13	13	13	14
ND	4	4	4	4	4	3	3	3
OH	26	25	25	25	26	25	23	21
OK	11	10	8	8	8	8	8	8
OR	5	6	6	6	6	6	7	7
PA	36	35	32	32	29	27	25	23
RI	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4
SC	8	8	8	8	8	8	8	8
SD	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	3
TN	11	12	11	11	11	10	11	11
TX	23	23	24	24	25	26	29	32
UT	4	4	4	4	4	4	5	5
VT	3	3	3	3	3	3	3	3
VA	11	11	12	12	12	12	12	13
WA	8	8	9	9	9	9	10	11
WV	8	8	8	8	7	6	6	5
WI	12	12	12	12	12	11	11	11
WY	3	3	3	3	3	3	3	3
Total	531	531	531	537	538	538	538	538

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